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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Utility functions used in Adaptic app and Lambda functions




Adaptic Utilities

Last updated: 20 Feb 2025

A comprehensive utility library for financial data processing, time manipulation, and formatting.

NPM repo:


npm install adaptic-utils


Import the functions from the library:

import { adaptic } from 'adaptic-utils';

Environment Variables

  • ALPACA_API_KEY - Required for crypto data and news
  • ALPACA_API_SECRET - Required for crypto data and news
  • GOOGLE_SHEETS_CLIENT_EMAIL - Required for Google Sheets operations
  • GOOGLE_SHEETS_PRIVATE_KEY - Required for Google Sheets operations (with newlines preserved)
  • BACKEND_HTTPS_URL= for the backend functions
  • NODE_ENV='production' for backend functions to work with a remote server

Alpaca Functions

fetchAccountDetails(accountId: string): Promise<AccountDetails>

Asynchronously retrieves detailed information about a specific Alpaca trading account.


  • accountId: string - The Alpaca account ID


  • Promise<AccountDetails> - Comprehensive account details including:
      id: string;
      account_number: string;
      currency: string;
      cash: string;
      portfolio_value: string;  // deprecated, equivalent to equity
      equity: string;
      buying_power: string;
      initial_margin: string;
      maintenance_margin: string;
      daytrade_count: number;
      daytrading_buying_power: string;
      options_buying_power: string;
      options_approved_level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3;
      // ... and more fields available


const accountDetails = await adaptic.alpaca.fetchAccountDetails('your-account-id');
console.log(`Account equity: ${accountDetails.equity}`);

fetchPortfolioHistory({ params, accountId, client, alpacaAccount }: FetchPortfolioHistoryProps): Promise<PortfolioHistoryResponse>

Asynchronously retrieves historical portfolio data including equity and profit/loss information from either the Adaptic backend or directly from an Alpaca account.


  • FetchPortfolioHistoryProps:
      params: PortfolioHistoryParams;     // Portfolio history query parameters
      accountId?: string;                 // The Alpaca account ID (required if alpacaAccount not provided)
      client?: ApolloClientType<NormalizedCacheObject>;         // Optional Apollo client for backend queries
      alpacaAccount?: types.AlpacaAccount;// Optional Alpaca account object (if provided, accountId not required)
  • PortfolioHistoryParams:
      period?: string;         // e.g., '1D', '1W', '1M', '1A', 'YTD' (YTD will be converted to '1A')
      timeframe?: '1Min' | '5Min' | '15Min' | '1H' | '1D';
      intraday_reporting?: 'market_hours' | 'extended_hours' | 'continuous';
      start?: string;         // RFC3339 format (if specified with period, period will be ignored)
      end?: string;           // RFC3339 format
      pnl_reset?: 'per_day' | 'no_reset';


  • Promise<PortfolioHistoryResponse>:
      timestamp: number[];     // UNIX epoch format
      equity: number[];
      profit_loss: number[];
      profit_loss_pct: number[];
      base_value: number;
      base_value_asof?: string;
      timeframe: string;
      cashflow?: Record<string, number>;


// Using accountId
const history = await adaptic.alpaca.fetchPortfolioHistory({
  accountId: 'your-account-id',
  params: {
    period: '1M',
    timeframe: '1D'

// Using direct Alpaca account object
const history = await adaptic.alpaca.fetchPortfolioHistory({
  alpacaAccount: yourAlpacaAccount,
  params: {
    start: '2025-01-01T00:00:00Z',
    end: '2025-01-31T00:00:00Z',
    timeframe: '1D'

adaptic.position.fetchAll(auth: AlpacaAuth): Promise<Position[]>

Asynchronously fetches all current open positions for an Alpaca trading account.


