


Zuby.js share plugin





The plugin for Zuby.js that allows you to easily share your local development/prod server with anyone in the world using the Cloudflare Quick Tunnel service. This is useful when you want to show your work to someone else, or quickly test it on a different device.

By using this plugin, you agree to the Cloudflare's Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Tunnel License.


First, install the @zubyjs/share package using your favorite package manager. If you aren't sure, you can use npm:

npm install @zubyjs/share

Then add the @zubyjs/share plugin to your zuby.config.mjs file under the plugins option:

  import { defineConfig } from 'zuby';
  import preact from '@zubyjs/preact';
+ import share from '@zubyjs/share';

  export default defineConfig({
    outDir: '.zuby',
    jsx: preact(),
+   plugins: [
+       share()
+   ]

And that's it! Now you can run npx zuby dev or npx zuby preview to start sharing your local server. The plugin will expose your local dev/prod server to the internet over a tunnel and provide you a unique link that you can share with anyone. Once you stop the server, the tunnel is closed.

Example output:

Zuby.js  v1.0.58  started in 379ms

┃ Mode     development
┃ Local
┃ Network  use --host and --port to expose

┃ Share    https://accidents-head-random.trycloudflare.com

NOTE: Always make sure that all zuby packages are in sync in your package.json file:

    "name": "my-zuby-app",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "dependencies": {
      "zuby": "latest",
      "@zubyjs/share": "latest"


This package is part of Zuby.js workspace and maintained by the team behind the Zuby package. Please refer to it for more details how to contribute.
