Package-module for fast-tracking common features to CRUD operations at ReactJS (web)
Build Setup
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
npm start
# build for production with minification
npm run build
It's necessary to follow a pattern at the i18n files, in order to have all the labels and titles at dynamic form to display correctly.
Note: integrates to Reactify+MaterialUI ecosystem or at least MaterialUI.
for each field you need to create a line at the locale file with the model name and field name. Also you need to create a model name and $title property to hold the form title
locale file
"MODEL_NAME.form.$title":"Form Title"
"MODEL_NAME.form.FIELD_A_NAME":"Field A name"
"MODEL_NAME.form.FIELD_B_NAME":"Field B name"
To add style to an specific field, you only need to add an style property to the model.$fieldConfig property of the field How to use:
model.$fieldConfig.myField.style = {
wrapper: {
/*HERE you can use styling properties. They'll be applied to the field wrapper*/
field: {
/*HERE you can use styling properties. They'll be applied to the field itself */
break: true | false /* If true, the layout will break after the field. */
All field wrappers are inside a flex box, row direction, with wrap:wrap.
You can control the size of the field by using flexBasis property to set the minimum width, and maxWidth to, well, set the max width. Both need to be applied to the wrapper.
Every styling property is accepted but it's effect will be limited due to the type of each component
ArrayOf Object - Configuring List Item
To configure the list item you need to set a property to the model.$fieldConfig property of the field. How to use:
//listItemProperties is an array that takes up to 3 string entries
//Each entry corresponds to a line at the listItem component
model.$fieldConfig.myField.listItemProperties = [
"prop1", //First line
"prop2", //Second line
"prop3" //Third line
If you need a more complex text at a line set a function instead of a string
model.$fieldConfig.myField.listItemProperties = [
item => item.prop1 + " custom" + item.prop2,
Id of ModelBase - Configuring Search, List Item and Display
To configure the search field you need to set a property to the model.$fieldConfig property of the field. How to use:
model.$fieldConfig.myField.searchField = "propertyToSearchOn";
To configure the search list item you need to set a property to the model.$fieldConfig property of the field
//searchListItemProperties is an array that takes up to 3 string entries
//Each entry corresponds to a line at the listItem component
model.$fieldConfig.myField.searchListItemProperties = [
"prop1", //First line
"prop2", //Second line
"prop3" //Third line
If you need a more complex text at a line set a function instead of a string
model.$fieldConfig.myField.searchListItemProperties = [
item => item.prop1 + " custom" + item.prop2,