a very lightweight library like JQuery with fewer features and somewhat different
abQuery v 0.3.4
Re-designing JQuery : If you are like me, you hate large js libraries
this is minimal library similar to Jquery in some ways with somewhat fewer features but amazing
It was a personal mini project to help me code js faster. If interested you can try it.
just a basic javascript knowledge
To get started quickly try the CDN instead:
compiled with babel for browser compatibility [https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/index.min.js]
or may only be compatible for modern browsers. [https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/mb.index.min.js]
getting started using npm:
npm i abquery --save
import $ from "abquery"
const $ = require("abquery")
NOTE: for some hide and show animation features you have to run this:
this is only for npm, for the cdn no need
usage and api
is the main object :: Library
is similar to document.querySelector
but with the $ instance
is similar to document.querySelectorAll
but with the $ instance
$.new(tagname) or $('<tagname>')
it's used to create a html element with the $ instance
useful when you want an element to have an $ instance as it has useful methods
the arg (el) can be a NodeList or an element or even a list/array of elements
query selector
$("a").$$ // ths will get the actual element
$("a, #navlink, p") //this queries each of those selectors in one instance
query selectorAll
$('* a, .nav-link') // select all _a_ tags and .nav-link in one instance
create new element
$.new('a') or $("<a>")
$.new('a',num=1) default
eg: create 10 anchor tags and append it to a div
let div=$('div')
let anchors=$('<a>',10)
anchors.appendParent(div.$$) || div.append(anchors.$$)
existing elements
# usages example
ev // this is a click event
let e=ev.target // to get the actual element
Getting actual elements
use .$$
to get the actual element or nodeList(for selectorAll)
use .arr[index]
to get an element an a particular index
eg: $('*div').arr[0] //first element
$('*div').arr[10] //element at index 10
getting new single instances of $ from a query
use [index]
to get element as an instance of $ at a particular index
eg: $('*div')[0] //first element as an instance
$('*div')[10] //element at index 10 as an instance
.class //this will get the className of all the anchors
.class="btn-link d-none" //this will set the className of all the anchors
.hasClass(cls,{someClass: false, someEl: false}) # default
eg: .hasClass('d-none') // checking a single class
.hasClass("class1, class1",{someClass=false,someEl=false})
someEl will be useful if you queried many elements in an instance of $
if false returns true only if all the elements have the class
else returns true if atleast an element has the class
someClass is a similar logic like someEl
here are some cool methods and properties
getting or setting properties or attributes
.prop //to get or set any property
.attr //to get or set any attributes.
to GET multiple pass in a list of attrs eg: .attr('attr1,attr2,etc') || .prop('prop1,prop2,etc')
to SET multiple attrs pass in an object eg: .attr({id:'man',etc}) || prop({width:'56px',etc})
.attr('id')//to GET a single =>SAME for prop
.attr('id','hmm')//to SET id to hmm : setting single =>SAME for prop
.rmAttr('id') // to remove/del an attr
attrs functions similar to props but different
attr('id') and .prop('id') gives the same result
but .attr('style')
returns the style string and .prop('style')
returns the style object
NB: this has notthing to do with this mini library, thant's how js works
hiding and showing elements
.hide() .show() // it does just that
it can accept params
delay is the delay time
keep if true the animate class will be kept else it will be remove after
.toggleDisplay() // it does just that
.on('click', func)
//single listener
.on("mouseover, mouseout, click", func)
// multiple listeners
You can also write it like this: .on(['mouseover','mouseout','click'], func)
dealing with styles
.css('width')//to get the width
.css('width','100%') // to set the width to 100%
.css('width','100%',true) //to set it as important
.css("margin-top,height,display") //to get those values
.css({width:"100%",display:"flex !important"})// to set it
to add a new element or new query to a query or any instance of $
.$(query) similar to .find in jQuery but you have to prepend '*' for selectorAll
and .$new
of an instance of $
$("div#main").$new('p').text='this a new paragraph'
