Ace Clang Linter is an extension for the Ace Linters suite, providing Language Server Protocol (LSP) support for c. It integrates seamlessly with Ace Linters, enhancing your Ace editor with linting and analysis capabilities based on the LSP standard.
Ace Clang Linter
Ace Clang Linter is an extension for the Ace Linters suite, providing Language Server Protocol (LSP) support for c. It integrates seamlessly with Ace Linters, enhancing your Ace editor with linting and analysis capabilities based on the LSP standard.
Key Features
- LSP Compatibility: Implements LSP features supported by the c language server.
- Seamless Integration: Works effortlessly with Ace Linters and the Ace editor.
- Easy Setup: Quick and straightforward integration into your existing environment.
To install Ace Clang Linter, run the following commands:
npm install ace-linters
npm install ace-clang-linter
Register the service on the web worker's side:
import { ServiceManager } from "ace-linters/build/service-manager"; manager.registerService("clang", { module: () => import("ace-clang-linter/build/ace-clang-linter"), className: "AceClangLinter", modes: "c_cpp", });
Use in conjunction with the
main package similar to predefined services example
Example using script tag from CDN
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="editor" style="height: 100px">some text</div>
ace.require("ace/ext/language_tools"); //To allow autocompletion
var editor = ace.edit("editor", {
enableBasicAutocompletion: true,
enableLiveAutocompletion: true,
mode: "ace/mode/c_cpp"
var services = [{
name: "clang",
className: "AceClangLinter",
modes: "c_cpp",
script: "build/ace-clang-linter.js",
// url to your cdn provider
cdnUrl: ""
let provider = LanguageProvider.fromCdn({
services: services,
serviceManagerCdn: "",
//optional, if you want to use default linters
includeDefaultLinters: true
Supported Features
This linter supports the following features:
- format: Provides code formatting.
Powered by
- clang-format A WASM Based Clang Format | C / C++ / C# / Objective-C / Java / Protobuf
Ace linters is released under the MIT License.