This package provides 2 APIs for using UserOperations:
SDK to create and send UserOperation
This package provides 2 APIs for using UserOperations:
- Low-level "walletAPI"
- High-level Provider
LowLevel API:
An abstract base-class to create UserOperation for a contract wallet.
An implementation of the BaseWalletAPI, for the SimpleWallet sample of account-abstraction.
import { ethers, BigNumberish, BigNumber, Contract } from 'ethers'
import { JsonRpcProvider, TransactionRequest } from '@ethersproject/providers'
import { SimpleAccountAPI, PaymasterAPI, HttpRpcClient } from 'aa-conla-sdk'
import {
IEntryPoint, PackedUserOperation,
} from 'aa-conla-utils'
import { parseEther, hexZeroPad, hexDataSlice, formatEther } from 'ethers/lib/utils'
import { EntryPoint__factory } from 'aa-conla-utils/dist/src/types'
import { IEntryPoint__factory } from '../types'
const MNEMONIC = 'your mnemonic key'
const entryPointAddress = '0x3bFc49341Aae93e30F6e2BE5a7Fa371cEbd5bea4'
const rpcUrl = 'https://rpc.testnet.conla.com'
const bundlerUrl = 'https://aa-bundler.conla.com/rpc'
const provider = new JsonRpcProvider(rpcUrl)
const token = '0x5aA74b97C775539256e0C08875c4F6B2109af19E' // Address of the ERC-20 token
const beneficiary = "0xEE35dA6bA29cc1A60d0d9042fa8c88CbEA6d12c0"
const paymaster = "0x26E68f18CE130B8d4A0A6f5A2e628e89d0b51FC6"
const bundlerBackendUrl = "http://localhost:3030"
export interface ValidationData {
aggregator: string
validAfter: number
validUntil: number
async function main () {
const paymasterAPI = new PaymasterAPI(bundlerBackendUrl)
const owner0 = ethers.Wallet.fromMnemonic(MNEMONIC, "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0").connect(provider)
const owner = ethers.Wallet.fromMnemonic(MNEMONIC, "m/44'/60'/0'/0/3").connect(provider)
const entryPoint = IEntryPoint__factory.connect(entryPointAddress, owner)
const accountFactory = new SimpleAccountFactory__factory(owner).attach(factoryAddress)
const detDeployer = new DeterministicDeployer(provider)
const factoryAddress = await detDeployer.deterministicDeploy(new SimpleAccountFactory__factory(), 0, [entryPointAddress])
await sendNative(owner, (await accountFactory).address, paymasterAPI)
async function sendNative( owner: ethers.Wallet, factoryAddress: string, paymasterAPI: PaymasterAPI) {
console.log('--- START SENDING NATIVE TOKEN ---')
const dest = ethers.Wallet.createRandom()
const accountAPI = new SimpleAccountAPI({
provider: provider,
entryPointAddress: entryPointAddress,
owner: owner,
factoryAddress: factoryAddress,
paymasterAPI: paymasterAPI,
bundlerUrl: bundlerBackendUrl,
const gasPrice = await provider.getGasPrice()
const value = parseEther('0.1')
const op = await accountAPI.createSignedUserOp({
target: "0xeF2167037aC297fa711FD3bB228543D58c82AFd6",
data: "0x",
value: value,
maxFeePerGas: gasPrice,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: gasPrice,
const tx = await accountAPI.sendHandlerOps([op])
console.log("tx hash: ", tx)
console.log('--- COMPLETE SENDING NATIVE TOKEN ---')
void main()
.catch(e => { console.log(e); process.exit(1) })
.then(() => process.exit(0))
High-Level Provider API
A simplified mode that doesn't require a different wallet extension. Instead, the current provider's account is used as wallet owner by calling its "Sign Message" operation.
This can only work for wallets that use an EIP-191 ("Ethereum Signed Message") signature (like our sample SimpleWallet) Also, the UX is not great (the user is asked to sign a hash, and even the wallet address is not mentioned, only the signer)
import { wrapProvider } from 'aa-conla-sdk'
//use this account as wallet-owner (which will be used to sign the requests)
const aaSigner = provider.getSigner()
const paymasterAPI = new PaymasterAPI(entryPointAddress, bundlerUrl)
const config = {
chainId: await provider.getNetwork().then(net => net.chainId),
bundlerUrl: 'bundlerUrl',
const aaProvider = await wrapProvider(provider, config, aaSigner)
const walletAddress = await aaProvider.getSigner().getAddress()
// send some eth to the wallet Address: wallet should have some balance to pay for its own creation, and for calling methods.
const myContract = new Contract(abi, aaProvider)
// this method will get called from the wallet address, through account-abstraction EntryPoint
await myContract.someMethod()