Build tasks tailored for Zivtech's Starterlight base theme.
Starterlight Tasks
- Set a global configuration object:
global.SLoptions = { /* options */ };
- Load the gulp tasks:
const { tasks } = = require('@zivtech/starterlight-tasks'); for(let task in tasks) { exports[task] = tasks[task]; }
sourcemaps (bool)
Turn Sass sourcemaps on or off.
sass (obj)
- paths (obj)
- src: A glob of Sass files to be compiled into CSS.
- dest: The directory the compiled CSS file will be placed in.
- config: An object of node-sass configuration options.
js (obj)
- paths (obj)
- src: A glob of JS files to lint.
- eslint: An object of eslint configuration options. This will typically be unused since we inherit our linting rules from Drupal core.
sassGlob (obj)
An object of gulp-sass-glob configuration options.
sassLint (obj)
An object of sass-lint configuration options.
postcss (obj)
- postcssPresetEnv: An object of postcss-preset-env configuration options. Use this if you need to support older browsers (e.g. IE11) but want to use newer CSS specifications. See https://preset-env.cssdb.org/features for a list of features this helps support.
- postcssSortMediaQueries: An object of postcss-sort-media-queries configuration options.
- cssnano: An object of cssnano configuration options. We use the default preset and override a few of its optimization options.
favicons (obj)
- paths (obj)
- src: The path to the image file from which the rest of the favicons will be created.
- dest: The directory the generated favicons will be placed in.
- templateFile: The name of the template file where favicons will be injected. This should be to
unless you changed where the injection tags are located. - templateDir: The path to the directory where the
- config: An object of favicons configuration options.
browserSync (obj)
An object of Browsersync configuration options.
Boilerplate Config Object
Here are the defaults we use. You can copy this and configure to fit your needs.
sass: {
sourcemaps: true,
paths: {
src: ["./scss/**/*.scss"],
dest: "./css/"
config: {
outputStyle: "expanded"
js: {
paths: {
src: ["./js/**/*.js"]
eslint: {}
sassGlob: {},
sassLint: {
files: {
ignore: ["scss/00-base/settings/**/*.scss"]
rules: {
property-sort-order: 0,
indentation: 0,
no-color-literals: 0,
variable-name-format: 0,
force-element-nesting: 0,
no-qualifying-elements: 0,
placeholder-in-extend: 0,
nesting-depth: 0,
leading-zero: 0,
no-duplicate-properties: 0,
no-vendor-prefixes: 0,
force-pseudo-nesting: 0,
pseudo-element: 0,
no-important: 0,
extends-before-declarations: 2,
extends-before-mixins: 0,
mixins-before-declarations: [
exclude: [
declarations-before-nesting: 2,
class-name-format: 0,
no-transition-all: 0,
space-around-operator: 0,
force-attribute-nesting: 0,
no-ids: 0,
no-misspelled-properties: 0
postcss: {
postcssPresetEnv: {
autoprefixer: {},
features: {}
postcssSortMediaQueries: {},
cssnano: {
preset: [
autoprefixer: {
exclude: false
discardUnused: {
exclude: false
mergeIdents: {
exclude: false
reduceIdents: {
exclude: false
favicons: {
paths: {
src: "./images/favicon-source.png",
dest: "./images/favicons/",
templateFile: "html.html.twig",
templateDir: "./templates/layout/"
config: {
path: "/themes/custom/starterlight/images/favicons",
appName: "Enter the name of the site or app here",
appDescription: "Enter a short description of the site or app here",
appleStatusBarStyle: "#fff",
background: "#fff",
theme_color: "#fff",
display: "standalone",
orientation: "portrait",
start_url: "/?homescreen=1",
version: 1.0,
logging: false,
html: "favicons.html",
pipeHTML: true,
replace: true,
icons: {
android: {
offset: 10,
background: true
appleIcon: {
offset: 10,
background: true
appleStartup: {
offset: 10,
background: true
coast: {
offset: 10
favicons: true,
firefox: {
offset: 15,
background: true,
mask: true,
overlayGlow: false
windows: {
offset: 10,
background: true
yandex: true
browserSync: {
proxy: "local.dev",
open: true
"sass": {
"sourcemaps": true,
"paths": {
"src": ["./scss/**/*.scss"],
"dest": "./css/"
"config": {
"outputStyle": "expanded"
"js": {
"paths": {
"src": ["./js/**/*.js"]
"eslint": {}
"sassGlob": {},
"sassLint": {
"files": {
"ignore": ["scss/00-base/settings/**/*.scss"]
"rules": {
"property-sort-order": 0,
"indentation": 0,
"no-color-literals": 0,
"variable-name-format": 0,
"force-element-nesting": 0,
"no-qualifying-elements": 0,
"placeholder-in-extend": 0,
"nesting-depth": 0,
"leading-zero": 0,
"no-duplicate-properties": 0,
"no-vendor-prefixes": 0,
"force-pseudo-nesting": 0,
"pseudo-element": 0,
"no-important": 0,
"extends-before-declarations": 2,
"extends-before-mixins": 0,
"mixins-before-declarations": [
"exclude": [
"declarations-before-nesting": 2,
"class-name-format": 0,
"no-transition-all": 0,
"space-around-operator": 0,
"force-attribute-nesting": 0,
"no-ids": 0,
"no-misspelled-properties": 0
"postcss": {
"postcssPresetEnv": {
"autoprefixer": {},
"features": {}
"postcssSortMediaQueries": {},
"cssnano": {
"preset": [
"autoprefixer": {
"exclude": false
"discardUnused": {
"exclude": false
"mergeIdents": {
"exclude": false
"reduceIdents": {
"exclude": false
"favicons": {
"paths": {
"src": "./images/favicon-source.png",
"dest": "./images/favicons/",
"templateFile": "html.html.twig",
"templateDir": "./templates/layout/"
"config": {
"path": "/themes/custom/starterlight/images/favicons",
"appName": "Enter the name of the site or app here",
"appDescription": "Enter a short description of the site or app here",
"appleStatusBarStyle": "#fff",
"background": "#fff",
"theme_color": "#fff",
"display": "standalone",
"orientation": "portrait",
"start_url": "/?homescreen=1",
"version": 1.0,
"logging": false,
"html": "favicons.html",
"pipeHTML": true,
"replace": true,
"icons": {
"android": {
"offset": 10,
"background": true
"appleIcon": {
"offset": 10,
"background": true
"appleStartup": {
"offset": 10,
"background": true
"coast": {
"offset": 10
"favicons": true,
"firefox": {
"offset": 15,
"background": true,
"mask": true,
"overlayGlow": false
"windows": {
"offset": 10,
"background": true
"yandex": true
"browserSync": {
"proxy": "local.dev",
"open": true