The fastest and most accurate javascript full-text search library. Accurate search uses match distance algorithm to return the accurate order of the matching items.
The fastest and most accurate Javascript full-text search library.
Accurate search uses match distance algorithm to return the accurate order of the matching items. Match distance means words matched in the beginning of the text weight more than those matched further in the text. Scoring is influenced by the distance of the match in the text. No dependencies on other libraries or APIs, so it works offline too.
- text search:
- the fastest and most accurate text search
- scoring is influenced by the distance of the match in the text
- if there is no accurate match found, it will run a fuzzy search
- search suggestions
- suggest full words starting with the letters entered by the user
- realtime indexing of the content
- content will stay indexed after adding or removing entries
A comparison with other javascript search libraries can be found on the Accurate Search website:
How to install
npm i accurate-search
How to use
const AccurateSearch = require('accurate-search')
let movies = ['Joker', 'Marriage Story', 'The Irishman']
//Initialize search
let accurateSearch = new AccurateSearch()
//Add data
for (let i = 0; i < movies.length; i++) {
accurateSearch.addText(i, movies[i])
let foundIds ='a')
//Show results
for (let id of foundIds) console.log(movies[id])
Search items with ratings
const AccurateSearch = require('accurate-search')
let movies = ['The Irishman', 'Joker', 'Marriage Story']
let ratings = [8.0, 8.6, 8.3]
//Initialize search
let accurateSearch = new AccurateSearch()
//Add data
for (let i = 0; i < movies.length; i++) {
accurateSearch.addText(i, movies[i], 100-10*ratings[i])
let foundIds ='a')
//Show results
for (let id of foundIds) console.log(movies[id])
Search suggestions
const AccurateSearch = require('accurate-search')
let movies = ['Joker', 'Marriage Story', 'The Irishman']
//Initialize search
let accurateSearch = new AccurateSearch()
//Add data
for (let i = 0; i < movies.length; i++) {
accurateSearch.addText(i, movies[i])
let suggestions = accurateSearch.suggestions('m', 5)
//Show results
for (let s of suggestions) console.log(s)
Remove entry from search index
const AccurateSearch = require('accurate-search')
let movies = ['Joker', 'Marriage Story', 'The Irishman']
//Initialize search
let accurateSearch = new AccurateSearch()
//Add data
for (let i = 0; i < movies.length; i++) {
accurateSearch.addText(i, movies[i])
let suggestions ='a')
//Show results
for (let s of suggestions) console.log(s)
//Remove entry
//Search again
let suggestions ='a')
//Show results
for (let s of suggestions) console.log(s)
Available methods
- addText(id, text, distanceBehind = 0)
- search(query) - Search with accurate engine. If there is no match found, search again with fuzzy engine.
- accurateSearch(query)
- fuzzySearch(query)
- suggestions(query, limit)
- remove(id)