Testing the React Component UI with docker.
Testing the React Component UI with docker.
- store option for deskcomponent components
- mdata js file check
- service down handles
- generate details about components in testing
- Module data and without docs find added
- workaround for webpack rebuild
- error handling with proper message in callbacks
- handle api request under forEach with promises
- allow even with single component change
- Seperate reference branch images with Hbase
- Impact run options enable
- store option for first run
- store with impact run after the merge in reference branch
- Text editor cursor blink fix with version update
- Disable the images with the components (If you want with image you can enable with the flag --sstest:image)
- Better logs
- provide result details to the callback
- To prevent the cursor blink diff in editors click the body element
- Also check the visiblity of below element in docs (id=check)
- animation issue fix with components.html
- some issue fix with component name log
- Error components refresh fix
- Module stats js file path fix
- component name with __ only allowed
- Need to console the component log
- Time consumption reduced and some issue fixes on selenium webdriver
- Issue fix and Log generation
- mData Object issue fix
- Module stats , mData issue fix
- Timeout issue due the unmatched component count(setTimeout) fixes
- script injection for stop the animation inside the docs component
- custom request npm api added