A WIP boilerplate
A WIP boilerplate project
[x] I'm a big believer in the monorepo -> lerna to manage sub-packages
[ ] Version control for packages is important -> sematic-release
[x] For version management, everyone should be using asdf -> .tool-versions to manage file
[ ] yarn is a better package manager -> yarn.lock
[x] There should be community github folder -> .github folder (patterned from react-boilerplate)
[x] Editors configuration provided -> .editorconfig
[x] git config -> .gitignore and .gitattribute
[ ] docs are important, codes are not docs -> docs folder documents everything
[ ] try out react-storybook
[ ] There should always be a sane defaults option -> create-react-app style
[ ] Once broken, there should be options -> yeoman
[ ] While working, you should be able to add new files of a certain type easily -> plop
[ ] static typing is extremely useful -> flowtype
[ ] JS build tools are helpful -> Gulp (Broccoli looks interesting)
[ ] Codesplitting and tree shaking make sense -> Webpack 2
[ ] Webpack is necessary, but config is tedious -> webpack-blocks
[ ] polyfill should only be done as needed -> polyfill.io a la react-universally
[ ] Universal code is needed as an option, less meaningless context switching and rewriting of code
[ ] Async is everywhere and there can be multiple outputs -> Observables
[ ] Functional programming is more declarative (aka easier to implement) -> use Rambda/RxJS
[ ] CSS-in-JS is the future for component-based systems (which are great b/c fractal)
- styled-components
- styletron/fela/este
[ ] Testing is needed -> Jest w/ enzyme is the way to go
[ ] CI testing makes sense and should be done -> circle CI
[ ] Non-nested file structures are intimidating -> follow react-boilerplate on dot-file hiding
[ ] Docker is composition at OS-level (not a silver bullet, but is nice)
[ ] Firebase makes sense as an option
[ ] Phoenix makes sense as an option
[ ] GraphQL needs to be an option (appollo)
[ ] zeit now is handy, set up out of box (with Docker)