ant-design-vue-pro layout, easy to use pro scaffolding.
English | 简体中文
npm i @ant-design-vue/pro-layout --save
// or
yarn add @ant-design-vue/pro-layout
import ProLayout from '@ant-design-vue/pro-layout'
// by jsx
export default {
name: 'BasicLayout',
render () {
return (
<router-view />
<template v-slot:menuHeaderRender>
<img src="../assets/logo.svg" />
<h1>Pro Layout</h1>
<template v-slot:rightContentRender>
<div :class="['ant-pro-global-header-index-right', layout === 'topmenu' && `ant-pro-global-header-index-${theme}`]">
<template v-slot:footerRender>
<setting-drawer navTheme="dark" />
<router-view />
// by template
import ProLayout, { SettingDrawer } from '@ant-design-vue/pro-layout'
import { asyncRouterMap } from '../config/router.config'
export default {
name: 'BasicLayout',
data () {
return {
menus: [],
collapsed: false,
autoHideHeader: false,
query: {},
layout: 'sidemenu',
contentWidth: 'Fluid',
theme: 'dark',
isMobile: false
created () {
this.menus = asyncRouterMap.find(item => item.path === '/').children
methods: {
handleMediaQuery (query) {
this.query = query
if (this.isMobile && !query['screen-xs']) {
this.isMobile = false
if (!this.isMobile && query['screen-xs']) {
this.isMobile = true
this.collapsed = false
handleCollapse (collapsed) {
this.collapsed = collapsed
components: {
| Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| title | layout in the upper left corner title | VNode | String | 'Ant Design Pro'
| logo | layout top left logo url | VNode | render | - |
| loading*
| layout loading status | boolean | - |
| layout | layout menu mode, sidemenu: right navigation, topmenu: top navigation | 'sidemenu' | 'topmenu' | 'sidemenu'
| contentWidth | content mode of layout, Fluid: adaptive, Fixed: fixed width 1200px | 'Fixed' | 'Fluid' | Fluid
| theme | Navigation menu theme | 'light' | 'dark' | 'dark'
| menus | Vue-router routes
prop | Object | [{}]
| collapsed | control menu's collapse and expansion | boolean | true |
| isMobile | is mobile | boolean | false |
| handleCollapse | folding collapse event of menu | (collapsed: boolean) => void | - |
| menuHeaderRender | render logo and title | v-slot | VNode | (logo,title)=>VNode | false | - |
| headerRender | custom header render method | (props: BasicLayoutProps) => VNode | - |
| rightContentRender | header right content render method | (props: HeaderViewProps) => VNode | - |
| collapsedButtonRender | custom collapsed button method | (collapsed: boolean) => VNode | - |
| footerRender | custom footer render method | (props: BasicLayoutProps) => VNode | false
| - |
| breadcrumbRender | custom breadcrumb render method | ({ route, params, routes, paths, h }) => VNode[] | - |
| i18nRender | i18n | Function (key: string) => string | false
| false
| handleMediaQuery | media matchs callback | (querys: []) => void | - |
| mediaQuery | media matchs | Array | - |
| openOnceKey | menu only open root key | true
| - |
| Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| content | Content area | VNode | v-slot | - |
| extra | Extra content area, on the right side of content | VNode | v-slot | - |
| extraContent | Extra content area, on the right side of content | VNode | v-slot | - |
| tabList | Tabs title list | Array<{key: string, tab: sting}>
| - |
| tab-change | Switch panel callback | (key) => void | - |
| tab-active-key | The currently highlighted tab item | string | - |
| Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| theme | Theme | dark
| light
| layout | Sider Layout | sidemenu
| sidemenu
| primaryColor | Primary color (*development only) | #1890ff
| |
| contentWidth | content mode of layout, Fluid: adaptive, Fixed: fixed width 1200px | 'Fixed' | 'Fluid' | Fluid