$("div#main").$.new('p') will not work
because $.new is a static method so it
be called on an instance of $
so use in case of an instance of $:
eg:$("div#main").$new('p') or
find the p tag in the div#main
find all the p tag in the div#main
$("div#main").$("*p") // to querySelcetorAll p tags in the div
$() will query the document as an instance
().$$ equals to document
some methods
.run //this will run a func for all or the element queried
eg: .run(func) || .run(e=>{})
.$run //this will run a func for all or the element queried against a variable or array
eg: .$run(func,arr) || $run((e,var||array_item)=>{},var||array)
.append // to append a child node/element
.appendParent // to append to a parent node/element
.detach // to detach or remove a child node/element
.detachParent // to detach self from a parent node/element
.on(event,func) similar to .addEventListener(event,func)
// if you don't debounce and throttle
// you may ask Google
// it's very useful
some properties getters and setters
.len // to get the length of the query
.index // to get the index of an element or instance of $ in a query
useful for query selectorAll
.html //to get or set the innerHTML
.text //to get or set the textContent
.val //to get or set form inputs or textarea or files or checkboxes or radios etc
//you do not need to think whether it is .value or .checked or .files etc. it will do the job for you
.children // to get children nodes
.parent // to get an element/node's parent
.parents // similar to .parent but usefull querySelectorAll/$(*q)
other getters and setters
["title", "lang", "translate", "dir", "hidden", "accessKey", "draggable", "spellcheck", "autocapitalize", "contentEditable", "isContentEditable", "inputMode", "offsetParent", "offsetTop", "offsetLeft", "offsetWidth", "offsetHeight", "innerText", "outerText", "dataset", "nonce", "autofocus", "tabIndex", "attachInternals", "enterKeyHint"]
some useful static methods
$.new(tagname) // to create a new element
$.id(id) // similar to document.getElementById(id)
$.id('id1,id2,etc') or $.id('id1')
$.cls(cn) // similar to document.getElementsByClassName(cn)
$.cls('cn1,cn2,etc') or $.cls('cn1')
$.attrs('attr' or 'attr=value') it can be used to get all element by that attr or "attr=value"
similar to document.querySelectorAll("[attr or attr=value]")
$.attrs('attr=val,attr2=val,etc') or $.attrs('attr=val')
gets the value whether its .checked,.value, select fields
similar to above but returns an object
$.css_prefix('css style')
eg: $.css_prefix("transform: scale(.8)")
returns=> transform: scale(.8);-webkit-transform: scale(.8);-moz-transform: scale(.8);
it will generate keyframes
eg: $.gen_frames('animatekf',`0% {${$.css_prefix('transform: scale(1)')}opacity: 1;} 100%{opacity: 0}`)
@keyframes animatekf {0% {transform: scale(1);-webkit-transform: scale(1);-moz-transform: scale(1);opacity: 1;} 100%{opacity: 0}}
@-webkit-keyframes animatekf {0% {transform: scale(1);-webkit-transform: scale(1);-moz-transform: scale(1);opacity: 1;} 100%{opacity: 0}}
does just the above but adds it to the dom
if the style element id specified does not exist
it will create it instead
and later append the keyframes
it is used to create a css style
eg: to create a new class
$.add_style('.classname','margin-top:50px;padding:20px 12px;')
Now you can use that class in your elements
$.ready(func) to run the functin on DOMContentLoaded
$.on(event,func,el=document) similar to el.addEventListener(event,func)
$().on('click', $.debounce((e)=>{
some examples
Get a form data without hussle
$("form").$("* input, select, textarea").val //this will return an object which can directly be sent to the server
NOTE: the inputs should have a name or id attrs SET eg: input type file, can only be set/added by a user interraction
hide and show modals eg: let say there are elements/anchors with a data-toggle="modal" and a data-target property that is equal to a query to toggle like how bootstrap declares its modals
You can check the code to see the methods
The compiled version dist/index.js
and dist/index.min.js
or only minified version dist/mb.index.min.js
multiple selectors eg:- $("#nav, a, etc") can ONLY be strings separated by commas.
BUT methods maybe list/array of strings OR strings separated by commas
eg:- .addClass(['hide','nav-link', etc]) or .addClass("hide, nav-link, etc")
either is fine
Also spaces doesn't matter
Eg:- .addClass("show , nav")
more to come
Like modal time-ago tooltips fetch etc