A TypeScript utility for writing I/O agnostic programs
🔌 adapter
write I/O agnostic utilities
What is it?
is a tiny TypeScript helper for writing I/O agnostic utilities in a standardized way. Your code could run in a headless process, an interactive commandline tool, or in a graphical program, but either way your code remains the same.
The idea is difficult to appreciate without an example. If you're comfortable with writing your own Promises and async
patterns, the following example should be fairly intuitive.
Let's say that you have some code that creates a remote repository via the GitHub API. It might look roughly like this:
import axios from 'axios'; // http library
const url = '';
const headers = { Authorization: 'token <access-token>' };
const data = { name: '<repo-name>', private: true };
await, data, {headers});
can be used to improve this code by injecting (or "plugging in") the means of handling I/O (input
), just as Promises inject the means of handling success/failure (resolve
). Let's rewrite the above code leveraging these injections:
// github-service.ts
import axios, {AxiosResponse} from 'axios';
import {makeAdapter} from 'adapter';
type Resolve = AxiosResponse;
type Input = {
types: { 'text': string, 'yes-no': boolean },
options: {
[type: string]: { message: string }
keys: {
'access-token': 'text',
'repo-name': 'text',
'private': 'yes-no',
'retry': 'yes-no',
type Output = string;
export const createRepo = () => makeAdapter<Resolve, Input, Output>(
async (input, output) => {
const url = '';
const headers = {
Authorization: 'token ' + await input(
'access-token', 'text', {message: 'Personal Access Token: '}
const data = {
name: await input(
'repo-name', 'text', {message: 'Repository Name: '}
private: await input(
'private', 'yes-no', {message: 'Private?: '}
output('Making API call to GitHub...');
let response;
try {
response = await, data, {headers});
} catch (e) {
output('Something went wrong... Status code: ' + e.response.status);
if (await input('retry', 'yes-no', {message: 'Would you like to try again? '})) {
return await createRepo().attach({input, output});
} else {
throw e;
output('Repository created!');
return response;
Now that our input and output functions are injected, we can use this service anywhere. Say we want to use it as part of a CLI application:
// cli-app.ts
import {prompt} from 'inquirer'; // inquirer is tool for getting cli input
import {createRepo} from './github-service';
const then =;
const output = console.log;
const input = async (type, key, options) => {
if (type === 'text') type = 'input';
if (type === 'yes-no') type = 'confirm';
return await prompt([{
name: key,
type: type,
message: options.message
createRepo() // calling our service gives us an `Adapter`
.attach({then, output, input}) // here we "plug in" our attachments
.exec(); // and this executes our code
We could also utilize the same service in a web application:
// browser-app.ts
import service from './service';
service() // you can also attach handlers independently,
.then( // like so:
.input(async (type, key, options) => {
if (type === 'yes-no') {
const yn = window.prompt(options.message + '(Y/n)');
return yn === 'y';
} else {
return window.prompt(options.message);
Hopefully seeing these two applications side by side illustrates the advantages of using adapter
npm install adapter
yarn add adapter
More complete documentation is coming soon!
Tanner Nielsen [email protected]