Account Abstraction Schnorr Multi-Signatures SDK
Account Abstraction Schnorr Signatures
A typescript library for creating ERC-4337 Account Abstraction which utilizes Schnorr Signatures for multi signatures.
- ERC-4337 Account Abstraction
class extends Alchemys'sBaseSmartContractAccount
. It allows to interact with the Smart Contract Account.MultiSigAccountSigner
class extends Alchemys'sAccountSigner
and is designed to build and send multi-sig user operations.
- Schnorr Signatures
is the key element of the package. It manages signature's nonces and has methods for signing messages, like:sign()
and manages key pairs (private and public) to generate Schnorr Signatures.MultiSigUserOpWithSigners
class has to be used to create a single multi-signature transaction. Signers, User Operation Hash and User Operation Request data have to be known upfront to initialize the transaction signing process.
- Node: >=18.0.0, <20.0.0
- npm (Node.js package manager): v9.x.x
git clone https://github.com/RunOnFlux/aa-schnorr-multisig-sdk.git
cd aa-schnorr-multisig-sdk
npm i
Important notice
Before signing any multi-sig transaction signers have to exchange their publicKey
and publicNonces
. Nonces are one-time generated random numbers used to create and validate the signature. It's absolutely crucial to delete the nonces once a signature has been crafted with them. Nonce reuse will lead to private key leakage!
Example usage
0. Deploy MultiSigSmartAccountFactory and create Account Abstraction
should be deployed first from aa-schnorr-multisig package. If already deployed, the address can be found in the deployments
const smartAccountFactory = MultiSigSmartAccountFactory__factory.connect(
is Account Abstraction Address deployed with MultiSigSmartAccountFactory
contract's method createAccount
const saltHash = saltToHex(salt)
const createAccountTxHash = await smartAccountFactory.createAccount(combinedAddress, saltHash)
can be generated with getAllCombinedAddrFromSigners()
function from schnorr-helpers.
const x = 2 // nr of signers needed for valid signature, here 2/3
combinedAddress: string[] = getAllCombinedAddrFromSigners([signer1, signer2, signer3], x)
It is also possible to generate with signers' public keys with getAllCombinedAddrFromKeys()
combinedAddress: string[] = getAllCombinedAddrFromKeys([pubKey1, pubKey2, pubKey3], x)
Smart Account Address prediction
If MultiSigSmartAccountFactory
was deployed then the deterministic Account address can be predict with helpers in preffered way:
1. Onchain prediction
const predictedAddress = await predictAccountAddrOnchain(smartAccountFactory combinedAddress, salt, ethersSignerOrProvider)
can be taken from MultiSigSmartAccountFactory
contract by calling accountImplementation()
. This is done also by the helper function which can be used as below:
const implementationAddress = await getAccountImplementationAddress(factoryAddress, ethersSignerOrProvider)
2. Fully offchain prediction!
const predictedAddress = await predictAccountAddrOffchain(factoryAddress, accountImplementationAddress, combinedAddress, salt)
as well as accountImplementationAddress
can be also predicted fully offchain with:
// predict Smart Account Factory address using salt
const saltFactory = saltToHex("aafactorysalttest")
const predictedFactory = predictFactoryAddrOffchain(saltFactory, ENTRYPOINT_ADDRESS)
// predict Smart Account Implementation address
const predictedImplementation = predictAccountImplementationAddrOffchain(
1. Create Schnorr Signers out of private keys
The private key has to be hex value, so e.g. 0x123456...
Warning! Never disclose your private key!
const signer1 = createSchnorrSigner(<PRIVATE_KEY_HEX_1>)
const signer2 = createSchnorrSigner(<PRIVATE_KEY_HEX_2>)
2. Create Account Signer
- Create Provider. It can be e.g. AlchemyProvider.
