It is an independent lightweight multi-window library for javascript. - Create various popup windows. - Styling the appearance flexibly.
What is 'JsFrame.js' like?
It is an independent and lightweight multi-window library for javascript.
- You can create various floating windows (called frame) and popup windows.
- You can create multi-window apps.
- You can create a modal window.
- You can create a toast.
It is licensed under MIT license.
using npm
npm install jsframe.js --save
Import JSFrame on Node.js based environment.
import { JSFrame } from 'jsframe.js';
const { JSFrame } = require('jsframe.js');
using with script tag
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jsframe.js/lib/jsframe.min.js"></script>
Quick Start
Create window
Here's is basic example of JSFrame.js to show a simple window.
- Call the
method with initialization parameter to show a window - Set html as a content of the window.Content could simply be some text or html.
to show the window
const jsFrame = new JSFrame();
//Create window
const frame = jsFrame.create({
title: 'Window',
left: 20, top: 20, width: 320, height: 220,
movable: true,//Enable to be moved by mouse
resizable: true,//Enable to be resized by mouse
html: '<div id="my_element" style="padding:10px;font-size:12px;color:darkgray;">Contents of window</div>'
- Get DOM element from contents:
- Get the element which id is 'my_element'
const ele = frame.$('#my_element')
- Set window position
If you specify an anchor, the location of the anchor will be the specified x,y coordinate.
- Set window content
frame.setHTML(`<div>Your content</div>`);
- Want to specify individual windows You can give the window a unique window name.
const windowName='my-example-window';
and you can get the window by windowName
const windowName='my-example-window';
const frame=jsFrame.getWindowByName(windowName);
- Want to check if a window already exists
You can use it in the following cases. Show window if it exists, create new window if window is closed
const windowName='my-example-window';
const windowExists=jsFrame.containsWindowName(windowName);
Show specified URL as content of window
- Set
to the initialization parameter. - The window contents will be shown as iframe.
- Set callback function which is called after loading a page as
const frame01 = jsFrame.create({
title: 'Window1',
left: 20, top: 20, width: 320, height: 160,
url: 'iframe_content01.html',//URL to display in iframe
//urlLoaded:Callback function called after loading iframe
urlLoaded: (frame) => {
//Called when the url finishes loading
- You can also get DOM element in the page shown as window's content area specified by url(iframe) ,You can call like
Show window as a modal window
- Call
to show the window as a modal window. - By specifying like
you can receive a callback when the modal window is closed.
const modalFrame = jsFrame.create({
title: 'modal window',
left: 0, top: 0, width: 320, height: 220,
html: 'something'
//Show as a modal window
modalFrame.showModal(_frame => {
//Callback when modal window is closed.
- JSFrame.js has the option where you can design the window appearance or apply style to certain elements and then apply styles to them as you want.
- You can specify style from preset or design it yourself.
- Set
to initialization parameter to select the window design calledappearance
. - Or if you want to design appearance from scratch, you can set
to initialization parameter.
Style from preset
const frame01 = jsFrame.create({
title: 'Yosemite style',
left: 20, top: 20, width: 320, height: 220,
appearanceName: 'yosemite',//Now preset is selectable from 'yosemite','redstone','popup'
style: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.9)',
html: '<div style="padding:10px;">Preset is selected by preset name</div>'
Event handling
- You can set an event handler (callback function) for the DOM element in the content specified by html or url.
- You can also set an event handler for buttons on the title bar.
- Call like
to set click event handler functions.
//Set click handler for DOM element specified as html or url in the initialization parameters.
frame.on('#bt_cancel', 'click', (_frame, evt) => {
//Event handler for buttons on the title bar.
frame.on('minimizeButton', 'click', (_frame, evt) => {
Show toast messages.
- A toast provides simple message about an operation in a small popup. Toasts automatically disappear after the time specified by
. - Call
to show a toast. - You can customize the appearance and something.
Simple toast
const jsFrame = new JSFrame();
html: 'Default toast'
Specify the position
align: 'center', html: 'Toast displayed in the center'
You can specify the position with align
like below.
align:'top' =>Toast displayed at the top
align:'center' =>Toast displayed in the center
align:'bottom' =>Toast displayed at the bottom(default)
Customize toast
width: 260,
height: 100,
duration: 2000,//Duration(millis)
align: 'center',// alignment from 'top'/'center'/'bottom'(default)
style: {
borderRadius: '2px',
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,124,255,0.8)',
html: '<span style="color:white;">Custom toast</span>',
closeButton: true,//Show close button
closeButtonColor: 'white'//Color of close button
Settings for preset 'material'
You can use font-awesome for titlebar icons.
