JSON Schema form binder and layout
AWC JSON Schema Form
A JSON Schema form binder web component. Can be used anywhere you can use web components.
Generates form controls, and optionally form layout, from JSON Schema data.
Extends a-wc-form-binder to use a JSON Schema to automatically create form controls based on the schema data types. Validation defined in the JSON schema is also applied to the form controls. (a-wc-form-layout) can be provided which is a set of instructions on how a-wc-form-json-schema should layout the form. Or you can create the form with normal HTML. Controls used for JSON schema data types can be customized.
npm i -save a-wc-form-json-schema
Using form-binder
Example of binding data to JSON Schema generated form controls. This example does not use a-wc-form-layout and instead relies on you to manually create the form control structure using a-wc-form-binder.
<!-- Each json-schema-control will create the control for the data type from a set -->
<json-schema-control ref="/name/first"></json-schema-control>
<json-schema-control ref="/name/second"></json-schema-control>
<!-- json-schema-control can also render branches or even the whole schema -->
<json-schema-control ref="#"></json-schema-control>
<!-- Opt out of json-schema-form but still take advantage of a-wc-form-binder data binding and validation -->
<input type="text" bind="/name/middle">
See a-wc-form-binder package for more info on binders and validation.
import { binderRegistry binders } from "a-wc-form-binder";
import "a-wc-form-json-schema/src/components/json-schema-form.js";
import "a-wc-form-json-schema/src/components/json-schema-control.js";
// add the control binders to bind data to controls
const formBinder = document.querySelector('form-binder');
// Give form-binder the data
formBinder.data = {
firstName: 'foo', lastName: 'bar', middleName: '' }
// Defined the schema - here we simply declare it inline but you might load it from somewhere like an OpenAPI spec file
const schema = {
type: "object",
properties: {
firstName: {
type: "string",
title: "First Name",
minLength: 3,
description: "Please enter your first name"
lastName: {
type: "string",
title: "Last Name",
minLength: 3,
description: "Please enter your last name"
middleName: {
type: "string",
title: "Middle Name",
minLength: 3,
description: "Please enter your middle name"
required: ["firstName", "lastName"]
// Give the json schema to each json-schema-control
document.querySelectorAll('json-schema-control').forEach(control => {
control.schema = schema;
// OR set the schema once on the form-binder
formBinder.schema = schema;
// Listen for changes to the data
jsonSchemaForm.addEventListener('form-binder:change', e => console.info(e.detail.data));
The json-schema-control web component uses a-wc-form-layout templates to render controls based on a properties data types.
Using form-layout
A new a-wc-form-layout control type, JsonSchemaControl, is available. JsonSchemaControl will render the control required for the data type as defined in the JSON Schema provided.
Example showing the use of a-wc-form-layout with JsonSchemaControl to layout out the form controls.
<!-- json-schema-from extends form-layout -->
import { binderRegistry, binders } from "a-wc-form-binder";
import "a-wc-form-json-schema/src/components/json-schema-form.js";
// add the control binders to bind data to controls
const jsonSchemaForm = document.querySelector('json-schema-form');
// Give json-schema-form the data
jsonSchemaForm.data = {
firstName: 'foo', lastName: 'bar', middleName: '' }
// Give the json-schema-form the layout
// Optional - if not supplied then a layout will be generated from the schema
jsonSchemaForm.layout = {
type: "VerticalLayout",
elements: [
// Specify the JsonSchemaControl as the component
type: "JsonSchemaControl",
ref: "#/firstName"
type: "JsonSchemaControl",
ref: "#/lastName"
// Give json-schema-form the schema
jsonSchemaForm.schema = {
type: "object",
properties: {
firstName: {
type: "string",
title: "First Name",
minLength: 3,
description: "Please enter your first name"
lastName: {
type: "string",
title: "Last Name",
minLength: 3,
description: "Please enter your last name"
middleName: {
type: "string",
title: "Middle Name",
minLength: 3,
description: "Please enter your middle name"
required: ["firstName", "lastName"]
// Listen for changes to the data
jsonSchemaForm.addEventListener('form-binder:change', e => console.info(e.detail.data));
Customization of JSON Schema to Layout Schema
It is possible to change how the JSON Schema gets transformed into Layout Schema. There is a function responsible for the transformation of each JSON Schema type ('string', 'number', 'integer', 'boolean', 'object', 'array') into a Layout Component. These functions can be replaced.
For example, by default the transformation of a JSON Schema type 'object' is to a VerticalLayout. e.g. each property in the object is rendered in a single column. If you want to switch this to a two column GridLayout you can override the function to generate 'object' JSON Schema types like so:
import { layoutGeneratorRegistry } from 'a-wc-form-json-schema';
import { jsonPointer } from 'a-wc-form-binder';
// The function takes in the full JSON Schema and a JSON Pointer the the part of the JSON Schema being processed.
// It returns a Layout Component. In this case a 2 column GridLayout.
* @param {import("a-wc-form-json-schema/src/lib/models").JsonSchema} schema to generate uiSchema for
* @param {string} ref JSON pointer string to use as a starting point. Use if we are generating uiSchema for only a part of the schema.
* @returns {import("a-wc-form-layout/src/lib/models").GridLayout}
const newObjectGenerator = function (schema, ref) {
// The full JSON Schema is passed in so we get the part of the schema currently targeted using the ref (JSON Pointer)
/** @type {import("a-wc-form-json-schema/src/lib/models").JsonSchema} schema to generate layout Schema for */
const currentSchema = jsonPointer.getSchemaValue(schema, ref);
return {
template: 'GridLayout',
properties: {
columns: 2,
label: currentSchema.title,
// Generate child component layouts
components: Object.entries(currentSchema.properties).map((entry) => {
const componentJsonPointer = `${ref}/${entry[0]}`;
if (typeof entry[1] !== 'boolean' && typeof entry[1].type === 'string') {
return {
columns: entry[1].type === 'array' ? 2 : 1,
component: layoutGeneratorRegistry.getLayoutGenerator(entry[1].type)(
return null;
layoutGeneratorRegistry.setLayoutGenerator('object', newObjectGenerator);
This layout generator must be registered before the json form is instantiated.
API - json-schema-form
Attributes and properties
| Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | | data | property | The JSON data to bind controllers to | | layout | property | The JSON layout containing the component definitions | | schema | property | JSON Schema data which will be used for determining controls and validation to use. |
| Name | Detail | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | | form-binder:change | data | event.detail.data references a copy of the original data that has new values applied to it. | | | validationResults | event.detail.validationResults validation was performed as part of the change process. | | form-binder:report-validity | import("a-wc-form-binder/src/lib/control-validator.js").FormValidationResult | Should be listened to to update the UI with messages. |
API - json-schema-control
Attributes and properties
| Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | | schema | property | JSON Schema data which will be used for determining controls and validation to use. Optional. If missing the control will look for a parent form-binder or form-layout and look for a schema property on it to use. |
| Name | Detail | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | | form-binder:change | data | event.detail.data references a copy of the original data that has new values applied to it. |