Zippie DID Identity Platform Core API
The Core
Core contains the DID Core API (non React) which is the low level API allowing implementing advanced interactions and flows using the DID within a web application, the components and their variables, all the functions and their properties and the classes in DID and also the models
What is DID
Decentralized Identity (DID) leverages the decentralization of blockchain technology to enhance privacy and transparency and eliminate central authority. With DID, data and assets are stored in the user’s digital identity, placing the sole and full authority squarely in their hands. DID gives them more independence and frees them from invasive authentication and verification. Companies or organizations are also less vulnerable to cyberattacks such as data breaches as they store less user information in their databases.
To know more about Zippie DID, click here
Installing the npm package
The package can be installed with both yarn and npm
// Using NPM
npm install @zippie/did-api
// Using Yarn
yarn add @zippie/did-api
import { IAppData, PlatformProvider, SignUpForm, SignInForm, RecoveryForm } from '@zippie/did-api'
Generate JSDoc documentation
JSDocs generates HTML documents that contain an in-depth explanation of how to set up DID and use its functions.
Before you can generate the documentation, you need to install yarn on your local machine.
- In the root directory, run the command below:
yarn install
Open the did-api directory after the successful yarn installation.
To generate the HTML documents, run the following command:
yarn run jsdoc
This should generate a “docs” directory under did-api that contains four (4) HTML files:
- DidApi.ts.html
- global.html
- index.html
- ZippieDidAPI.html
- Open the generated “docs” directory.
- Open the index.html file in your browser. You should be redirected to the home page of the document.