For material, describe the settings using appearanceParam as below.
name: `Win2`,
title: `Material style`,
left: 360, top: 40, width: 320, height: 220, minWidth: 200, minHeight: 110,
appearanceName: 'material',
appearanceParam: {
border: {
shadow: '2px 2px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',
width: 0,
radius: 6,
titleBar: {
color: 'white',
background: '#4784d4',
leftMargin: 40,
height: 30,
fontSize: 14,
buttonWidth: 36,
buttonHeight: 16,
buttonColor: 'white',
buttons: [ // buttons on the right
//Set font-awesome fonts(https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&m=free)
fa: 'fas fa-times',//code of font-awesome
name: 'closeButton',
visible: true // visibility when window is created.
fa: 'fas fa-expand-arrows-alt',
name: 'maximizeButton',
visible: true
fa: 'fas fa-compress-arrows-alt',
name: 'minimizedButton',
visible: false
buttonsOnLeft: [ //buttons on the left
//Set font-awesome fonts(https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&m=free)
fa: 'fas fa-bars',
name: 'menu',
visible: true,
//html to show when this button is clicked.
childMenuHTML: '<div class="list-group">' +
' <div name="menu1" class="list-group-item list-group-item-action py-2">Menu Item 01</div>' +
' <div name="menu2" class="list-group-item list-group-item-action py-2">Menu Item 02</div>' +
' <div name="menu3" class="list-group-item list-group-item-action py-2">Menu Item 03</div>' +
childMenuWidth: 300
style: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.8)',
overflow: 'hidden',
width: '100%',
html: 'something'
Window operation
Close window
Hide Window
Focus window (and pull up to the front)
Get window by name
var frame = jsFrame.getWindowByName('my-window');
Window operation helper
Setting frame#setControl enables the mode to automatically change the window size when the button on the title bar is pressed.
maximizeButton: 'maximizeButton',//Name of the button on framecomponent to maximize when pressed.
demaximizeButton: 'restoreButton',//Name of the button on framecomponent to de-maximize when pressed.
maximizeWithoutTitleBar: true,//If true,hide the title bar and maximize the content part.
restoreKey: 'Escape',//If maximizeWithoutTitleBar is true,de-maximize the window when the key specified here is pushed.
minimizeButton: 'minimizeButton',//Name of the button on framecomponent to minimize when pressed.
deminimizeButton: 'deminimizeButton',//Name of the button on framecomponent to de-minimize when pressed.
hideButton: 'closeButton',//Name of the button on framecomponent to hide when pressed.
animation: true,//If true,execute animation during window size changing
animationDuration: 150,//Duration of animation
DEMO https://riversun.github.io/jsframe/examples/v150/window_control.html
Handling events for window operation events.
frame.control.on('maximized', (frame, info) => {
text: 'Press "ESC" to minimize.', align: 'center'
Do sizing operation manually
You can write window size operation manually like below
frame.on('maximizeButton', 'click', (_frame, evt) => {
hideTitleBar: false,
duration: 200,
restoreKey: 'Escape',
restoreDuration: 100,
callback: (frame, info) => {
restoreCallback: (frame, info) => {
text: frame.getName() + ' ' + info.eventType
JSFrame initialization parameters
this.jsFrame = new JSFrame({
fixed:true,//(Default)If true, it will be fixed to the screen even if the contents (background) scrolls.
parentElement:document.body,//Set element to attach jsFrame.
horizontalAlign: 'right',// If 'right' is set, the anchor is set at the right edge.If you specify the position of frame with 'left' in this mode, Make the value negative.Default is 'left'
verticalAlign: 'bottom',//If 'bottom' is set, the anchor is set at the bottom edge.Default is 'bottom'
Frame creation initialization parameters
const frame = jsFrame.create(
name: 'my-window-name',//Window name.Unique name is required.
title: 'Window0',//Window title
left: 20,//x coordinate of the upper left corner of the window
top: 20,//y coordinate of the upper left corner of the window
width: 320,//width of the window
height: 220,//height of the window
minWidth: 160,//The minimum width of the window
minHeight: 100,//The minimum height of the window
movable: true,//true:You can move the window with mouse
resizable: true,//true:You can resize the window with mouse
appearance: appearanceObj,//Appearance object
appearanceName: 'yosemite',//Preset name of appearance(Not with 'appearance')
style: {//Style of the content.Can be specified just like inline style attribute.
