This basic template app uses the B2C directory for authentication.
This basic template app uses the B2C directory for authentication.
To update for a new application, do the following:
- Go to the wiki page 'ESLint Install and Config' and walk through to update VSCode settings
- Add a new app icon in the 'public' folder
- Change the logo href and title text in 'public/index.html'
- Change the logo and app name in 'AppTopbar'
- Change the splash page image on the Dashboard
- Select the CSS theme in 'public/assets/layout/css' and 'public/assets/theme', then delete the remaining unused files
- Run 'npm install' then 'npm start' to check that the packages and template are working properly
- Use .env file for local variables
- When deploying app, move contents from .env into generated SWA .yml build file
App Template tools:
- Global toast messages (UserContext.js)
- Common table templates and tools (utilities/*.js)
- Global cross-app styling (public/assets/layout/css/layout-acaa.css)