A front-end framework for AdonisJS
Getting Started
This package is available in the npm registry.
npm install adonisjs-livewire
Next, configure the package by running the following command.
node ace configure adonisjs-livewire
Enable ALS in config/app.ts
// config/app.ts
export const http: ServerConfig = {
useAsyncLocalStorage: true,
now you can use this.ctx
in your Livewire components.
Create a Livewire component
node ace make:livewire Counter
Basic Usage
// views/welcome.edge
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
@livewire('counter') or @livewire('Counter')
@livewire('search-users') or @livewire('SearchUsers')
Component as Page
Create layout file in resources/views/layouts/main.edge
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>{{ title ?? 'My App' }}</title>
// start/routes.ts
Route.livewire("/", "Counter"); // App/Livewire/Counter.ts
Route.livewire("/", "counter", [
initialCounter: 10,
]); // args
Route.livewire("/", "counter", { initialCounter: 10 }); // args[0] shorthand
Route.livewire("/search-users", "search-users"); // App/Livewire/SearchUsers.ts
Route.livewire("/search-users"); // App/Livewire/SearchUsers.ts
Route.livewire("/search-users", "search-users.index"); // App/Livewire/SearchUsers/Index.ts
Registering Custom Components
You may manually register components using the Livewire::component method. This can be useful if you want to provide Livewire components from a composer package. Typically this should be done in the ready method of a service provider.
import type { ApplicationContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Application'
import { Component } from 'adonisjs-livewire'
export default class AppProvider {
constructor(protected app: ApplicationContract) {
public async ready() {
const { Livewire } = await import('@ioc:Adonis/Addons/Livewire')
Livewire.component('custom-component', class extends Component {
public title = ''
public mount({ title }) {
this.title = title
async render() {
return "<div>{{ title }}</div>"
Now, applications with your package installed can consume your component in their views like so:
@livewire('custom-component', {
title: 'My Component'
// or
<livewire:custom-component title="My Component" />