backgroundColor: 'rgba(220,220,220,0.8)',//Ex.Background color of content(Opacity can be specified)
overflow: 'auto',//Ex.What to do when the drawing extends beyond the content area
html: 'Contents',//HTML shown in the content(Not with 'url')
url: 'content01.html',//The URL for contents.To be shown in iframe.
urlLoaded: (frame) = {}//Callback function when url is finished loading.
using npm module with webpack
After install jsframe.js , you can use it like below.
import {JSFrame} from 'jsframe';
You can add an alias in your webpack config like this:
module.exports = {
resolve: {
alias: {
'jsframe': 'jsframe.js/dist/jsframe.min.js',
All examples are included in the project. You can modify,customize example after cloning the project
git clone https://github.com/riversun/JSFrame.js.git
Classese and Methods/Members
org.riversun.JSFrame class
JSFrame is a frame builder and management class.
|Methods|Details| |---|---| |CIfFrame createFrame(left, top, width, height, CFrameAppearance)|create CIFFrame instance.CIfFrame is a kind of 'window' called frame.| |CFrameAppearance createFrameAppearance()|create CFrameAppearance instance.CFrameAppearance is a class for frame appearance.You can modify frame's looking as you like.|
CIfFrame class
CIfFrame is like a window.It's draggable and movable.You can design it.
|CIfFrame setTitle(str)|Set caption in the title bar|
|CIfFrame setResizable(boolean)|Set whether the window can be resized|
|CIfFrame setMovable(boolean)|Set whether the window can be moved|
|CIfFrame setTitleBarClassName(classNameForDefault, classNameForFocused)|Set title bar style class name|
|Object getFrameView()|Get window content element.It's just a 'div' element.So you can handle it as a 'div' element.ex)frame.getFrameView().innerHTML='xxxx';|
|Promise setUrl(url)|Open a page specified as url in the IFrame mode.It returns Promise.If you want to execute something at the timing of opening url,use 'then' .ex)frame.setUrl('http://something').then(function(){frame.show();});|
|CIfFrame show()|Show frame|
|CIfFrame requestFocus()|Requests that this frame gets the focus.Focus and the window comes to the forefront|
|CIfFrame setSize(width,height)|set size of frame|
|CIfFrame setPosition(x,y,anchor)|anchor is optional.Default anchor is 'LEFT_TOP'You can set followings for anchor.'LEFT_TOP','CENTER_TOP','RIGHT_TOP','LEFT_CENTER','CENTER_CENTER','RIGHT_CENTER','LEFT_BOTTOM','CENTER_BOTTOM','RIGHT_BOTTOM'|
CFrameAppearance class
CFrameAppearance is a class for frame appearance.You can modify frame's looking as you like.
|Methods|Details| |---|---| |CFrameAppearance setUseIFrame(boolean)|If 'true' ,You can set CIfFrame 'IFrame mode' and you can use CIfFrame#setUrl method for opening specified url.| |void onInitialize()|Since this callback method is called at frame initialization,Initialization processing such as adding frameComponent should be written here.|
|Members|Details| |---|---| |showTitleBar|true or false| |showCloseButton|true or false| |titleBarCaptionFontSize|ex)'12px'| |titleBarCaptionFontWeight|ex)'bold'| |titleBarHeight|ex)'24px'| |titleBarCaptionLeftMargin|ex)'10px'| |titleBarColorDefault|Color for not focused state.ex)'#dddddd'| |titleBarColorFocused|Color for focused state.ex)'white'| |titleBarCaptionColorDefault|Color for not focused state.ex)'black'| |titleBarCaptionColorFocused|Color for focused state.ex)'red'| |titleBarBorderBottomDefault|Style for bottom of the title bar.ex)'1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2)'| |titleBarBorderBottomFocused|If null,'titleBarBorderBottomDefault' will be applied.| |frameBorderRadius|Corner radius of the window.ex)'6px'| |frameBorderWidthDefault|Width of border line in the not focused state.ex)'1px'| |frameBorderWidthFocused|Width of border line in the focused state.ex)'1px'| |frameBorderColorDefault|Color of border line in the not focused state.ex)'rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.2)'| |frameBorderColorFocused|Color of border line in the focused state.ex)'rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.2)'| |frameBorderStyle|Border line styleex)solid| |frameBoxShadow|Shadow style of the frameex) '5px 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)'| |frameBackgroundColor|Background color of the frameex)'white'|
V1.00 Examples (available for latest version)
Example:Window with Iframe contents
Example:OS X style
Example:Win style
Example:Various styles
Example:Animations #1