Babel preset used by Create React App
This is a fork of babel-preset-react-app
that adds additional options for commonjs
and esmodules
targets. See usage with Rollup below.
This package includes the Babel preset used by Create React App. Please refer to its documentation:
- Getting Started – How to create a new app.
- User Guide – How to develop apps bootstrapped with Create React App.
Usage in Create React App Projects
The easiest way to use this configuration is with Create React App, which includes it by default. You don’t need to install it separately in Create React App projects.
Note: @zumper/babel-preset-react-app
is included by default with @zumper/react-scripts
, a custom fork of Create React App.
Usage Outside of Create React App
If you want to use this Babel preset in a project not built with Create React App, you can install it with the following steps.
First, install Babel.
Then install @zumper/babel-preset-react-app
yarn add --dev @zumper/babel-preset-react-app
Then create a file named .babelrc
with following contents in the root folder of your project:
"presets": ["@zumper/babel-preset-react-app"]
This preset uses the useBuiltIns
option with transform-object-rest-spread and transform-react-jsx, which assumes that Object.assign
is available or polyfilled.
Usage with Flow
Make sure you have a .flowconfig
file at the root directory. You can also use the flow
option on .babelrc
"presets": [
["@zumper/babel-preset-react-app", { "flow": true, "typescript": false }]
Usage with TypeScript
Make sure you have a tsconfig.json
file at the root directory. You can also use the typescript
option on .babelrc
"presets": [
["@zumper/babel-preset-react-app", { "flow": false, "typescript": true }]
Usage with Rollup
If you are creating an NPM package that contains a React component you can use the options for commonjs
and esmodules
to create proper builds for lib
, es
and dist
folders. The configuration example below will work for most common cases but will not be suitable to all projects. Similar setups are used by popular NPM packages such as react-redux and react-router.
This is a simplified package.json
file showing how the build script might be configured.
Notably absent from the example file below are any dependencies and jest configuration. You can see a more complete example in the @zumper/react-ladda
"name": "my-package-name",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "lib/index.js",
"unpkg": "dist/my-package-name.js",
"module": "es/index.js",
"files": ["dist", "lib", "src", "es"],
"scripts": {
"build:commonjs": "cross-env MODULES_ENV=commonjs babel src --out-dir lib",
"build:es": "cross-env MODULES_ENV=esmodules babel src --out-dir es",
"build:umd": "rollup -c",
"build": "yarn build:commonjs && yarn build:es && yarn build:umd",
"clean": "rimraf lib dist es coverage",
"prepare": "yarn clean && yarn build",
"test": "jest"
When building for lib
, es
folders you want to set the absoluteRuntime
to false
. Letting the absoluteRuntime
default to true
will include the full local path to the runtime in your build, which is undesirable for a published NPM package. When building for the dist
folder, you also want to disable helpers (because Rollup manages helpers automatically).
Note that it is recommended to set NODE_ENV
environment variable to "production" when building an NPM package. Setting NODE_ENV
to "development" will put the @babel/preset-react
plugin into development mode, which is undesirable for a published NPM package.
const { NODE_ENV, MODULES_ENV } = process.env;
const isEnvTest = NODE_ENV === 'test';
if (!isEnvTest) {
// force production mode for package builds
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production';
const useCommonJS = isEnvTest || MODULES_ENV === 'commonjs';
const useESModules = MODULES_ENV === 'esmodules';
module.exports = {
presets: [
// for testing with jest/jsdom
useCommonJS && isEnvTest && '@zumper/babel-preset-react-app/test',
// building for lib folder
useCommonJS &&
!isEnvTest && [
{ absoluteRuntime: false },
// building for es folder
useESModules && [
{ absoluteRuntime: false },
// building for dist folder
!useCommonJS &&
!useESModules && ['@zumper/babel-preset-react-app', { helpers: false }],
import babel from 'rollup-plugin-babel';
import replace from 'rollup-plugin-replace';
import commonjs from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs';
import nodeResolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve';
import { terser } from 'rollup-plugin-terser';
import camelCase from 'lodash.camelcase';
import kebabCase from 'lodash.kebabcase';
import upperFirst from 'lodash.upperfirst';
import pkg from './package.json';
const input = 'src/index.js';
const globalName = upperFirst(camelCase(pkg.name));
const fileName = kebabCase(pkg.name);
const deps = [
...Object.keys(pkg.dependencies || {}).filter(
key => key !== '@babel/runtime'
...Object.keys(pkg.peerDependencies || {}),
const external = name => deps.some(dep => name.startsWith(dep));
const globals = {
react: 'React',
'prop-types': 'PropTypes',
// ... add other external UMD package names here
const createConfig = env => {
const isEnvProduction = env === 'production';
return {
output: {
file: `dist/${fileName}${isEnvProduction ? '.min' : ''}.js`,
format: 'umd',
name: globalName,
indent: false,
exports: 'named',
plugins: [
extensions: ['.mjs', '.js', '.jsx', '.ts', '.tsx', '.json'],
replace({ 'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify(env) }),
isEnvProduction &&
compress: {
pure_getters: true,
unsafe: true,
unsafe_comps: true,
warnings: false,
export default [
// UMD Development
// UMD Production