Zoom Developer CLI Tool
This is a beta for a cli that allows users to make calls to the Zoom API
:hammer: Development
Get started
Run npm install
in the root dir to install all the dependencies
Linking Commands
You can run zoom config
instead of ./bin/run config
by running npm link
:file_folder: Tests
Tests are written using Mocha. You can run test by running npm test
or npm t
in the root dir. \
Note: Running the tests will override your credentials. Please back up your credentials file somewhere if you do not want to go through the configuration process again
This repo uses Gitlab's CI/CD and a specific Gitlab runner. If we want to move this repo out of Gitlab, we could use CircleCI (it is free for open source projects).
Oclif has some examples of using CircleCI:
:rocket: Commands
The first thing you'll need to do is create a Server-To-Server application in order to get the credentials needed to log into the CLI.
Onces you've created the app and take note of your Account ID, Client ID, and Client Secret, you can start using the CLI is and add your credentials by running zoom config
After setting up your account, you can commands by using zoom <COMMAND>
If you ever run a command without being logged in, you should recieve [Error]: Please log in first
You can add --help
to any command to see more details
zoom config
Please input your account_id
Please input your client_id: ***********
Please input your client_secret: ***********
Validating credentials... done
Success! Welcome
$ ./bin/run logout
Are you sure you want to logout? (Y/n): Y
You have successfully logged out
The auth topic handles granting you a new access token. See a list of all commands here
$ zoom auth:COMMAND
auth:refresh Refresh your access token
The snippet below provides an overview of all sub commands under the meetings topic. See a list of all commands here
$ zoom meetings:COMMAND
meetings:create Create a meeting
meetings:delete Delete a Meeting
meetings:get Get information about a meeting
meetings:get-details Get details about a past meeting
meetings:join Join a meeting
meetings:list List all meetings for a user
meetings:list-registrants List all meetings registrants
meetings:start Start a meeting
meetings:update Update a Meeting
meetings:update-status Update a Meeting Statusut a meeting
The snippet below provides an overview of all sub commands under the reports topic. See a list of all commands here
$ zoom reports --help
$ zoom reports:COMMAND
reports:activity Retrieve activity logs of users under a Zoom account
reports:daily Access the account-wide usage of Zoom services for each day in a given month
reports:host Retrieve an active or inactive host report for a specified period
reports:meeting Retrieve reports on past meetings and webinars for a specified time period
reports:meeting-detail Get a detailed report for a past meeting
reports:meeting-participants Get participant report for a past meeting
reports:meeting-poll Retrieve a report of poll results for a past meeting
reports:operation-logs Retrieve operation logs report for a specified period of time.
reports:recording Retrieve cloud recording usage report for a specified period
reports:telephone Get telephone report for a specified period of time
reports:webinar Retrieve a report containing past webinar details
reports:webinar-participants Get participant report for a past webinar
reports:webinar-poll Retrieve a report of poll results for a past webinar
reports:webinar-qa Retrieves a report on question and answers from a past webinar
:ribbon: Linter & Prettier
ESLint was used to lint the code.
Everytime something is pushed to this repo, Gitlab's CI/CD automatically lints the code.
To lint locally, run yarn lint --fix
Prettier was used for code formatting.
You can install prettier with npm install --save-dev --save-exact prettier
and then run the following:
npx prettier --write src/*
npx prettier --write server/*
npx prettier --write test/*
:closed_book: References
This cli was made with oclif.