This module aims to provide a full suite of abstract data types. At present it provides the abstract data type, Queue, Linked List, Stack, Binary Tree an Binary Search Tree.
The future of this module is that it will be able to return instances of the following abstract data types:
- Queue This is currently implemented
- Linked List This is currently implemented
- Stack This is currently implemented
- Binary Tree This is currently implemented
- Binary Search Tree This is currently implemented
- Graph
- Hash Table
- Heap
$ npm install abstract-data-types
Getting Started
The individual abstract data types are instantiated from factory functions that exist as properties of the abstract-data-types module. The module can be accessed as follows.
var adt = require('abstract-data-types');
The individual factory functions can be used to create instances of the abstract data types like this.
var q = adt.createQueue(); // To create an empty Queue
var ll = adt.createLinkedList(); // To create an empty Linked List
var s = adt.createStack(); // To create an empty Stack
var bt = adt.createBinaryTree(); // To create an empty Binary Tree
var bst = adt.createBinarySearchTree(); // To create an empty Binary Search Tree
var g = adt.createGraph(); // To create an empty Graph
var ht = adt.createHashTable(); // To create an empty Hash Table
var h = adt.createHeap(); // To create an empty Heap
The rest of this document explains each of the operations that can be performed these abstract data type instances.
This Queue is implements all the standard Queue operations. These are:
- enqueue adds a new item to the back of the queue
- dequeue returns the item at the front of the queue and removes it from the queue
- front returns the item at the front of the queue
- size returns the number of items in the queue
- isEmpty determines whether the queue is empty and returns true if it is and false otherwise
The enqueue operation adds a new item to the back of the queue. To do this call the enqueue method on a Queue instance passing it the data item you wish to add to the Queue.
The dequeue method returns the item at the front of the queue and removes that item from the queue. To do this call dequeue on a queue object.
var frontItem = q.dequeue();
If dequeue is called on an empty queue, the following error is thrown.
new Error('adt-queue.dequeue(): Tried to dequeue an empty queue!');
The front method returns the item at the front of the queue, but unlike dequeue it does not remove it from the queue.
var frontItem = q.front();
If front is called on an empty queue, the following error is thrown.
new Error('adt-queue.front(): Tried to get the front of an empty queue!');
The isEmpty method is a boolean function that, when called on a queue, returns true if the queue is empty and false otherwise.
Linked List
The Linked List implements all of the standard Linked List functions. These are given below:
- add adds a new item to the list at a specific position
- remove removes an item from the list at a specific position
- get returns the item at at a specific position in the list
- size returns the number of items in the List
- isEmpty determines whether the List is empty and returns true if it is and false otherwise
The postion index starts from 0.
The add method takes the item to be added to the list and the position that the item should be added in. If the position is less than or equal to 0, the item is added to the front of the list. If the position is greater than or equal to the size of the list, the item is added to the end of the list.
ll.add(position, item);
The remove method removes the item at a specific position in the list. If the position requested is less than 0 or geater then or equal to the length of the list, an error is thrown.
The get method returns the item at a specific position in the list. If the position requested is less than 0 or geater then or equal to the length of the list, an error is thrown.
The size method returns the number of items in the list.
The isEmpty method is a boolean function that, when called on a list, returns true if the list is empty and false otherwise.
The Stack implements all of the standard Stack functions. These are given below:
- push adds a new item to the top of the stack
- pop returns the item at the top of the stack and removes it from the stack
- top returns the item at the top of the stack and leaves it on the stack
- size returns the number of items in the stack
- isEmpty determines whether the stack is empty and returns true if it is and false otherwise
The push method adds a new item to the top of the stack. It also returns the stack so that push opertations can be chained.
The pop method returns the item at the top of the stack and removed it from the stack.
The pop method returns the item at the top of the stack and leaves it on the stack.
The size method returns the number of items in the stack.
The isEmpty method is a boolean function that, when called on a stack, returns true if the stack is empty and false otherwise.
Binary Tree
The Binary Tree in this module implements the standard methods of the Binary Tree abstract data type. These methods are:
- isEmpty determines whether the tree is empty and returns true if it is and false otherwise
- getRootItem returns the item at the root of the tree
- setRootItem updates the item at the root of the tree
- getLeftTree returns the left sub tree
- getRightTree returns the Right sub tree
- attachLeft attaches at tree or an item as the left sub tree
- attachRight attaches at tree or an item as the right sub tree
- detachLeft removes the left sub tree
- detachRight removes the right sub tree
- count returns the number of nodes in the tree
The factory function used to create a new Binary Tree can be called in the following 2 ways:
By passing in no arguments - this will create an empty tree.
var bt = adt.createBinaryTree();
By passing in and item - this will create a single node tree with the item at the root.
var bt = adt.createBinaryTree(item);
Is Empty
The isEmpty method is a boolean function that, when called on a tree, returns true if the tree is empty and false otherwise.
Get Root Item
This method returns the item at the root of the tree and is called as follows.
