A static blog created from Jade and Markdown - powered by node.js
#Muffin A node.js module for creating a static website/blog.
##What it does Creates a website/blog into static .html files - no database needed.
- Converts articles written markdown into .html
- Allows for a single template written in .jade or .html to be used as the site's template
- Styling can be written in .css, .less, or .styl
##Create a new post
muffin post
Then you'll be greated with a prompt asking you for an article name
Enter a unique name for the article
##Commands To get a list of all the commands:
muffin -h
make test
##Configuration Settings for baking the site/blog.
"blog": "/Y/m/d/T"
Y = Year 4 digits m = Month 2 digits d = Day 2 digits T = Full title of the article
Set up the format of the blog's url structure: Y, m, d are all optional and T is required
- Clean up Muffin.bake because it's a mess
- Set limit on # of chars. for blogs without h2's
- Allow year in the blog url to be 2 years
- Make article title in url optionally shorter (have no idea how)
- Have option for setup using nodejitsu for deployment
- Have option for setup using Github for deployment
- Remove JS DOM as a dependency (it sucks)
- Remove markx as a dependency