aboutnumber.js: interesting math facts about numbers
Node.js library which provides interesting math facts about numbers
npm i aboutnumber
yarn add aboutnumber
For a single number
const result = aboutnumber(101);
For a pair of numbers
const result = aboutnumber(200, 350);
Locales support
The single-number mode supports locale
parameter being passed in options object.
It affects result fields like duration*
and toWords
aboutnumber(103, {locale: 'de'});
(default 'en'): supported ['ar', 'nl', 'en', 'fr', 'de', 'he', 'it', 'ko', 'lv', 'lt', 'no', 'pl', 'pt', 'ru', 'es', 'tr', 'uk']
Single number result
Accepted range: from 0 to 999999999999999
number: Number, // Originally passed number
numeralSum: Number, // Sum of numerals
numeralMultiplication: Number, // Multiplication of numerals
numeralMultiplicationWoZeroes: Number, // Multiplication of numerals excluding zeroes
dividers: Array<Number>, // List of all dividers
dividersCount: Number, // Dividers count
dividersSum: Number, // Sum of dividers
isPrime: Boolean, // True if the number is prime
isDeficient: Boolean, // True if the number is deficient
isAbundant: Boolean, // True if the number is abundant
isPerfect: Boolean, // True if the number is perfect
primeFactorization: Array<Number>, // Array if prime dividers: factorization
isSemiPrime: Boolean, // True if the number is semi-prime
binary: String, // Binary (2-based) representation
ternary: String, // Ternary (3-based) representation
senary: String, // Senary (6-based) representation
octal: String, // Octal (8-based) representation
hex: String, // HEX (16-based) representation
isFibonacci: Boolean, // True if number is Fibonacci
fibonacciIndex: Number, // Index of number in Fibonacci sequence, -1 - if not Fibonacci
sine: Number, // Sine of the number in radians
cosine: Number, // Cosine of the number in radians
tangent: Number, // Tangent of the number in radians,
naturalLogarithm: Number, // Natural (e-based) logarithm of the number
commonLogarithm: Number, // Common (10-based) logarithm of the number
binaryLogarithm: Number, // Binary (2-based) logarithm of the number
squareRoot: Number, // Square root,
cubeRoot: Number, // Cube root,
square: Number, // Number to the power of two
unixDate: String, // Parsed number as number of seconds starting 00:00:00 1 Jan 1970
durationFromMillis: String, // Time duration, parsing number as milliseconds
durationFromSeconds: String, // Time duration, parsing number as seconds
durationFromMinutes: String, // Time duration, parsing number as minutes
durationFromHours: String, // Time duration, parsing number as hours
durationFromDays: String, // Time duration, parsing number as days
md5: String, // MD5 hash of the number
sha1: String, // SHA1 hash of the number
base64: String, // Base64 representation
maxDividerBase2: Number, // Maximum divider from power of two sequence [2,4,8,16,32,128, ...]
possibleNumeralSystem: Number, // Maximum possible numeral base
possibleNumeralSystemName: String, // Name of the possible numeral base
fromBinaryToDecimal: String, // Decimal representation, if the number looks like binary
fromTernaryToDecimal: String, // Decimal representation, if the number looks like ternary
fromOctalToDecimal: String, // Decimal representation, if the number looks like octal
romanNumerals: String, // Roman representation, if the number <= 3999
arabicNumerals: String, // Arabic representation
digitCount: Number, // Number of digits in number
morseCode: String, // Morse code representation for the number
reversedNumber: Number, // Reversed number, which equal 1/n, where n - originally passed number
isPalindrome: Boolean, // True if number is palindromic
fromBytes: String, // Human-readable file size, assuming the number are bytes
fromKilobytes: String, // Human-readable file size, assuming the number are kilobytes
toWords: String, // Words representation of the number, supports locales
rgba: Array<Number>, // Array with RGBA components: [r, g, b, a]
rgbaCss: String, // CSS string with rgba color
rgbaHex: String, // HEX color representation
A pair of number result
Accepted range: from 1 to 9999999
commonDigits: Array<Number>, // Common digits
commonDivisors: Array<Number>, // Common dividers
isCoprime: Boolean, // True when numbers are coprime integers
difference: Number, // math difference
divRemainder: Number, // Remainder
division: Number, // Division result
gcd: Number, // Greatest common divisor
hypotenuse: Number, // Hypotenuse value
isTwinPrime: Number, // True when numbers are twin prime
lcm: Number, // Least common multiple
levenshteinDistance: Number, // Levenshtein distance
multiplication: Number, // Multiplcation value
geometricMean: Number, // Geometric mean
sum: Number, // Math sum
arithmeticMean: Number, // Arithmetic mean