Sass color-palette management and utilities.
Sass color-palette management by OddBird…
- Organize all your colors into a single map, or set of maps
- Document color relationships directly in the code
- Automate WCAG-appropriate contrast checking
- Generate color-palette documentation with Herman
OddBird's Accoutrement toolkits are designed around the idea that code should be meaningful to both humans and machines – opening the door for automation, while improving or maintaining readability. These tools integrate with Herman, our automated living pattern-library generator built on SassDoc.
Other Accoutrement include…
- Init provides lightweight browser-normalization.
- Scale helps manage scale patterns like font-sizes, margins, and gutters.
- Type provides webfont management tools, and other typography helpers.
- Layout provides layout utilities such as box-sizing, intrinsic ratios, z-index management, named media-queries, and a clearfix.
Quick Start: Colors
Install the package with npm or yarn:
npm install accoutrement-color
yarn add accoutrement-color
Import the library:
@import '<path-to>/accoutrement-color/sass/color';
Establish your color palette:
$colors: (
// set explicit colors
'brand-pink': hsl(330, 85%, 62%),
'brand-light': #ddf,
'brand-dark': #224,
// reference existing colors
'background': 'brand-light',
'border': 'brand-dark',
// make adjustments as needed, using color functions
'link': 'brand-pink' ('shade': 25%, 'desaturate': 15%),
Access your colors from anywhere:
.example {
border-color: color('border');
You can also define your colors in smaller maps,
and then add them to the global $colors
using the merge-color()
or add-colors()
$brand: (
'brand-pink': hsl(330, 85%, 62%),
'brand-light': #ddf,
'brand-dark': #224,
$patterns: (
'background': 'brand-light',
'border': 'brand-dark',
'link': 'brand-pink' ('shade': 25%),
// merge everything into the main $colors map…
@include add-colors($brand, $patterns);
We'll also help you calculate WCAG-appropriate color contrasts:
a:hover {
// set a background, and get well-contrasted text
@include contrasted('link');
// or return a contrasting color for use anywhere…
border-color: contrast('background');