RealityHub API Javascript Implementation
Javascript Client for RealityHub API
A helper module to connect third-party modules to RealityHub.
Support Requests
This repository is for distribution only. For support please visit: Zero Density Support.
npm install @zerodensity/realityhub-api
Using In a Browser
The client can be bundled for browsers with a bundling tool (e.g. rollup).
Connecting to Hub
const { BrokerClient } = require('@zerodensity/realityhub-api');
menuTitle: '<menu title>',
clientModuleName: '<vendor name>.<your client module name>',
moduleName: '<vendor name>.<your backend module name>',
serverURL: '<your backend module>',
hub: {
host: '',
port: 80,
}).then((brokerClient) => {
// brokerClient is connected to RealityHub and ready to use
Listing Reality 5 (API v1.2+) engines
.then((engines) => {
* [
* {
* ip: '',
* port: 50052,
* id: 79,
* name: 'ZDHQ-HUB-AMPERE',
* ready: true,
* status: 'connected',
* fps: '', // If there is no UE5 node, FPS will be an empty string
* engineType: 'RE5_1_2'
* }
* ]
.catch((ex) => console.trace(ex));
Listing the nodes running on an Reality 5 engine (API v1.2+)
brokerClient.api.hub.reality5_1_2_world.getNodes(79 /* id of the engine */)
.then((nodes) => {
* {
* ...
* // The keys are the NodePath
* Cyclorama: {
* ...
* Functions: {
* // The keys are the FunctionPath
* 'Cyclorama/AddProjection': {...},
* 'Cyclorama/ClearProjection': {...},
* }
* ...
* }
* ...
* }
// NOTE: For backward compatiblity, the NodePath and FunctionPath omit the leading '/'.
.catch((ex) => console.trace(ex));
Calling a Node's Function
You can use callNodeFunction(params[, engineIds])
to call a node function. engineIds
is an array
of engine IDs. If engineIds
is not supplied then the function will be called on all the engines.
* Cyclorama's Add Projection function is called
* @param {object} params
* @param {string} params.NodePath
* @param {string} params.PropertyPath
* @param {number} [engineIds] - optional, default is all engines
NodePath: '/Cyclorama',
FunctionPath: '/Cyclorama/AddProjection',
}, [/* engine id = */ 79]).catch((ex) => console.trace(ex));
Setting a Node's Property Value
You can use setNodeProperty(params[, engineIds])
to set a node's property value. engineIds
is an
array of engine IDs. If engineIds
not supplied then all of the engines will receive the set node
property command.
* @param {object} params
* @param {string} params.NodePath
* @param {string} params.PropertyPath
* @param {*} params.Value
* @param {number} [engineIds] - (optional)
NodePath: '/Add_f32',
PropertyPath: 'X',
Value: 0.240,
}, [/* engine id = */ = 79]).catch((ex) => console.trace(ex));
Interpolating a Node's Property Value
You can use interpolate(params[, engineIds])
to interpolate a node's property value. engineIds
is an array of engine IDs. If engineIds
not supplied then all of the engines will receive the same interpolate command.
NodePath: '/Add_f32',
PropertyPath: 'X',
StartValue: 5.0, // optional, default is the current value
EndValue: 10.0,
Duration: 2000, // in milliseconds, optional, default is 0
Delay: 2000, // in milliseconds, optional, default is 0
/** @type {'Jump' | 'Linear' | 'EaseIn' | 'EaseOut' | 'EaseInOut'} */
InterpType: 'EaseIn', // optional, default is 'Jump'
}, [/* engine id = */ 79]).catch((ex) => console.trace(ex));
Getting a Node's Property Value
You can use getNodeProperty(params[, engineIds])
to get a node's property value. engineIds
is an array of engine IDs. If engineIds
not supplied then all of the engines will be queried. That is why this method returns an array of promises.
{ NodePath: '/Add_f32', PropertyPath: 'X', },
[/* engine id = */ 79]
.then((results) => {
.catch((ex) => console.trace(ex));
Registering Your Own Methods to RealityHub
// server.js
// This will simply return the sum of 2 numbers.
function addNumbers(number1, number2) {
return number1 + number2;
// This will return a promise that will resolve after 1 second.
function multiplyNumbers(number1, number2) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const result = number1 * number2;
}, 1000);
// This function will resolve after `taskDuration` seconds.
function longTask(taskDuration) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve(`Long Task has finished after ${taskDuration} seconds.`);
}, taskDuration * 1000);
// Let's register these as our API methods
performSlowTask: longTask,
}).catch((ex) => console.trace(ex));
// client.js
brokerClient.api.exampleCompany.exampleModule.addNumbers(3, 5)
.then((result) => {
console.log('The result of addNumbers() is', result);
brokerClient.api.exampleCompany.exampleModule.performAsyncMultiplication(3, 5)
.then((result) => {
console.log('The result of performAsyncMultiplication() is', result);
// Default timeout for API requests is 2 seconds. We need to specify a longer timeout for our slow async task.
const timeout = 10 * 1000; // 10 seconds
.then((result) => console.log('Slow async task returned:', result));
Emitting Events
// server.js
// Emit a random number every second
setInterval(() => {
// A random number between 0 and 1000.
const randomNumber = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000);
brokerClient.api.exampleCompany.exampleModule.emit('randomnumber', randomNumber);
}, 1000);
// client.js
brokerClient.api.exampleCompany.exampleModule.on('randomnumber', (randomNumber) => {
console.log('Received a random number from the server', randomNumber);
Questions and Feedback
We have a growing community. You can join to RealityHub User Group on Facebook.
You are welcome to open an issue if you have found a bug or have a feature request.