Multiuser CLient with Socket.IO for the ZIM JavaScript Canvas Framework. Also see @zimjs/socket-server if not using the ZIM Server for the server-side.
// you send your property values
{x:10, y:30}
// you receive objects of other people's values
{id:{x:20, y:40}, id2:{x:60, y:50}}
Using this technique, we no longer have to code on the server. ZIM Server handles all.
import zim from "https://zimjs.org/cdn/016/zim_socket";
import zim from "zimjs"
import { Socket } from "@zimjs/socket"
See the main ZIM NPM at ZIM package for starting an app with Vite or using another framework such as React, Vue, Angular, or Svelte. Once you have a project going, here is some sample test code for inside the ZIM Frame() ready event function:
// import zim and {socket} as above
// zimSocketURL will use our server for the ZIM Socket Server
// see the @zimjs/socket-server package for using your own server
// this simple example is included in the public folder of that package
const socket = new Socket(zimSocketURL, "test")
socket.on("ready", () => {
const circle = new Circle().center();
// check to see if someone has already moved the circle
const latestX = socket.getLatestValue("x")
const latestY = socket.getLatestValue("y")
if (latestX != null) {
circle.loc(latestX, latestY)
S.on("stagemousedown", () => {
circle.animate({ x: F.mouseX, y: F.mouseY }, 1, "backOut")
socket.setProperties({ x: F.mouseX, y: F.mouseY })
socket.on("data", (d) => {
if (d.x != null) circle.animate({ x: d.x, y: d.y }, 1, "backOut")