Commnad line client to sign in and out of a3hrgo
This command line tool wants to help you to sign in and out at a3hrgo.
Why do you want this tool?
If you are like, most of the time I forgot about sign in when I arrive at my job and of course I also forget to sing out when I leave the office, I was wondering how I can avoid this and the solution to me is a command line tool.
I can run a command in my console first time in the morning and I cand also run a command at the end of the day (it would be better to automatize it I know, but I have to work on it)
How to install and use the tool
It's pretty eassy
npm i -g a3hrgo-cli
That's all, now you can configure the client in order to sign.
First thing, you want to know what is your configuration, so let's get it
a3hrgo-cli config print
You get your default configuration, as you can guess, it doesn't have your user and password, in order to add your user, password and default url to sign in
a3hrgo-cli config save "your ID" "your password" https://a3hrgoapi.herokuapp.com/sign
After this and before to sign in, lest check your credentials again
a3hrgo-cli config print
Now you can see your ID and password (don't let any one to see it) Lets go to sign in once for all
a3hrgo-cli sign
Voila, after a few seconds (don't get nervous) you'll get a message which confirms you have sign in