Inspired by Stefan Goessner's JSONPath with some enhancements
Inspired by Stefan Goessner's JSONPath with some enhancements
First install node.js on your computer.
Then use the following command in command prompt:
npm install advanced-json-path
Quick Statrt Usage
var JSONPath = require('advanced-json-path');
var object = {
EventURL: "/mod-tc-mk2",
EventData: {
Device: "MOD-TC-MK2",
Status: "OK",
Data: {
Temperature: 23.75
I2C_Address: "0x23"
var path = '$..Temperature';
var result = JSONPath(object, path);
console.log(result); // 23.75
JSONPath Expressions Basics
as described at
JSONPath expressions always refer to a JSON structure in the same way as XPath expression are used in combination with an XML document. Since a JSON structure is usually anonymous and doesn't necessarily have a "root member object" JSONPath assumes the abstract name $ assigned to the outer level object.
JSONPath expressions can use the dot–notation
or the bracket–notation
for input path.
JSONPath allows the wildcard symbol * for member names and array indices. It borrows the descendant operator '..' from E4X and the array slice syntax proposal [start:end].
Expressions of the underlying scripting language (< expression >) can be used as an alternative to explicit names or indices as in
using the symbol '@' for the current object. Filter expressions are supported via the syntax ?(< boolean expression >) as in
Nested JSONPath expressions can be used with {< expression >}
Here is a complete overview of the JSONPath syntax elements.
Expression | Meaning -----------|-------- $ | Root Object @ | Current Object . | Child .. | Recursive children descent
- | Any object/property [ ] | index or quoted child name [start : end] | slice operator ( ) | script expression ?( ) | filter expression { } | nested JSONPath expression
Object in JSON notation used in examples:
var object = {
"EventURL": "/devices",
"EventData": {
"Device": "ESP8266",
"Status": "OK",
"Data": {
"Selected": 3,
"Devices": [
"Type": "UART",
"URL": "/mod-rfid",
"Found": 0
"Type": "UART",
"URL": "/mod-finger",
"Found": 1
"Type": "UART",
"URL": "/mod-emtr",
"Found": 0
"Type": "NATIVE",
"URL": "/button",
"Found": 1
"Type": "NATIVE",
"URL": "/relay",
"Found": 1
"Type": "NATIVE",
"URL": "/adc",
"Found": 1
"Type": "I2C",
"URL": "/mod-rgb",
"Found": 0,
"ID": "0x64",
"Addresses": []
"Type": "I2C",
"URL": "/mod-tc-mk2",
"Found": 1,
"ID": "0x27",
"Addresses": [
"Type": "I2C",
"URL": "/mod-io2",
"Found": 1,
"ID": "0x23",
"Addresses": [
"Type": "I2C",
"URL": "/mod-irda",
"Found": 1,
"ID": "0x54",
"Addresses": [
"Type": "SPI",
"URL": "/mod-led-8x8-rgb",
"Found": 1
// Dotted or bracket notation
JSONPath(object, "$.EventData.Device");
JSONPath(object, "$['EventData']['Device']");
// Result
// Recursive children descent
JSONPath(object, "$..Status");
// Result
// Index
JSONPath(object, "$..Devices[0]");
// Result
"Type": "UART",
"URL": "/mod-rfid",
"Found": 0
// Last device
JSONPath(object, "$..Devices[(@.length-1)]");
// Result
"Type": "SPI",
"URL": "/mod-led-8x8-rgb",
"Found": 1
// Nested JSONPath expression as index
JSONPath(object, "$..Devices[{$.EventData..Selected}]");
// Result
"Type": "NATIVE",
"URL": "/button",
"Found": 1
// Slice
JSONPath(object, "$..Devices[1:3]");
// Result
"Type": "UART",
"URL": "/mod-finger",
"Found": 1
"Type": "UART",
"URL": "/mod-emtr",
"Found": 0
// Filter expression
JSONPath(object, "$..Devices[?(@.Found == 1)]");
// Result
"Type": "UART",
"URL": "/mod-finger",
"Found": 1
"Type": "NATIVE",
"URL": "/button",
"Found": 1
"Type": "NATIVE",
"URL": "/relay",
"Found": 1
"Type": "NATIVE",
"URL": "/adc",
"Found": 1
"Type": "I2C",
"URL": "/mod-tc-mk2",
"Found": 1,
"ID": "0x27",
"Addresses": [
"Type": "I2C",
"URL": "/mod-io2",
"Found": 1,
"ID": "0x23",
"Addresses": [
"Type": "I2C",
"URL": "/mod-irda",
"Found": 1,
"ID": "0x54",
"Addresses": [
"Type": "SPI",
"URL": "/mod-led-8x8-rgb",
"Found": 1
// Filter using current object and nested JSONPath expression
JSONPath(object, "$..Devices[?({$.EventData.Status} == 'OK' && @.Type == 'SPI')]");
// Result
"Type": "SPI",
"URL": "/mod-led-8x8-rgb",
"Found": 1