API wrapper for
A wrapper for the AChecker API. You will need an API KEY to use the service.
Install via NPM!
npm install achecker
Example usage
'use strict';
var achecker = require('achecker');
var a = new achecker({
key: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
uri : '',
offset: 0,
guide: 'WCAG1-AA'
}, function(result){
Supported options
The available options are:
(required):The "Web Service ID" generated by AChecker when you register. This ID is a 40 characters long string. (Default: none)uri
(required): The encoded URL of the document to validate. (Default: none)offset
(optional): The line offset to begin validation on the html output from URI. (Default: 0)guide
(optional): The guidelines to validate against. Separate each guideline with comma (,). (Default: WCAG2-AA)- BITV1: abbreviation of guideline bitv-1.0-(level-2);
- 508: abbreviation of guideline section-508;
- STANCA: abbreviation of guideline stanca-act;
- WCAG1-A: abbreviation of guideline wcag-1.0-(level-a);
- WCAG1-AA: abbreviation of guideline wcag-1.0-(level-aa);
- WCAG1-AAA: abbreviation of guideline wcag-1.0-(level-aaa);
- WCAG2-A: abbreviation of guideline wcag-2.0-l1;
- WCAG2-AA: abbreviation of guideline wcag-2.0-l2;
- WCAG2-AAA: abbreviation of guideline wcag-2.0-l3.
Response Format
: The summary element of the validation response.status
: Can be one of these values: FAIL, CONDITIONAL PASS, PASS. FAIL is set when there is/are known problem(s). CONDITIONAL PASS is set when there is no known problems but there is/are likely or potential problem(s). PASS is set when there is no problems found, OR, there is no known problems and likely/potential problems have pass decisions made on.errors
: Counts the number of known problems.likelyProblems
: Counts the number of likely problems.potentialProblems
: Counts the number of potential problems.
: Can be one of these values: Error, Likely Problem, Potential Problem.lineNum
: Within the source code of the validated document, refers to the line where the error was detected.columnNum
: Within the source code of the validated document, refers to the column of the line where the error was detected.errorMsg
: An object with two properties, a link to more information about the error and a string of the error message.errorSourceCode
: The line of the source where the error/problem was
: How to repair, only presented when resultType is "Error".decisionPass
: The actual text message of the pass decision. Only presented when resultType is "Likely Problem" or "Potential Problem"decisionFail
: The actual text message of the fail decision. Only presented when resultType is "Likely Problem" or "Potential Problem"
Response Example
summary: {
sessionID: "2fb79cef7f3cdf79b39154e6f8c84cdce1df0f92",
errors: 1,
likelyProblems: 1,
potentialProblems: 3
results: [
resultType: "Error",
lineNum: "2",
columnNum: "1",
errorMsg: {
url: "",
message: "Document does not validate."
errorSourceCode: "<html>\n<head> <title>Example Domain</title> <meta charset=\"utf-8\" /> <meta http-equiv=\" ...",
repair: "Validate the document using a validator service."
resultType: "Potential Problem",
lineNum: "4",
columnNum: "5",
errorMsg: {
url: "",
message: "<code>title</code> might not describe the document."
sequenceID: "4_5_54",
decisionPass: "<code>title</code> describes the document.",
decisionFail: "<code>title</code> does not describe the document."
resultType: "Potential Problem",
lineNum: "44",
columnNum: "5",
errorMsg: {
url: "",
message: "<code>h1</code> may be used for formatting."
errorSourceCode: "<h1>Example Domain</h1>",
sequenceID: "44_5_42",
decisionPass: "This <code>h1</code> element is really a section header.",
decisionFail: "This <code>h1</code> element is used to format text (not really a section header)."
resultType: "Potential Problem",
lineNum: "47",
columnNum: "8",
errorMsg: {
url: "",
message: "Link text may not be meaningful."
errorSourceCode: "<a href=\"\">More information...</a>",
sequenceID: "47_8_19",
decisionPass: "Link text is meaningful when read alone (out of context).",
decisionFail: "Link text is not meaningful when read alone (out of context)."
resultType: "Likely Problem",
lineNum: "47",
columnNum: "8",
errorMsg: {
url: "",
message: "Anchor that opens new window may be missing warning."
errorSourceCode: "<a href=\"\">More information...</a>",
sequenceID: "47_8_18",
decisionPass: "There is a warning to user that anchor opens a new window.",
decisionFail: "User is not given warning that anchor opens a new window."