Data table with customizable features including inline editing, summary data, pagination.
#Vue Data Table
npm i @zlonneman/vue-data-table
<div class="">
import DataTable from '@zlonneman/vue-data-table';
export default {
name: 'HelloWorld',
headers: [
{text: 'Name', value: 'name', align: 'left'},
{text: 'Age', value: 'age', align: 'right', type: 'number'}
dataSource: [
{name: 'John Doe', age: 36},
{name: 'Jane Doe', age, 34}
Props | Type | Default | Example or Details
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------
headers | Array | [] | [{text: 'Header 1', value: h1}, {text: 'Header 2', value: h2}]
dataSource | Array | [] | [{h1: Hello, h2: 100}, {h1: World, h2: 200}]
actions | Array | [] | [{icon: 'fa-trash', title: 'delete', style: {cursor: 'pointer'}, emitFunction: this.deleteRow}]
bordered | Boolean | true | adds border to data table
borderColor | String | 'black' | sets border color
borderWidth | String | '1px' | sets border width
borderStyle | String | 'solid' | sets border style
columnLines | Boolean | true | adds lines separating each column
columnSearchFilter | Boolean | false | allows the user to filter by using a search in the column header
enablePagination | Boolean | false | adds page details and option to the bottom of the table row to bottom of data table
globalSearch | Boolean | false | allows the user to filter entire grid by using a global search
height | String | '500px' | sets height of data table
includeSummaryRow | Boolean | false | adds summary row to bottom of data table (functions are added to the headers array for each column)
initialPageSize | Number | 25 | initial number of rows to show per page
inlineEditing | Boolean | false | allows inline editing of dataSource element
pageSizeOptions | Array | [25, 50, 100] | array of page size options to show at bottom of page
rowLines | Boolean | true | adds lines separating each row
sort | Boolean | true | allows columns to be sorted using a sort icon near the header text
summaryType | String | 'All' | determines if summary calcs should be done on all data or just the data on the current page. Options: ('All', 'All Filtered', 'Page')
width | String | '100%' | sets width of data table
Cell Styles | | |
cellBackgroundColor | String | 'traparent' | sets ckground-color of cells
cellColor | String | 'black' | sets text color of cells
cellFontSize | String | '12px' | sets font size of cells
cellHeight | String | '24px' | sets height of cells
cellOverflow | String | 'hidden' | sets overflow type of cells
cellPadding | String | '5px' | sets padding of cells
Header Styles | | |
headerFontSize | String | '16px' | sets font size of headers
headerBackgroundColor | String | 'transparent' | sets background-color of headers
headerColor | String | 'black' | sets text color of headers
headerHeight | String | '36px' | sets height of headers
headerOverflow | String | 'hidden' | sets overflow type of headers
headerPadding | String | '5px' | sets padding of headers
Summary Styles | | |
summaryBackgroundColor | String | 'transparent' | sets background-color of summary row
Search Styles | | |
searchWidth | String | '100%' | sets width of global search input
#Headers Array
let headers = [{
text: 'Header 1',
value: 'h1',
width: '500px',
type: 'text',
align: 'right',
disableSort: false,
summaryCalc: () => {return 'summary'}
Object Values | Type | Default | Details ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------ align | String | left | sets the text-align of the column disableSort | Boolean | false | disables sortability of column text | String | N/A | sets the display value of the column type | String | text | options: 'text', 'number', 'usd', 'percent', 'actions' value | String | N/A | sets the value to be paired with dataSource properties width | String | N/A | sets the width of the column summaryCalc | Function | return null | function to be called when determining the summary of the column (see example below)
#Header summaryCalc The first parameter in the summaryCalc is always an array containing all values for the given summaryType ('All', 'All Filtered', 'Page') in the dataSource for the specified column
let headers = [{
text: 'Header 1',
value: 'h1',
summaryCalc: (array) => {
return array.reduce((total,value) => {
return total + value;
you can also use methods defined in the script section of your vue template.
let headers = [{
text: 'Header 1',
value: 'h1',
summaryCalc: this.h1Calc
methods: {
return array.reduce((total,value) => {
return total + value;
#Actions Array
let headers = [{
text: '',
width: '75px',
type: 'actions',
align: 'center'
let actions = [{
icon: 'fa fa-trash',
title: 'delete',
style: {cursor: 'pointer'},
emitFunction: this.deleteRow
Object Values | Type | Default | Details ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------ icon | String | N/A | free font-awesome icon library link to Gallery! title | String | N/A | title to be displayed when user hovers over icon style | Object | {} | add CSS Styles to div container of icon emitFunction | Function | return null | function to be called when icon is clicked, returns row clicked as first parameter
#Header emitFunction The first parameter in the emitFunction is always the object of the row that was clicked
let actions = [{
icon: 'fa fa-trash',
title: 'delete',
style: {cursor: 'pointer'},
emitFunction: (row) => {
let index = this.dataSource.map(item => item.id).indexOf(row.id)
this.dataSource.splice(index, 1)
you can also use methods defined in the script section of your vue template.
let headers = [{
text: 'Header 1',
value: 'h1',
emitFunction: this.deleteRow
methods: {
let index = this.dataSource.map(item => item.id).indexOf(row.id)
this.dataSource.splice(index, 1)