Command-line tool to upload coverage reports to Bitbucket
Zoosh bitbucket-v8-coverage-report
Zoosh bitbucket-v8-coverage-report
is designed to facilitate the upload of V8 test coverage reports to Bitbucket Pull Requests. This package provides functions to automate the process of uploading reports generated during build processes.
To install Zoosh bitbucket-v8-coverage-report, simply include it as a dependency in your project's package.json
npm install @zooshdigital/bitbucket-v8-coverage-report
yarn add @zooshdigital/bitbucket-v8-coverage-report
uploadReport Function
The uploadReport function enables you to upload coverage reports to Bitbucket pipelines.
To utilize the functionality simply run it using npx. Below is an example of how to execute the command-line utility @zooshdigital/bitbucket-v8-coverage-report
with npx directly from your terminal:
Using npx
npx @zooshdigital/bitbucket-v8-coverage-report -n reportName -p ./path-to-the-v8-coverage-report
Using yarn
yarn bitbucket-v8-coverage-report -n reportName -p ./path-to-the-v8-coverage-report
If you prefer using yarn, ensure that the @zooshdigital/bitbucket-v8-coverage-report is listed in the dependencies of the current workspace if you're using multiple workspaces.
It takes the following arguments:
- -n (required): The name of the report.
- -p (required): The path to the V8 coverage report file.
Ensure that the specified path leads to a V8 coverage report that can be passed to the Bitbucket API.
Configuring Jest for Code Coverage Analysis
When configuring Jest for code coverage analysis, you may need to specify which files should be included in the coverage report. The collectCoverageFrom
property in Jest configuration allows you to specify these files. Here's an example of a possible configuration:
coverageProvider: 'v8',
coverageReporters: ['json-summary'],
collectCoverageFrom: [
Running within a Docker Container
You have the option to run the script inside a Docker container if needed. Ensure you pass the required environment variables BITBUCKET_REPO_FULL_NAME and BITBUCKET_COMMIT. Additionally, to enable the container to resolve host.docker.internal to the host machine's address, you need to add the --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway flag when running the container.
Below is an example of how to run the container:
docker run --rm \
--add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway \
-e BITBUCKET_REPO_FULL_NAME=<repo_full_name> \
-e BITBUCKET_COMMIT=<commit_hash> \
Replace <repo_full_name> with the full name of your Bitbucket repository, <commit_hash> with the commit hash you want to analyze, and <docker_image_name> with the name of the Docker image you built.
Your requests will automatically be routed through a proxy server running alongside every pipeline on 'localhost:29418'. This proxy server adds a valid Auth-Header to your requests, eliminating the need for additional authentication configurations.
See more in the official Bitbucket documentation here.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.