  • auth: AlpacaAuth - Authentication details:
      adapticAccountId?: string;  // Either this
      alpacaApiKey?: string;     // Or these two
      alpacaApiSecret?: string;


  • Promise<Position[]> - Array of positions with the following type:
      asset_id: string;
      symbol: string;
      exchange: string;
      asset_class: string;
      asset_marginable: boolean;
      qty: string;
      qty_available: string;
      avg_entry_price: string;
      side: 'long' | 'short';
      market_value: string;
      cost_basis: string;
      unrealized_pl: string;
      unrealized_plpc: string;
      unrealized_intraday_pl: string;
      unrealized_intraday_plpc: string;
      current_price: string;
      lastday_price: string;
      change_today: string;


// Using adapticAccountId
const positions = await adaptic.position.fetchAll({
  adapticAccountId: 'your-account-id'

// Using direct API keys
const positions = await adaptic.position.fetchAll({
  alpacaApiKey: 'your-api-key',
  alpacaApiSecret: 'your-api-secret'

adaptic.position.fetch(symbolOrAssetId: string, auth: AlpacaAuth): Promise<Position>

Asynchronously fetches a specific position for an Alpaca trading account.


  • symbolOrAssetId: string - The symbol or asset ID to fetch the position for
  • auth: AlpacaAuth - Authentication details (same as above)


  • Promise<Position> - Single position details with the same type as in fetchAll


const position = await adaptic.position.fetch('AAPL', {
  adapticAccountId: 'your-account-id'

adaptic.position.close(symbolOrAssetId: string, auth: AlpacaAuth, params?: ClosePositionParams): Promise<Order>

Closes a specific position in an Alpaca trading account.


  • symbolOrAssetId: string - The symbol or asset ID of the position to close
  • auth: AlpacaAuth - Authentication details (same as above)
  • params?: ClosePositionParams - Optional closing parameters:
      qty?: number;        // Quantity of shares to close (up to 9 decimal places)
      percentage?: number; // Percentage of position to close (0-100, up to 9 decimal places)


  • Promise<Order> - The order created to close the position


// Close entire position
const order = await adaptic.position.close('AAPL', {
  adapticAccountId: 'your-account-id'

// Close 50% of position
const order = await adaptic.position.close('AAPL', {
  adapticAccountId: 'your-account-id'
}, {
  percentage: 50

adaptic.position.closeAll(auth: AlpacaAuth, params?: CloseAllPositionsParams): Promise<Array<{ symbol: string; status: number; body?: Order }>>

Closes all positions in an Alpaca trading account.


  • auth: AlpacaAuth - Authentication details (same as above)
  • params?: CloseAllPositionsParams - Optional parameters:
      cancelOrders?: boolean; // If true, cancels all open orders before closing positions


  • Promise<Array<{ symbol: string; status: number; body?: Order }>> - Status of each position closure attempt:
    • symbol: string - The symbol of the position
    • status: number - HTTP status code for the attempt
    • body?: Order - The order created to close the position (if successful)


// Close all positions
const results = await adaptic.position.closeAll({
  adapticAccountId: 'your-account-id'

// Close all positions and cancel pending orders
const results = await adaptic.position.closeAll({
  adapticAccountId: 'your-account-id'
}, {
  cancelOrders: true

createOrder(params: CreateOrderParams): Promise<Order>

Creates a new order for trading.


  • params: CreateOrderParams:
      symbol: string;
      qty?: string;
      notional?: string;
      side: 'buy' | 'sell';
      type: 'market' | 'limit' | 'stop' | 'stop_limit' | 'trailing_stop';
      time_in_force: 'day' | 'gtc' | 'opg' | 'cls' | 'ioc' | 'fok';
      limit_price?: string;
      stop_price?: string;
      trail_price?: string;
      trail_percent?: string;
      extended_hours?: boolean;
      client_order_id?: string;
      order_class?: 'simple' | 'oco' | 'oto' | 'bracket';
      take_profit?: {
        limit_price: string;
        stop_price?: string;
        order_class?: OrderClass;
      stop_loss?: {
        stop_price: string;
        limit_price?: string;
        order_class?: OrderClass;
      position_intent?: 'buy_to_open' | 'buy_to_close' | 'sell_to_open' | 'sell_to_close';


  • Promise<Order> - Created order details with full order type information

Crypto Functions

fetchBars(params: CryptoBarsParams): Promise<CryptoBarsResponse>

Fetches historical bar data for crypto trading pairs.


