Vue.js components rendering 3D graphics reactively via three.js
Vue.js components rendering 3D graphics reactively via three.js. See the documents for more details.
Define objects by tags.
Save the following code as a html file, and open in any modern browser.
<!-- dependencies -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/three"></script>
<!-- load components -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-gl"></script>
<!-- define objects -->
<vgl-renderer id="vgl-canvas" style="width: 300px; height: 150px;">
<vgl-directional-light position="2 0 1"></vgl-directional-light>
<vgl-perspective-camera orbit-position="200 1 1"></vgl-perspective-camera>
<!-- register components and start vue -->
Object.keys(VueGL).forEach(name => {
Vue.component(name, VueGL[name]);
new Vue({
el: "#vgl-canvas"
When you open the html above in the browser, you'll see below.
Note that IE9 needs a polyfill for the TypedArray class, like the js-polyfills/typedarray.js.
- Cameras
- [x] VglCamera - Corresponding to THREE.Camera
- [x] VglOrthographicCamera - Corresponding to THREE.OrthographicCamera
- [x] VglPerspectiveCamera - Corresponding to THREE.PerspectiveCamera
- Core
- [x] VglGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.Geometry
- [x] VglObject3d - Corresponding to THREE.Object3D
- Geometries
- [x] VglBoxGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.BoxGeometry
- [x] VglCircleGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.CircleGeometry
- [x] VglConeGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.ConeGeometry
- [x] VglCylinderGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.CylinderGeometry
- [x] VglDodecahedronGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.DodecahedronGeometry
- [ ] VglEdgesGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.EdgesGeometry
- [ ] VglExtrudeGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.ExtrudeGeometry
- [x] VglIcosahedronGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.IcosahedronGeometry
- [x] VglLatheGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.LatheGeometry
- [x] VglOctahedronGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.OctahedronGeometry
- [ ] VglParametricGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.ParametricGeometry
- [x] VglPlaneGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.PlaneGeometry
- [ ] VglPolyhedronGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.PolyhedronGeometry
- [x] VglRingGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.RingGeometry
- [ ] VglShapeGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.ShapeGeometry
- [x] VglSphereGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.SphereGeometry
- [x] VglTetrahedronGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.TetrahedronGeometry
- [x] VglTextGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.TextGeometry
- [x] VglTorusGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.TorusGeometry
- [x] VglTorusKnotGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.TorusKnotGeometry
- [ ] VglTubeGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.TubeGeometry
- [ ] VglWireframeGeometry - Corresponding to THREE.WireframeGeometry
- Helpers
- [x] VglArrowHelper - Corresponding to THREE.ArrowHelper
- [x] VglAxesHelper - Corresponding to THREE.AxesHelper
- [x] VglBoxHelper - Corresponding to THREE.BoxHelper
- [x] VglCameraHelper - Corresponding to THREE.CameraHelper
- [x] VglDirectionalLightHelper - Corresponding to THREE.DirectionalLightHelper
- [ ] VglFaceNormalsHelper - Corresponding to THREE.FaceNormalsHelper
- [x] VglGridHelper - Corresponding to THREE.GridHelper
- [x] VglPolarGridHelper - Corresponding to THREE.PolarGridHelper
- [ ] VglHemisphereLightHelper - Corresponding to THREE.HemisphereLightHelper
- [ ] VglPointLightHelper - Corresponding to THREE.PointLightHelper
- [ ] VglRectAreaLightHelper - Corresponding to THREE.RectAreaLightHelper
- [ ] VglSkeletonHelper - Corresponding to THREE.SkeletonHelper
- [ ] VglSpotLightHelper - Corresponding to THREE.SpotLightHelper
- [ ] VglVertexNormalsHelper - Corresponding to THREE.VertexNormalsHelper
- Lights
- [x] VglAmbientLight - Corresponding to THREE.AmbientLight
- [x] VglDirectionalLight - Corresponding to THREE.DirectionalLight
- [x] VglHemisphereLight - Corresponding to THREE.HemisphereLight
- [x] VglLight - Corresponding to THREE.Light
- [x] VglPointLight - Corresponding to THREE.PointLight
- [ ] VglRectAreaLight - Corresponding to THREE.RectAreaLight
- [x] VglSpotLight - Corresponding to THREE.SpotLight
- Materials
- [x] VglLineBasicMaterial - Corresponding to THREE.LineBasicMaterial
- [x] VglLineDashedMaterial - Corresponding to THREE.LineDashedMaterial
- [x] VglMaterial - Corresponding to THREE.Material
- [x] VglMeshBasicMaterial - Corresponding to THREE.MeshBasicMaterial
- [x] VglMeshDepthMaterial - Corresponding to THREE.MeshDepthMaterial
- [x] VglMeshLambertMaterial - Corresponding to THREE.MeshLambertMaterial
- [x] VglMeshNormalMaterial - Corresponding to THREE.MeshNormalMaterial
- [x] VglMeshPhongMaterial - Corresponding to THREE.MeshPhongMaterial
- [x] VglMeshPhysicalMaterial - Corresponding to THREE.MeshPhysicalMaterial
- [x] VglMeshStandardMaterial - Corresponding to THREE.MeshStandardMaterial
- [x] VglMeshToonMaterial - Corresponding to THREE.MeshToonMaterial
- [x] VglPointsMaterial - Corresponding to THREE.PointsMaterial
- [ ] VglRawShaderMaterial - Corresponding to THREE.RawShaderMaterial
- [ ] VglShaderMaterial - Corresponding to THREE.ShaderMaterial
- [x] VglShadowMaterial - Corresponding to THREE.ShadowMaterial
- [x] VglSpriteMaterial - Corresponding to THREE.SpriteMaterial
- Objects
- [ ] VglBone - Corresponding to THREE.Bone
- [x] VglGroup - Corresponding to THREE.Group
- [x] VglLine - Corresponding to THREE.Line
- [x] VglLineLoop - Corresponding to THREE.LineLoop
- [x] VglLineSegments - Corresponding to THREE.LineSegments
- [ ] VglLod - Corresponding to THREE.LOD
- [x] VglMesh - Corresponding to THREE.Mesh
- [x] VglPoints - Corresponding to THREE.Points
- [ ] VglSkeleton - Corresponding to THREE.Skeleton
- [ ] VglSkinnedMesh - Corresponding to THREE.SkinnedMesh
- [x] VglSprite - Corresponding to THREE.Sprite
- Renderers
- [x] VglRenderer - Corresponding to THREE.WebGLRenderer
- Scenes
- [x] VglScene - Corresponding to THREE.Scene
- Textures
- [x] VglTexture - Load an image using THREE.TextureLoader
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