Solidity part is forked from [Hardhat template](https://github.com/paulrberg/hardhat-template/blob/main/.solcover.js) and remove some unnecessary files.
ZK Poker Template
Solidity part is forked from Hardhat template and remove some unnecessary files.
Getting Started
Pre Requisites
Before being able to run any command, you need to create a .env
file and set a BIP-39 compatible mnemonic as an environment
variable. You can follow the example in .env.example
. If you don't already have a mnemonic, you can use this website to generate one.
Then, proceed with installing dependencies:
$ yarn install
Compile the smart contracts with Hardhat:
$ yarn compile
Compile the smart contracts and generate TypeChain bindings:
$ yarn typechain
Run the tests with Hardhat:
$ yarn test
Lint Solidity
Lint the Solidity code:
$ yarn lint:sol
Lint TypeScript
Lint the TypeScript code:
$ yarn lint:ts
Generate the code coverage report:
$ yarn coverage
Report Gas
See the gas usage per unit test and average gas per method call:
$ REPORT_GAS=true yarn test
Delete the smart contract artifacts, the coverage reports and the Hardhat cache:
$ yarn clean
Deploy the contracts to Hardhat Network:
$ yarn deploy --greeting "Bonjour, le monde!"
game status: not started
A --> set up the wallet --> call smart contract for registeration
B --> set up the wallet --> call smart contract for registeration ....
shuffle the table
game status: preparing
A: Public X = [1,2,...,52]
Public Y = [23,41,...,85]
Proof: X to Y is a valid shuffle and encryption
Then, X, Y, and Proof all go to smart contract.
B: a) Fetch X, Y, and Proof from Smart Contract. b) Verify Proof. c) Public Y, Public Z, Proof: Y to Z is a valid shuffle and encryption. d) Send Z, Proof to smart contract.
Similarly, we have C, D, E, ...
check: no user left --> game status: ready, otherwise not ready
P.S: users can shuffle twice in the single round
On Smart Contract, there is a game logic who should draw & play a card.
Suppose we have A, B, C, D, E and this round should be A to draw a card.
Now, suppose we have shuffled and masked deck Z = [z1, z2, ..., zn] on smart contract.
Again, suppose z1 has been drawed before, we should draw z2 now.
Given z2, ask E to decrypt first, and send decrypted card value and the proof of correctness to the smart contract; then D decrypt, then C, B, and finally A decrypt. Once A decrypt, A does not need to send the card value and proof of correctness.
Later, when A want to play this card, A need to send the card value and proof to smart contract.
prompt design in text:
For an user:
- Prompt tells him generate the pk, zk ..., and save to the local storage
- Prompt tells him join a game, if he agrees with [Y], he will be registered to the deployed contract
- Prompt show up the status of other users, if all users joined, prompt shows [Shuffle the table]
- Prompt tells who is to shuffle the table, when it's his turn he shuffles. when all users finish this, prompt show [game starts]
- Prompt tells who is to reveal the card, when it's his turn he shuffles. when all users finish this, prompt show [game starts]
- Prompt tells him all users have revealed their cards, and show up the winner of this round.
- end, and we can start from 4., another round begins
Data type requirements
u256[] or byte32[], all the data types should be in the array of 32 bytes