Creates a sticky footer by making the below component stick to the bottom of the page.
Sticky Footer
Creates a sticky footer, by making the below component stick to the bottom of the page. Usually the below component is a Hero Image.
Feature requests
- [ ] Smooth-scrolling to internal links
- [ ] Allow toggle stickiness by device
This Boilerplate enhances the developer experience when setting up new Halfpipe components. It checks for code quality, prevents deployments from overwriting existing components and makes local development easier by providing a public url accessible from any device. In addition, asset paths are auto-generated during the build to ensure they are served through Cloudfront (CDN) for a low-latency CX.
Using the boilerplate
Use the boilerplate in a new project. Follow these steps:
- Create a new package with the name ADT-HalfpipeComponent-{NAME}.
- Clone your new package.
- Run the following inside your new package:
git remote add boilerplate ssh:// && git pull boilerplate mainline --allow-unrelated-histories && git remote remove boilerplate && git branch set-upstream-to origin mainline
First time set-up
Only needed the first time when working with Halfpipe:
- Set-up your work environment, so it can interact with the Halfpipe AWS account. Follow steps 1-5 here.
- Use Node v10 or above. Use nvm or n to manage multiple versions of NodeJS on your machine.
- Install yarn
Install dependencies
Creating a component
A component has three parts:
- Component information, such as
, inside package.json - Form props, stored in
. - The component itself, stored in
Component Information
In your package.json
, update the following:
"name": "{component-name}",
"displayName": "{Component Name}",
"description": "{component description}",
"homepage": "{wiki url}",
"releaseLevel": "{beta | stable}",
"supportedLocales": ["uk" | "us"],
"author": {
"name": "{Full Name}",
"url": "{alias}"
"buddy": "{buddy alias}", // used to submit code reviews. Default to "all" ADT Chime group
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "" // used to submit code reviews
Form props
"formParams": {
"defaultValues": {
"title": "Welcome to Halfpipe",
"isAwesome": true,
"asins": ["B0792KTHKJ", "B079QHML21"]
"formInputs": [
"key": "title",
"label": "Title",
"type": "string"
"key": "isAwesome",
"label": "Enable awesomeness?",
"type": "checkbox"
"key": "prodcuts",
"label": "Featured Products",
"type": "asins"
React Component
Update src/Main
Local development
yarn run dev
Public development (using Ngrok)
yarn run dev --public
This will create a new Ngrok instance and make your local server publically available. Additionally, all URLs will be prefixed for easy Remote Debugging.
yarn run lint
Will parse your code using eslint and Flow.
yarn run test
Will run all *.test.jsx? files.
yarn run docs
Will generate a complete documentation of your App, using your ESDoc comments.
yarn run build
Will build all your component for production, using a new version number for statics.
By default, all asset and bundle paths will be prefixed with your CDN url. You can override this public path with:
yarn run build --publicPath=
Absolute paths are also available. e.g:
yarn run build --publicPath=/subfolder/
yarn run analyze
will analyze your Bundle's size
yarn run deploy
Will build and deploy your component to the Halfpipe registry.
Code Reviews
Generate a new Code review
yarn run review
By default, all new Code Reviews will compare your current branch to mainline. It is recommended to follow Git Flow's guidelines and always work from a feature/- branch. Once the feature is ready, please submit your code review.
Overrides are possible.
yarn run review --parent develop
The task above will compare your branch to the remote's develop
As per best practicies, it is also recommended that you provide a quick description for your Code Review.
yarn run review --desc "My short description"
Will help watchers understand the purpose of the Review straight from the Chime channel.
Once a Code Review is submitted, you can start publishing new revisions:
yarn run review --r 1234
This task will submit a new revision for the CR-1234.
Editor set-up
This boilerplate works best with VSCode. Install the following extensions:
And set the following inside the settings.json:
"javascript.validate.enable": false,
"prettier.eslintIntegration": true,
"flow.useNPMPackagedFlow": true,
"[javascript]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
"[javascriptreact]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
Build tools
Testing tools
- Public DevServer using Ngrok (Custom made Webpack Plugin)
- Jest Unit Testing
Coding style
- Airbnb coding standard (integrated with es-lint)
- Prettier (integrated with es-lint)
- Flow Types (variable types in JavaScript)
- Husky (Lint code before commiting)
- Async
In your build-tools/config/webpack/index.js
devServer: {
port: 8080 // dev port
dist: {
pngQuantQuality: '85', // png compression quality
My component does not show up in Landing Page Builder?
There are a few reasons a component will not render in Landing Page Builder (LPB).
- Make sure the component is available in LPB's locale. Make sure that the LPB locale (e.g. US), is also included in the
field. - The deployment to Halfpipe AWS worked, but it crashed within the AWS account itself. Sign in to the AXTDT-DACX Shared AWS account, once signed in view the HalfpipePublish logs. If this fails consistently, it opens a TT assigned to DT.
is not defined
Install the global dependency cross-env
, by running npm install cross-env -g
I deployed an update, but my component does not update in Landing Page Builder.
A Halfpipe component deployment does not automatically update all components in Landing Page Builder. This is to prevent a component update from changing all live pages.
Instead, follow these steps:
- Remove all instances of the existing component.
- Save the page.
- Refresh the page.
- Add the component.
- Add screenshots (--public etc)
- Add docs for static / staticRoot
- Add troubleshooting for
Metadata does not match the expected Halfpipe format.
- Deploy to an S3 bucket inside the Halfpipe AWS account (instead of ksomedia).
- Check for duplicate keys inside
- Set-up ADT-Halfpipe-Utils and ADT-Halfpipe-CoreComponents
Local Development:
- Local asin offer data
- Give
component all the props it has in dev (e.g. XXX)
Feature Request
Please submit your requests here:
| Request | DT | Severity | Status | | --------------------------------------- | :-------- | -------: | -----: | | Add Auto-generated Freeform | @danieapt | 2 | ✓ | | Prefix css to avoid instances conflicts | @abiteau | 2 | ✓ | | Add support for TypeScript | @abiteau | 5 | | | Use css variables + IE polyfill | @abiteau | 5 | ✓ |