  • params: CryptoBarsParams:
      symbols: CryptoPair[];
      timeframe: CryptoTimeframe;  // '1Min' | '5Min' | '15Min' | '1Hour' | '1Day' | '1Week' | '1Month'
      start?: Date;
      end?: Date;
      limit?: number;
      page_token?: string;
      sort?: 'asc' | 'desc';


  • Promise<CryptoBarsResponse>:
      bars: {
        [symbol: string]: CryptoBar[];
      next_page_token?: string;
    where CryptoBar is:
      t: number;  // timestamp
      o: number;  // open
      h: number;  // high
      l: number;  // low
      c: number;  // close
      v: number;  // volume

Market Data Functions

fetchPolygonPrices(symbol: string, params: object): Promise<PolygonPriceData[]>

Fetches historical price data from


  • symbol: string - The trading symbol
  • params: object - Query parameters for the data fetch


  • Promise<PolygonPriceData[]>:
      date: string;
      timeStamp: number;
      open: number;
      high: number;
      low: number;
      close: number;
      vol: number;
      vwap: number;

Performance Metrics

calculateBeta(returns: number[], benchmarkReturns: number[]): CalculateBetaResult

Calculates beta and related statistics for a portfolio against a benchmark.


  • returns: number[] - Array of portfolio returns
  • benchmarkReturns: number[] - Array of benchmark returns


  • CalculateBetaResult:
      beta: number;
      covariance: number;
      variance: number;
      averagePortfolioReturn: number;
      averageBenchmarkReturn: number;

calculateMaxDrawdown(portfolioValues: number[]): number

Calculates the maximum drawdown from peak for a series of portfolio values.


  • portfolioValues: number[] - Array of portfolio values over time


  • number - Maximum drawdown as a decimal (e.g., 0.25 for 25% drawdown)

calculateDailyReturns(portfolioValues: number[]): number[]

Computes daily returns from a series of portfolio values.


  • portfolioValues: number[] - Array of portfolio values


  • number[] - Array of daily returns as decimals

News Functions

fetchNews(params: NewsParams): Promise<NewsResponse>

Fetches financial news articles.


  • params: NewsParams:
      start?: Date | string;
      end?: Date | string;
      symbols?: string | string[];
      limit?: number;
      sort?: 'asc' | 'desc';
      page_token?: string;


  • Promise<NewsResponse>:
      news: {
        id: number;
        author: string;
        content: string;
        created_at: string;
        updated_at: string;
        headline: string;
        source: string;
        summary: string;
        url: string;
        symbols: string[];
        images: {
          size: 'large' | 'small' | 'thumb';
          url: string;
      next_page_token?: string;

Time Utilities

Market Time Types

The following types are used throughout the market time utilities:

type Period = "1D" | "3D" | "1W" | "1M" | "3M" | "6M" | "1Y" | "YTD";
type Timeframe = "1Min" | "5Min" | "15Min" | "1H" | "1D";
type IntradayReporting = 'market_hours' | 'extended_hours' | 'continuous';
type OutputFormat = 'iso' | 'unix-seconds' | 'unix-ms';

interface MarketTimeParams {
  period?: Period;
  start?: Date;
  end?: Date;
  timezone?: string;
  intraday_reporting?: IntradayReporting;
  outputFormat?: OutputFormat;

interface PeriodDates {
  start: string | number;
  end: string | number;

interface MarketOpenCloseOptions {
  date?: Date;

interface MarketOpenCloseResult {
  marketOpen: boolean;
  open: Date | null;
  close: Date | null;
  openExt: Date | null;
  closeExt: Date | null;

createMarketTimeUtil(timezone?: string, intraday_reporting?: IntradayReporting): MarketTimeUtil

Creates a utility for market time-related operations.


