// Devdependencies are used by dev at the time of creation and testing // Dependencies are used for application production and creation , used at the time of deployment SETTINGUP ENVIRONMENT Sabse phly tsc --init npm init TYPES ADD KRN
// Devdependencies are used by dev at the time of creation and testing // Dependencies are used for application production and creation , used at the time of deployment SETTINGUP ENVIRONMENT Sabse phly tsc --init npm init TYPES ADD KRNE K LIYE DEV DEPENDENCIES INSTALL KRNI PARENGI npm i types/node -D INQUIRER USE KRNE K LIYE npm i inquirer INQUIRER MAIN TS TYPES NHI HOTI ISLIYE AB TYPES ADD KRENGE(FOR INTELLISENSE) npm i @types/inquirer Package.json main jaa k "type": module add krni paregi tsconfig main jaa k modules/module resolution : "NODE NEXT" or target "ES2022" set krna parega Node module files devdependencies hoti hain inko github pr push nhi krna hota isliye hum .gitignore bana k us main add krdenge chalk animation or chalk add krne k liye npm i chalk chalk-animation Ab chalk ki types bhi install krni pparengi npm i @types/chalk npm i @types/chalk-animation lekin ye types dependencies main add hojayengi to prevent this sab dependencies install kro or phir terminal main jaa k sirf: npm i likhdo wo node modules khud bana de ga,npm i isliye use krtay k jab kabhi github se koi project uthatay hain tou us main node modules nhi hota tou hum npm i kr k download krskty hain To download types as devdependencies we write npm i -D @types/chalk npm i -D @types/chalk-animation npm i -D @types/inquirer