form binder and layout
AWC Form Layout
Extends a-wc-form-binder to use a layout schema which generates a form layout and controls.
Install a-wc-form-binder package which includes basic layout templates that can be customized with CSS:
npm i -save a-wc-form-layout
Optional Material Web Component layout templates:
npm i -save a-wc-form-binders-mwc
Next we bind data and event listeners to the form just like we would with the form-binder. See AWC Form Binder for more information.
import { binderRegistry, binders } from 'a-wc-form-layout/src/index.js';
// And the control binders you wish to use. These can be custom.
const formBinder = document.querySelector('form-layout');
// Give the form-layout the data
formBinder.data = {
name: "Johnny Five", // Will require a text input
student: true, // Will require a checkbox
birthDate: "1985-06-02", // Will require a date input
occupation: "Engineer", // Will require select from a list of values
personalData: { // Nested data example
age: 34
comments: [ // Array of objects
date: "2001-09-11",
message: "Message one"
date: "2001-10-30",
message: "Message two"
date: "2011-09-11",
message: "Message three"
// Array of primitive type
telephoneNumbers: ["123-456-7890", "123-8901234"],
// Tuple
address: [12, "Place", "Street", "SW"]
// Listen for changes to the data
formBinder.addEventListener('form-binder:change', e => console.info(e.detail.data));
Next pass in the layout. Here's an exhaustive example to layout the data above:
const formBinder = document.querySelector('form-layout');
formBinder.layout = {
// A component is made up of a template name and properties to pass to the template
// name of the template that will render the component
template: "VerticalLayout",
// template properties are used to configure a template, they are passed to the template as parameters
properties: {
label: 'My Vertical Layout', // Optional label that will be output in the form
// The VerticalLayout template takes an array of components that it will render vertically
components: [
template: "HorizontalLayout",
properties: {
label: 'My Vertical Layout', // Optional label that will be output in the form
// The HorizontalLayout template takes an array of components that it will render horizontally
components: [
// The Control component is used to render controls
template: "Control",
properties: {
ref: "#/name", // JSON pointer to data backing this control
type: "text", // Control type (HTMLInputElement type in this case)
label: "First Name", // Control label
description: "Please enter your name", // Control description
minLength: 3, // min text length
maxLength: 30, // max text length
pattern: "^[a-z|A-Z]+$" // Regex validation pattern
// Number control
template: "Control",
properties: {
ref: "#/personalData/age",
type: "number",
min: 18, // min value
max: 150, // max value
step: 1, // incremental step size
required: true // mark this control as required
// Date control
template: "Control",
properties: {
ref: "#/birthDate",
type: "date"
// Boolean control
template: "Control",
properties: {
ref: "#/student",
type: "checkbox"
// Single select
template: 'Control',
properties: {
label: 'Enum label',
description: 'Enum description',
possibleValues: ['pizza', 'cheese', 'humus'],
readOnly: false,
ref: '#/favoriteFood',
type: 'text',
validation: {
required: false,
// Multi select
template: 'ArrayControl',
properties: {
label: 'ArrayControl label',
description: 'ArrayControl description',
possibleValues: ['pizza', 'cheese', 'humus'],
readOnly: false,
ref: '#/favoriteFoods',
validation: {
required: false,
// Textarea control
template: 'Textarea',
properties: {
description: 'description description',
label: 'description label',
ref: '#/description',
cols: 20,
rows: 5,
readOnly: false,
validation: {
minLength: 10,
maxLength: 50,
required: true,
template: 'GridLayout', // Layout components in a CSS Grid layout
properties: {
columns: 16, // Optional. Change the number of columns from the default 12 column grid. Can also be set using the --form-grid-layout-columns CSS variable.
gap: '1rem', // Optional. Change the grid gap from the default of 16px. Can also be set using the --form-pad CSS variable.
flow: 'column', // Optional. Default 'row'. The direction the grid will render the component.
dense: true, // Optional. Default false. CSS Grid will attempt to fill all cells with the component Will even render the component out of order to do so.
label: 'My Grid layout', // Optional label that will be output in the form
// The GridLayout template takes an array of components that it will render in the grid
components: [
column: 1, // Optional. The column index to insert this component in the grid. Will default to the next available grid cell.
columns: 1, // Optional. Default is 1. The number of columns this component should span in the grid
row: 1, // Optional. The row index to insert this component in the grid. Will default to the next available grid cell.
rows: 1, // Optional. The number of rows this component should span in the grid.
