The utilities to load public datasets of New Zealand energy market in JSON format. These datasets are hosted by the websites of Electricity Authority, Electricity Market Information, Transpower, and etc.
New Zealand Energy Public Datasets
The utilities load public datasets from the New Zealand energy market. These datasets are hosted on websites such as the Electricity Authority, Electricity Market Information, and Transpower.
The NPM package of the utilities is here.
npm i @zhiweiliu/nz-energy-public-datasets
1. Electricity Authority Participants
The information is hosted on New Zealand EA Website Register Page.
To load the list of EA participants:
import {
} from "@zhiweiliu/nz-energy-public-datasets";
* The loadParticipants() method can accept an optional local folder parameter, which
* specifies the directory to temporarily store downloaded information before processing.
* By default, this folder is set to "/tmp".
const participants = new Participants();
const ps: ParticipantResponse = await participants.loadPartificipants(
2. Electricity Authority Third Party Providers
The information is hosted on the "Third-party providers" tab of New Zealand EA Website Identifiers Page.
To load the list of EA third-party providers:
import ThirdPartyProviders from "@zhiweiliu/nz-energy-public-datasets";
const tpps = new ThirdPartyProviders();
const providers: ThirdPartyProviderResponse =
await tpps.loadThirdPartyProviders();