  • timezone?: string - Optional timezone (default: 'America/New_York')
  • intraday_reporting?: IntradayReporting - Optional intraday reporting mode:
    • 'market_hours' - Regular market hours (9:30 AM - 4:00 PM ET)
    • 'extended_hours' - Extended market hours (4:00 AM - 8:00 PM ET)
    • 'continuous' - All day, 24/7


  • MarketTimeUtil - Market time utility object

getMarketOpenClose(options?: MarketOpenCloseOptions): MarketOpenCloseResult

Gets market open/close times for both regular and extended hours for a given date.


  • options?: MarketOpenCloseOptions - Optional parameters:
    • date?: Date - The date to check (default: current date)


  • MarketOpenCloseResult:
      marketOpen: boolean;      // Whether the market is open on this date
      open: Date | null;        // Regular market hours open time
      close: Date | null;       // Regular market hours close time
      openExt: Date | null;     // Extended hours open time
      closeExt: Date | null;    // Extended hours close time


const { marketOpen, open, close, openExt, closeExt } = adaptic.time.getMarketOpenClose({
  date: new Date('2024-12-24')

getMarketStatus(options?: { date?: Date }): MarketStatus

Gets the current market status and detailed information about market periods.


  • options?: object - Optional parameters:
    • date?: Date - The date to check (default: current date)


  • MarketStatus:
      time: Date;                // Current time
      timeString: string;        // Formatted time string
      status: "closed" | "extended hours" | "open";  // Current market status
      nextStatus: "closed" | "extended hours" | "open";  // Next market status
      marketPeriod: "preMarket" | "earlyMarket" | "regularMarket" | "afterMarket" | "closed";  // Detailed market period
      nextStatusTime: Date;      // Time when next status begins
      nextStatusTimeDifference: number;  // Milliseconds until next status
      nextStatusTimeString: string;      // Formatted next status time

The marketPeriod field indicates the specific trading period:

  • preMarket: 4:00 AM - 9:30 AM ET
  • earlyMarket: 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM ET
  • regularMarket: 10:00 AM - Market Close (typically 4:00 PM ET)
  • afterMarket: Market Close - 8:00 PM ET
  • closed: Outside of all trading hours


const status = adaptic.time.getMarketStatus();
console.log(`Current market period: ${status.marketPeriod}`);

toUnixTimestamp(date: Date): number

Converts a date to Unix timestamp.


  • date: Date - The date to convert


  • number - Unix timestamp

getTimeAgo(date: Date): string

Returns a human-readable time difference from now.


  • date: Date - The date to calculate from


  • string - Human-readable time difference (e.g., '1 minute ago')

normalizeDate(date: Date): string

Standardizes a date to a consistent format.


  • date: Date - The date to standardize


  • string - Standardized date string (e.g., '2024-11-09')

getDateInNY(time: number | string | { year: number; month: number; day: number }): Date

Returns the current date in New York timezone.


  • time: number | string | { year: number; month: number; day: number } - The time or date to convert


  • Date - Date in New York timezone

getStartAndEndTimestamps(params: MarketTimeParams = {}): PeriodDates

Generates start and end timestamps for a given period.


  • params: MarketTimeParams - Optional parameters for the period


  • PeriodDates - Start and end timestamps for the period

getStartAndEndDates(params: MarketTimeParams = {}): { start: Date; end: Date }

Gets the start and end dates for a given period.


  • params: MarketTimeParams - Optional parameters for the period


  • { start: Date; end: Date } - Start and end dates for the period

getLastTradingDateYYYYMMDD(): string

Gets the last trading date in YYYY-MM-DD format.


  • string - Last trading date in YYYY-MM-DD format

getLastFullTradingDate(currentDate?: Date): { date: Date; YYYYMMDD: string }

Gets the last full trading date, considering market hours and holidays.


  • currentDate?: Date - Optional reference date (defaults to current date)


  • Object containing:
    • date: Date - The last full trading date
    • YYYYMMDD: string - The date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD

getNextMarketDay({ referenceDate?: Date }): { date: Date; yyyymmdd: string; dateISOString: string }

Gets the next market day from a reference date.


