Core NgRx Library
Core NgRx Library
- Angular < 6
- NgRx < 6
- RxJs < 6
How to Use this Library?
- File Structure
- Domain
- Actions
- Reducers
- Selectors
- Effects
- Module
1. File Structure
Inside the folder for each domain
- app-message.actions.ts
- app-message.domain.ts
- app-message.module.ts
- app-message.reducer.ts
- app-message.selectors.ts
- app-message.utils.ts
2. Domain Example
import {EntityState} from '@ngrx/entity';
import {
} from '@zionapps/ngrx-core';
export interface Item {
id?: number;
// Add additional properties
export interface ItemsState extends EntityState<Item> {
currentId: number | null;
lastResult: INgRxCoreLastResult | null;
loaded: boolean;
// Add custom properties
export const ItemsDomain: INgRxCoreModuleConfig = {
autoSaveDelay: 100,
endpoint: 'https://www.endpoint.com',
idProperty: 'id',
initialStateMap: {
// Add custom properties or override defaults
storeName: 'Items',
timeoutForRequests: 30000,
3. Actions Example
Use the standard approach
import { generateNgRxCoreActions, INgRxCoreActionSet } from '@zionapps/ngrx-core';
import { MyItem, MyItemsConfig} from './my-items.domain';
export const MyItemsActions: INgRxCoreActionSet<MyItem, number> = generateNgRxCoreActions<MyItem, number>(MyItemsConfig.pluralName);
Extend with more actions:
- generateNgRxCoreEmptyPayloadAction()
- generateNgRxCoreErrorPayloadAction()
- generateNgRxCoreItemPayloadAction()
- generateNgRxCoreListPayloadAction()
const {
} = generateNgRxCoreActions<MyItem, number>(MyItemsConfig.pluralName);
const MyItemsType = {
// Spread the original types
// Add additional action types
Custom: generateNgRxCoreActionName(ItemsDomain.storeName, 'Custom'),
export const MyItemsActions = {
Type: MyItemsType,
// Spread the original actions
// Add additional action generators
Custom: generateNgRxCoreEmptyPayloadAction(ItemsType.Custom),
4. Reducer Example
Use the standard approach
import { generateNgRxCoreReducer} from '@zionapps/ngrx-core';
import { MyItem, MyItemsConfig, MyItemsState } from './my-items.domain';
import { myItemsAdapter } from './my-items.utils';
export const myItemsReducer: MyItemsState = generateNgRxCoreReducer<MyItem>(myItemsAdapter, MyItemsConfig);
Extend with more reducers
5. Selector Example
Use the standard approach
import { generateNgRxCoreSelectors, INgRxCoreSelectors } from '@zionapps/ngrx-core';
import { MyItem, MyItemsConfig } from './my-items.domain';
import { myItemsAdapter } from './my-items.utils';
export const MyItemSelectors: INgRxCoreSelectors<MyItem> = generateNgRxCoreSelectors<MyItem>(myItemsAdapter, MyItemsConfig.pluralName);
Extend with more selectors
6. Effects Example
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Actions, Effect, ofType } from '@ngrx/effects';
import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
import { NgRxCoreAction, NgRxCoreEffects } from '@zionapps/ngrx-core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { MyItemsActions } from './my-items.actions';
import { MyItem, MyItemsConfig } from './my-items.domain';
import { MyItemsService } from './my-items.service';
export class MyItemsEffects extends NgRxCoreEffects<MyItem, number> {
constructor(protected actions$: Actions,
protected service: MyItemsService,
protected store: Store<any>) {
super(actions$, MyItemsActions, MyItemsConfig, service, store);
backgroundFetchAllRemote$: Observable<NgRxCoreAction> = this.getBackgroundFetchAllRemote$();
backgroundFetchOneRemote$: Observable<NgRxCoreAction> = this.getBackgroundFetchOneRemote$();
createManyRemote$: Observable<NgRxCoreAction> = this.getCreateManyRemote$();
createOneRemote$: Observable<NgRxCoreAction> = this.getCreateOneRemote$();
deleteOneRemote$: Observable<NgRxCoreAction> = this.getDeleteOneRemote$();
fetchAllRemote$: Observable<NgRxCoreAction> = this.getFetchAllRemote$();
fetchOneRemote$: Observable<NgRxCoreAction> = this.getFetchOneRemote$();
loadAllFromDevice$: Observable<NgRxCoreAction> = this.getLoadAllFromDevice$();
loadStateFromDevice$: Observable<NgRxCoreAction> = this.getLoadStateFromDevice$();
saveAllToDevice$: Observable<NgRxCoreAction> = this.getSaveAllToDevice$();
saveStateToDevice$: Observable<NgRxCoreAction> = this.getSaveStateToDevice$();
updateManyRemote$: Observable<NgRxCoreAction> = this.getUpdateManyRemote$();
updateOne$: Observable<NgRxCoreAction> = this.getUpdateOne$();
// Custom Effect
custom$: Observable<NgRxCoreAction> = this.actions$.pipe(
map((action: NgRxCoreAction) => {
const { payload, source, token } = action;
return MyItemsActions.SaveAllToDeviceRequest(source, payload, token);
Application Insights Reporting
1. Install Application Insights
npm install applicationinsights-js
npm install @types/applicationinsights-js
2. Use JavaScript in Project
Import Application Insights JS via the .angular-cli.json
"apps": [
"scripts": [
3. Setup Environment
Ensure that the following environment variables are set for environment.prod.js
. Tracking is off by default during development.
export const environment = {
appInsightsInstrumentationKey: '{FILL_IN}',
appVersion: '{FILL_IN}',
produciton: true,
4. Create Module
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {EffectsModule} from '@ngrx/effects';
import {
} from '@zionapps/ngrx-core';
import {environment} from '../../../environments/environment';
declarations: [],
imports: [
providers: [
{ provide: APPLICATION_INSIGHTS_CONFIG, useValue: generateApplicationInsightsConfig(environment)}
export class ApplicationInsightsModule {}
- Use Application Insights Module
imports: [
export class YourModule {}