extract strings for translations from adapt JSON files
Adapt translation extract
this repo aims to ease translation of Adapt' s modules. It was developed as a quick and dirty extractor
currently these are notes for the development of this module
for the moment this is a 2 step process
to the script directory- copy the content of the
folder of the ADAPT course to a folder namedsrc
(create it in the root dir of this script - in the root of the script dir run
npm run extract
this will treats :
- article
- config.json
- course.json
- contentObjects.json
- components.json
and create a extracted
folder at the root of the script's directory
containing MODIFIED version of the json files with reference to the translatable fields
and a trad.json
KEEP THESE FILES TOGHTHER !!! order of the translated fields IS important so a trad.json is linked to the ADAPT's json files, and modification to the main files may end up genrating different ids
write trads
node wrTrad
will take the content of extracted
and generate an output in the dest
modification of the trad.json file is left to the script user since the translation workflow is specific to each projects
this tool should:
- [x]read the needed source files
- [x]extract needed fields
- [x]store the field
- [x]create field object containing
- [x]a uId
- [x]the original field key
- [x]the original field content
- [x] replace extracted fields content with a template sting containing the field uId
- [x] write the extracted fields as a json object
- [x] read / write csv <=> json for the translators
- [x] write the source file with modified fields
- write a full model for the input, output and translations, for the next step (at work in the objectify branch)
- write objects to a database (level db)
- translation via object rather than lodash templates ?
- more exports formats (at work, XLS support)
- build an ui for translation input
- make config more clear and centralised
- write clean documentation
- harmonize trad object outputs
- automate process
- [x] have some tests
- finishing writing tests
- [x] treat special case of the hotgraphic and textinput (see git repo examples)
- finish all types of components
- [x]add specific cases for files other than component (currently treated by generic case)
- switch to streams
- write schema with all translated properties specified
- switch all debugging to use debug module
- create a better naming scheme for the translation keys
- switch translation writting from file based to object based
- write a script to reorder components
- make a better build process
- use excel file instead of csv
- steamline axa's csv production
- integrate web vtt production to the build (and output files in the dest files as well)
this system is useless now because of adapt system, but need improvement for legacy project, no need to go to far tho
data extractions functions are in the lib/transformers.js
cases for each type of objects are located in the lib/cases
this is an internal tool, that is not yet in a polished state, use at your own risks!!!
A id based key is at work but for now this require stable json files since adding item may offset extracted translations keys.