Generalized Contract for the events from Marketplace App, In-App widgets, CRM-Plus and EFC
Config Description
| Params | Description |
| --- | --- |
| marketplace | Object
type. This has the mutliple options as below in the example. |
| featureFlags | Object
type. To idenfy wether the assets of the feature specified needs to be loaded or not. For example {isMarketplaceNeeded: true}
| postProductSDKAssetsFetch | Function
type. This is function will get called when the SDK assets are fetched and loaded. |
| locale | String
type. To notify the extensions or platform related integration about the user's current locale. For example en-US
. |
| eventListeners | Object
To which all the SDK calls will be routed. For Example { DESK_EVENT: deskEventHandler }
| globalNameSpace | String
type. The spcified string is converted to object with SDK methods. For example: If ZOHODESK
is provided the generated SDK will be accessible as ZOHODESK.get
. |
| events | Object
type. To specify the events to be exposed to integrations/extensions. |
| renderWidgetActionConstant | String
type. To identify the action which triggers the Widget Rendering. |
| isPromiseBasedAction | Boolean
type. This denotes the actions that gets dispatched in the Application is in the instance of Promise.|
Configuration Example
marketplace: {
renderHandler: getDeskPluginManager, // Function
postAssestsFetch: postAssetsFetch, // Function
isDevMode: isDevMode, //Function
requestHandler: RequestHandler, // Funtion
notifyHandler:notifyHandler //Function
featureFlags: {
isMarketplaceNeeded: true
postProductSDKAssetsFetch:()=>{ ZOHODESK.sdkPromise.res() },
locale: 'en',
eventListeners: { DESK_EVENT: deskEventHandler },
globalNameSpace: 'ZOHODESK',
events: PlatformEvents,
renderWidgetActionConstant: 'RENDER_WIDGETS'
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.1
- Events Object mutation issue fixed
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.2
- Invoke API request Object information issue fixed
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.3
- Added Marketplace Feature Flag to download the assest.
- SDK changes to prevent the exisiting methods on the given namespace instead of overriding.
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.4
- Global namespace overriding issue fix.
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.5
- Dev mode changes merge issues fix.
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.6
- Properties overriding fix for the getters/setters/invoke.
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.7
- CRM PLUS case - events should broadcast after the state update.
- Addded the function support to the events and hooks for data construction.
- Issue fix for the Hook events which called twice.
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.8
- URL CHANGE ACTION - this action gets dispatched twice to update in history and state, so we filtered to broadcast the event once.
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.9
- Platform Instance undefined error - Fixed.
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.10
- diaptch function added to SDK global namespace.
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.11
- Hook event notify handler added as config from the Application.
- getState() method is passed instead the state object to event/hooks responseHandler function.
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.12
- Hook event response Handler function rejewct handled.
- Hook reject error message issue fix.
- Selectn used for data fetch from nested object.
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.13
- Event broadcasted before the next(action).
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.14
- Added the callback support for the ProductSDK post assets fetch.
- The callback function should be specified in the config object while intializing the middleware as
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.15
- Added the config support to know the action type. For example the actions can be of promise based from the web worker implementation.
- The
config needs to be passed as a boolean value while intializing the middleware.
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.16
- Added the config decsription and sample to README file.
- Fixed validation issues.
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.17
- Added the package-lock.json entry in the npmignore.
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.18
- Provided the event name configuration as a function and array support for events names.
- Provided the
function to the responseHandler function. - Provided the
function in the action payload to listen the notification of the hookRejection.
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.19
- Update a fix for hookRejectCallback - moved to one of key in the action.
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.20
- Promise resolving not working properly - issue fixed
- Zoho one frame origin fixes for embeddable zoho services.
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.21
- Removed unwanted next(action) called in hook rejection
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.22
- Throw the error message to the reject callback while problem in responsehandler method
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.23
- Hook rejection title and name handling fix
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.24
- Hooks handling for without api action
- Support the customized event name
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.25
- Reverting - Hooks handling for without api action from Previous version
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.26
- Providing temprorly overrideInvokeMethodToCommonPattern flag hook for ProductSDK method.
- Flag check for marketplace config validation.
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.27 & 0.0.1-beta.28
- Bundling issue fixed
@zohodesk/platform-middleware - 0.0.1-beta.29
- Handling the multiple event listener functions.
- Provided the support to prevent the default notification popup for the hook rejection and custom title & message key.