  • referenceDate?: Date - Optional reference date (defaults to current date)


  • Object containing:
    • date: Date - The next market day (start of day in NY time)
    • yyyymmdd: string - The date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
    • dateISOString: string - Full ISO date string


const nextMarketDay = adaptic.time.getNextMarketDay();
console.log(`Next market day: ${nextMarketDay.yyyymmdd}`);

// With reference date
const nextMarketDay = adaptic.time.getNextMarketDay({ referenceDate: new Date('2025-01-01') });

currentTimeET(): Date

Gets the current time in Eastern Time.


  • Date - Current time in Eastern Time

Formatting Utilities

capitalize(string: string): string

Capitalizes the first letter of a string.


  • string: string - The string to capitalize


  • string - Capitalized string

formatEnum(enumValue: any): string

Formats an enum value for display.


  • enumValue: any - The enum value to format


  • string - Formatted enum value

formatCurrency(value: number): string

Formats a number as currency.


  • value: number - The number to format


  • string - Formatted currency string

formatPercentage(value: number): string

Formats a number as a percentage.


  • value: number - The number to format


  • string - Formatted percentage string

Misc utilities

logIfDebug(message: string, data?: unknown, type: LogType = 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'debug' | 'trace'): void

Debug logging utility that respects environment debug flags.


  • message: string - The log message
  • data?: unknown - Optional data to log
  • type: LogType - Optional log type (default: 'info')

fetchWithRetry(url: string, options: RequestInit): Promise<Response>

Fetches data from a URL with retry logic.


  • url: string - The URL to fetch
  • options: RequestInit - Optional fetch options


  • Promise<Response> - Fetched response

Alpaca API Utilities

This module provides several utility functions to interact with the Alpaca API, including fetching account details, placing orders, and retrieving market news.

Fetching News Articles

The fetchNews function retrieves news articles for specified symbols from the Alpaca API. It supports pagination and accepts various optional parameters to customize the query.


import { fetchNews } from './alpaca';

// Example: Fetch news for a single symbol or multiple symbols (comma-separated)
const symbols = "AAPL,MSFT,GOOG"; // For multiple symbols, use a comma-separated string

(async () => {
  try {
    // Option 1: Pass Alpaca API credentials via the auth parameter
    const newsData = await fetchNews(symbols, {
      auth: {
        alpacaApiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
        alpacaApiSecret: "YOUR_API_SECRET",
      start: new Date( - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000), // Default: last 24 hours
      end: new Date(),
      limit: 10,
      sort: 'desc',

    // Option 2: Rely on environment variables ALPACA_API_KEY and ALPACA_API_SECRET
    const newsDataEnv = await fetchNews(symbols, {
      start: new Date( - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000),
      end: new Date(),
      limit: 10,
      sort: 'desc',

    // Pagination
    // fetchNews automatically fetches all pages if a next_page_token is provided by the API.
    // The final returned result contains all aggregated news articles along with a `nextPageToken` (if any remain).

  } catch (error) {
    console.error(`Error fetching news: ${error}`);

Parameter Details

  • symbols: A required string listing the symbols to fetch news for. For multiple symbols, separate them with commas (e.g., "AAPL,MSFT,GOOG").
  • params.auth: (Optional) An object of type AlpacaAuth containing either:
    • alpacaApiKey and alpacaApiSecret for direct authentication, or
    • adapticAccountId to look up credentials from your backend via Adaptic.

If the auth parameter is not provided, the function will fallback to using the environment variables ALPACA_API_KEY and ALPACA_API_SECRET.

  • params.start and params.end: Specify the date range (as a Date object or string) for the news articles. Defaults to the last 24 hours if not provided.
  • params.limit: The maximum number of articles to return per page (default is 10).
  • params.sort: The sort order for articles. Use 'asc' for ascending order or 'desc' for descending order (default is 'desc').
  • params.page_token: A token for pagination. This is automatically handled by fetchNews if more results are available.

The function consolidates all pages of results and returns an object with a news array (of type SimpleNews[]) and an optional nextPageToken.

Contributing to the Repository

Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue for any enhancements or bug fixes.


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Thanks for reading this far! Why did the trader bring a ladder to the bar? Because they heard the drinks were on the house!