AB-formValidation is a vanilla form validation system based on HTML5 form API.
AB-formValidation is a small, detpendency free, vanilla JavaScript component that validate fields and forms following the native HTML5 Form API. It's used (a customized version) on the French website of ENGIE.
It's damn small: about 1800 bytes (uglyfied and GZipped).
Have a look at the CodePen demonstration.
Install with npm:
npm install --save ab-formvalidation
Install with yarn:
yarn add ab-formvalidation
You can then import it in your JS bundle (webpack, ES6, browserify…):
import abFormValidation from 'ab-formvalidation';
Or loading the .js file right before </body>
if you are not using a builder.
Setting up a Form
attribute must be placed on your<form>
must be placed on the submit<button type="submit">
or<input type="submit">
element.run inside your JavaScript:
. If your form is injected with XMLHttpRequest, you can run the same function again in the callback.
<form data-ab-form-validation>
<button type="submit" data-ab-form-validation-submit>Send</button>
Default settings for checked fields can be set when initializing the script:
"classValid": "is-valid",
"classInvalid": "isnt-valid",
"classBtnDisabled": "is-disabled",
"typing": false,
"submitDisabled": true,
"validations": {
"badInput": "error: badInput",
"patternMismatch": "error: patternMismatch",
"rangeOverflow": "error: rangeOverflow",
"rangeUnderflow": "error: rangeUnderflow",
"stepMismatch": "error: stepMismatch",
"tooLong": "error: tooLong",
"tooShort": "error: tooShort",
"typeMismatch": "error: typeMismatch",
"valueMissing": "error: valueMissing"
Options explained
Personnalize dynamic classes for your styling:
"classValid": "is-valid", "classInvalid": "isnt-valid", "classBtnDisabled": "is-disabled",
Choose realtime field validation (while typing) or not (onChange):
"typing": false,
DBy default, submit button will be disabled. If you want to validate fields on submit, change setting to
:"submitDisabled": true,
Personalize error messages triggered by HTML5 Form API:
"validations": { "badInput": "error: badInput", "patternMismatch": "error: patternMismatch", "rangeOverflow": "error: rangeOverflow", "rangeUnderflow": "error: rangeUnderflow", "stepMismatch": "error: stepMismatch", "tooLong": "error: tooLong", "tooShort": "error: tooShort", "typeMismatch": "error: typeMismatch", "valueMissing": "error: valueMissing" }
More interesting: define settings for a field
Only fields with data-ab-field-validation
will be evaluated. Set specific settings in that attribute if needed.
<xxx data-ab-field-validation='{
"typing": false,
"validations": {
"badInput": "error: badInput",
"patternMismatch": "error: patternMismatch",
"rangeOverflow": "error: rangeOverflow",
"rangeUnderflow": "error: rangeUnderflow",
"stepMismatch": "error: stepMismatch",
"tooLong": "error: tooLong",
"tooShort": "error: tooShort",
"typeMismatch": "error: typeMismatch",
"valueMissing": "error: valueMissing"
Events and public access
FORM: an event is triggered on each form submit Real form submition (AJAX or not) is to be done on your side. To do so, listen to this specific event:
document.addEventListener('submit.ab-formvalidation', function(e) { // e.detail.form: submited form // e.detail.valid: form validity (boolean) if (e.detail.valid) { e.detail.form.submit(); // or call your own AJAX function } });
FIELD: check a specific field validity from your scripts
// select the parent with the data-ab-field-validation attribute var myField = document.querySelector('…'); myField.abFieldValidation.checkValidity(); // return true or false
FIELD: set custom error status (after an AJAX validation for ex.)
// select the parent with the data-ab-field-validation attribute var myField = document.querySelector('…'); myField.abFieldValidation.setCustomError('My custom error message');
FIELD: an event is triggered on each field validation
document.addEventListener('checked.ab-fieldvalidation', function(e) { // e.detail.field: checked field // e.detail.valid: field validity (boolean) });