// The component to insert into the grid is now defined just like in the other layouts.
component: {
template: "Control",
properties: {
ref: "#/student",
type: "checkbox"
columns: 4,
component: {
template: 'Control',
properties: {
ref: '#/address/0',
label: 'Unit',
type: 'number',
columns: 4,
component: {
template: 'Control',
properties: {
type: 'text',
label: 'Tel #',
pattern: '\\d{3}-\\d{3}-\\d{4}',
columns: 4,
component: {
template: 'Control',
properties: {
type: 'date',
label: 'Date 1',
ref: 'date',
columns: 4,
component: {
template: 'Control',
properties: {
type: 'date',
label: 'Date 2',
ref: 'date',
columns: 4,
component: {
template: 'Control',
properties: {
type: 'date',
label: 'Date 3',
ref: 'date',
template: "HorizontalLayout",
properties: {
components: [
template: "Control",
properties: {
ref: "#/occupation",
possibleValues: [ // When possibleValues are supplied a select input is rendered by the included templates
template: "GridComponent", // used to render Array of same Objects e.g. data grid
properties: {
ref: "#/comments", // JSON pointer to the array of objects
label: "",
components: [
// This component is used for column one
template: "Control",
properties: {
type: "date",
label: "Date", // Label that will be used as the header for this column
ref: "date" // relative JSON pointer to the data in the object
template: "Control",
properties: {
type: "text",
label: "Message",
ref: "message"
// Array
template: "ArrayLayout",
properties: {
ref: "#/telephoneNumbers", // JSON pointer to the array
component: {
// The component to use for each entry
template: "Control",
properties: {
type: "text",
pattern: "\\d{3}-\\d{3}-\\d{4}"
// Tuple example
template: "HorizontalLayout",
properties: {
components: [
template: "Control",
properties: {
ref: "#/address/0",
label: "",
type: "number"
template: "Control",
properties: {
ref: "#/address/1",
type: "text"
template: "Control",
properties: {
ref: "#/address/2",
possibleValues: ["Street", "Avenue", "Boulevard"]
template: "Control",
properties: {
ref: "#/address/3",
possibleValues: ["NW", "NE", "SW", "SE"]
Attributes and properties
| Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | | data | property | The JSON data to bind controllers to | | layout | property | The JSON layout containing the component definitions |
| Name | Detail | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | | form-binder:change | data | event.detail.data references a copy of the original data that has new values applied to it. |
Custom components and templates
Create a template. Here's a div being used as a checkbox.
import { setComponentTemplate, html } from 'a-wc-form-layout';
// Templates are lit-html
const toggleTemplate = (context) => html`
<div bind=${context.component.properties.ref} class="my-toggle" style="border: 1px solid black;"></div>
// Register the template so that it can be used in a component in the layout
setComponentTemplate("Toggle", toggleTemplate);
In the above code, if there was already a template called Toggle registered it would be overwritten with the new one.
Set up data binding using a-wc-form-binder
import { binderRegistry } from "a-wc-form-layout";
// Create the binder
const divToggleBinding = {
controlSelector: "div.toggle",
initializeEvents: (control, onChange) =>
control.addEventListener("click", e => {
control.toggleValue = !control.toggleValue;
writeValue: (control, value) => {
control.toggleValue = value;
control.style.backgroundColor = value ? 'black' : 'transparent';
// Register the binding:
Add the form with data and layout
const formBinder = document.querySelector('form-layout');
formBinder.data = { toggle: true };
formBinder.layout = {
template: "Toggle",
properties: {
ref: "#/toggle"