const alchemy = new Alchemy({
network: <network>,
const alchemyProvider = await alchemy.config.getProvider()
- Connect the Provider to the MultiSig Account Abstraction
const accountProvider = EthersProviderAdapter.fromEthersProvider(alchemyProvider)
const accountSigner = accountProvider.connectToAccount((rpcClient) => {
const smartAccount = new MultiSigAccountAbstraction({
chain: <CHAIN>,
accountAddress: <SMART_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>,
combinedAddress: combinedAddress[],
salt: utils.formatBytes32String(<SALT_STRING>),
smartAccount.getDeploymentState().then((result: unknown) => {
console.log("===> [useAccountSigner] deployment state", result)
smartAccount.isAccountDeployed().then((deployed: unknown) => {
console.log("===> [useAccountSigner] deployed", deployed)
return smartAccount
can be get from Alchemy SDK
const chain = getChain(chainId)
is Account Abstraction Address deployed withMultiSigSmartAccountFactory
contract methodcreateAccount
const saltBytes = stringToBytes(<SALT_STRING>, { size: 32 })
const _createTx = await smartAccountFactory.createAccount(combinedAddress, saltBytes)
is the address ofMultiSigSmartAccountFactory
. If already deployed, can be found indeployments
folder ofaa-schnorr-multisig
can be generated withgetAllCombinedAddrFromSigners()
function from schnorr-helpers. Signers have to be the same as used for signing transactions.
const x = 2 // nr of signers needed for valid signature, here 2/3
combinedAddress: string[] = getAllCombinedAddrFromSigners([signer1, signer2, signer3], x)
is a string used to specify the deterministic address of the Account Abstraction
const saltBytes = stringToBytes(<SALT_STRING>, { size: 32 })
where stringToBytes imported from viem encodes a UTF-8 string into a 32-byte array
- optional parameter
by default is Alchemy's deterministic address and is the same for every chain. It can be get from Alchemy SDK:
// default: "0x5FF137D4b0FDCD49DcA30c7CF57E578a026d2789"
const entryPointAddress = getDefaultEntryPointAddress(chain)
3. Create MultiSig Account Signer out of Account Signer
Use multiSigAccountSigner
to extend accountSigner with multi-signature methods.
const multiSigAccountSigner = createMultiSigAccountSigner(accountSigner)
4. Construct User Operation CallData
User Operation CallData is just wrapped standard transaction calldata.
encodeFunctionData imported from viem encodes the function name and parameters into an ABI encoded value
smart contract's ABI, like
, can be imported from aa-schnorr-multisig or defined within the function, e.g.
const AlchemyTokenAbi = [
inputs: [{ internalType: "address", name: "recipient", type: "address" }],
name: "mint",
outputs: [],
stateMutability: "nonpayable",
type: "function",
CallData construction examples
ERC20 Transfer
const uoCallData: UserOperationCallData = encodeFunctionData({
abi: ERC20_abi,
args: [toAddress, amount],
functionName: "transfer",
Transfer ETH
const uoCallData: UserOperationCallData = {
data: "0x",
target: <toAddress> as Hex,
value: <amount>,
Upgrade MultiSigSmartAccount contract
const newImplementation = <newImplementationAddress> as string
const data = ""
const uoCallData: UserOperationCallData = encodeFunctionData({
abi: MultiSigSmartAccount_abi,
args: [newImplementation, ""],
functionName: "upgradeToAndCall",
Withdraw MultiSigSmartAccount deposit
const uoCallData: UserOperationCallData = encodeFunctionData({
abi: MultiSigSmartAccount_abi,
args: [toAddress, amount],
functionName: "withdrawDepositTo",
5. Build User Operation
Use MultiSigAccountSigner
's method with gas estimator buildUserOpWithGasEstimator()
const { opHash, request } = await multiSigAccountSigner.buildUserOpWithGasEstimator(
data: uoCallData,
target: targetAddress as Hex,
preVerificationGas: 2000000,
can be ERC20 Token address (e.g. for token transfer) or MultiSigSmartAccount address for upgrade call.
6. Initialize Multi-Sig Schnorr Transaction
Use signers (or signers' public keys and public nonces), opHash and request generated above.
Every instance of MultiSigUserOpWithSigners
is created once for single transaction (and designed signers combination, like 2/3) and uses one-time nonces, so transactions can't be re-signed or reused!
const msUserOp = new MultiSigUserOpWithSigners([signer1, signer2], opHash, request)
If Signers can not be entirely passed as arguments it is possible to build User Operation out of signers' publicKeys
and publicNonces
const msUserOp = new MultiSigUserOp(publicKeys, publicNonces, opHash, userOpRequest)
7. Sign the transaction with every defined signer
8. Send the transaction
To do so use MultiSigAccountSigner
's method sendMultiSigTransaction()
In this step signatures (signed before by each signer) are collected and combined within the MultiSigUserOpWithSigners
instance. This "summed-signature" is then sent and validated on-chain. If it's ok - transaction can be finished.
const txHash = await multiSigAccountSigner.sendMultiSigTransaction(msUserOp)