If this method is called on an empty tree it throws an error as follows.
throw new Error('adt-binary-tree.getRootItem(): Tried to get the root item of an empty tree');
Set Root Item
This method puts an item at the root of the tree and is called as follows.
Get Left Tree
This method returns the left sub tree.
If this method is called on an empty tree it throws an error as follows.
throw new Error('adt-binary-tree.getLeftTree(): Tried to get the left tree of an empty tree');
Get Right Tree
This method returns the right sub tree.
If this method is called on an empty tree it throws an error as follows.
throw new Error('adt-binary-tree.getLeftTree(): Tried to get the left tree of an empty tree');
Attach Left Tree
This method can be called by either passing in another Binary Tree, or by passing in an item that is not a Binary Tree.
If a Binary Tree is passed in, that tree will be attached as the left sub tree. The method is called like this.
bt.attachLeft( tree );
If a non Binary Tree item is passed in, a new single node tree is created out of that item and this new tree is attached as the left sub tree.
bt.attachLeft( item );
If this method is called on an empty tree it throws an error as follows.
throw new Error('adt-binary-tree.attachLeft(): Attempt to attach a left sub tree to an empty tree');
Attach Right Tree
This method can be called by either passing in another Binary Tree, or by passing in an item that is not a Binary Tree.
If a Binary Tree is passed in, that tree will be attached as the right sub tree. The method is called like this.
bt.attachRight( tree );
If a non Binary Tree item is passed in, a new single node tree is created out of that item and this new tree is attached as the right sub tree.
bt.attachRight( item );
If this method is called on an empty tree it throws an error as follows.
throw new Error('adt-binary-tree.attachRight(): Attempt to attach a right sub tree to an empty tree');
Detach Left Tree
This method is used to remove the left sub tree from the main tree. It also returns the tree that it detaches. it is called as follows.
If this method is called on an empty tree it throws an error as follows.
throw new Error('adt-binary-tree.detachLeft(): Attempt to detach the left sub tree of an empty tree');
Detach Right Tree
This method is used to remove the right sub tree from the main tree. It also returns the tree that it detaches. it is called as follows.
If this method is called on an empty tree it throws an error as follows.
throw new Error('adt-binary-tree.detachRight(): Attempt to detach the right sub tree of an empty tree');
This method returns the number of nodes in the tree.
Binary Search Tree
The Binary Search Tree implements the following Binary Search Tree methods.
- insert inserts a new item into the search tree in the correct position, maintaining the validity of the binary search tree
- delete removes an item from the tree maintaining the validity of the binary search tree
- retrieve returns a specific item in the tree
- isEmpty determines whether the tree is empty and returns true if it is and false otherwise
- getRootItem returns the item at the root of the tree
- getLeftTree returns the left sub tree
- getRightTree returns the Right sub tree
- count returns the number of nodes in the tree
This method inserts an item into the tree and makes sure that the validity of the binary seach tree is maintained.
The search key used to determine the position of an item within the binary search tree as it is being inserted is derived from the item in the following way.
If the item is null, the item is not inserted into the tree and the following error is thrown.
throw new Error('adt-binary-search-tree utils.getKey(): item is null');
If the item is an object that does not have a property named 'key', the item is not inserted into the tree and the following error is thrown.
throw new Error('adt-binary-search-tree utils.getKey(): item has no key');
If the item is an object with a property named 'key' and that key property is null, the item is not inserted into the tree and the following error is thrown
throw new Error('adt-binary-search-tree utils.getKey(): item is null');
If the item is an object with a property named 'key' and that key property is an object, the item is not inserted into the tree and the following error is thrown
throw new Error('adt-binary-search-tree utils.getKey(): item.key is an object');
If the item is an object with a property named 'key' and this key property is not an object and is not null, the value of this key property is used as the item's search key within the tree.
If the item is not an object and is not null, the item value is used as the item's search key within the tree.
This method removes the item identified by the parameter 'key' from the tree and makes sure that the validity of the binary seach tree is maintained.
If the key does not exist in the tree, the following error is thrown.
throw new Error('adt-binary-search-tree.delete(): The key is not in the tree');
This method returns the item identified by the parameter 'key' from the tree and leaves the tree unchanged.
The method returns null if the key does not exist in the tree.
Is Empty
The isEmpty method is a boolean function that, when called on a tree, returns true if the tree is empty and false otherwise.
Get Root Item
This method returns the item at the root of the tree and is called as follows.
If this method is called on an empty tree it throws an error as follows.
throw new Error('adt-binary-search-tree.getRootItem(): Tried to get the root item of an empty tree');
Get Left Tree
This method returns the left sub tree.
If this method is called on an empty tree it throws an error as follows.
throw new Error('adt-binary-search-tree.getLeftTree(): Tried to get the left tree of an empty tree');
Get Right Tree
This method returns the right sub tree.
If this method is called on an empty tree it throws an error as follows.
throw new Error('adt-binary-search-tree.getLeftTree(): Tried to get the left tree of an empty tree');
This method returns the number of nodes in the tree.