Модуль который содержит удобную обертку над Fetch и функционал авторизации
aak-nuxt-auth-fetch ✌😺
Additionally 😀
If you use Swagger on your the backend, then you can use the aak-swagger-typescript-api package to automatically generate types and classes for interaction in the backend
📦 Get Started
- Install
as project dependency✨
# Using pnpm
pnpm add aak-nuxt-auth-fetch
# Using yarn
yarn add aak-nuxt-auth-fetch
# Using npm
npm install aak-nuxt-auth-fetch
- Add it to the modules section of your
modules: [
- Add a block for
to yournuxt.config.ts
`runtimeConfig ✨
export default defineNuxtConfig({
experimental: {
appManifest: false,
ssr: false,
runtimeConfig: {
public: {
aakNuxt: {
fetch: {
baseUrl: process.env.VITE_BASE_URL || '',
refreshUrl: process.env.VITE_REFRESH_URL || '',
loginUrl: process.env.VITE_LOGIN_URL || '',
logoutUrl: process.env.VITE_LOGOUT_URL || '',
timeout: process.env.VITE_TIMEOUT,
tokenOptions: {
accessKey: process.env.VITE_ACCESS_KEY || '',
refreshKey: process.env.VITE_REFRESH_KEY || '',
authType: 'keycloak', // 'keycloak' | 'custom'
dev: { // optional setting
login: 'login',
password: 'password',
keycloakOptions: {
clientId: process.env.VITE_CLIENT_ID || '',
clientIdAlias: process.env.VITE_CLIENT_ID_ALIAS || '',
process.env.VITE_EXCHANGE_TOKEN_URL || '',
cookieOptions:{ // optional setting
maxAge: process.env.VITE_COOKIE_MAX_AGE,
secure: process.env.VITE_COOKIE_SECURE,
sameSite: process.env.VITE_COOKIE_SAME_SITE,
priority: process.env.VITE_COOKIE_PRIORITY,
authDev: false,
Description of the blocks:
- fetch (required ☝)
- baseUrl : string - the base URL for fetch
- refreshUrl : string - The URL for refresh the token
- loginUrl : string - Login URL
- logoutUrl : string - logout URL
- prefixPath : string - Path prefix (optional, default value '') exemple: 'api'
- tokenOptions (optional, used only for AuthType: custom)
- accessKey : string - key for access token (default value at)
- refreshKey : string - key for refresh token (default value rt)
- authType : 'keycloak' | 'custom' (optional, default value custom)
- keycloak - There is a memorization of the username and password until the user logs out
- custom - The $userLMA() functions are not available in this mode
- keycloakOptions (optional if AuthType === keycloak)
- clientId : string - Client ID in keycloak ☝
- clientIdAlias : string - Alias for the client's ID (optional, default value clientId)
- exchangeTokenBetweenClientUrl : string - URL for token exchange between clients ☝
- useAutoLogin : boolean - Allows you to log in automatically if the refresh token is expired
- cookieOptions (optional)
- maxAge : number - default value 1800 - 30 min
- maxAgeForAuthData : number - default value 2592000 - 30 days
- secure : boolen - default value false
- sameSite : 'strict' | 'lax' | 'none' - default value 'lax'
- priority : 'low' | 'medium' | 'high' - default value 'high'
- authDev (optional): boolean | undefind
- If this parameter is set to true, the authorization check in the module is disabled
Сapability 🤘🚀
Custom fetch:
You can use the following global functions:
$post<Return type/interface>('api_path',{ data, isBearer: true })
$get<Return type/interface>('api_path',{ params, isBearer: true })
$put<Return type/interface>('api_path',{ data, isBearer: true })
$delete<Return type/interface>('api_path',{ data, isBearer: true })
Where isBearer is a required attribute
The <Authorization> component for use in <template>:
<template #logo>Your Logo</template>
Your APP
You can use the following global functions and ref variables:
// Authorization, available in all AuthType modes
const { isAuth, logout } = $useAuthorization()
// The sign of user authorization
isAuth: ComputedRef<boolean>
watch(isAuth, async (value) => {
if (value) {
console.log('I logged in')
// Logout function, can accept callback
logout: (callback?: () => void) => void
// User data, available only in AuthType mode === 'keycloak'
const { info, groups } = $userLMA()
// info - Information about the user from the SSO service, has the following interface:
interface UserInfoFromToken {
name: string
lastName: string
fullName: string
email: string
// groups - The user's groups in the current service, has the following type:
groups: string[]
If everything worked out, well done! 🎉
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Generate type stubs
npm run dev:prepare
# Develop with the playground
npm run dev
# Build the playground
npm run dev:build
# Run ESLint
npm run lint
# Run Vitest
npm run test
npm run test:watch
# Release new version
npm run release