Parsers and serializers for common RDF formats, loaded lazily
This module bundles parser and serializer sinks for the most common RDF formats. Instances of SinkMap are used to handle different media types.
Every sink is loaded lazily when it is first used, making this package the best choice for web application. The laziness is transparent to the consuming code because streams are already lazy by definition.
Recommended usage
Install @rdfjs/environment
and create an environment with the factories you need, including FormatsFactory
Then, import the lazy formats.
import Environment from '@rdfjs/environment/Environment.js'
import FormatsFactory from '@rdfjs/environment/Formats.js'
import lazyFormats from '@zazuko/formats-lazy'
export const $rdf = new Environment([FormatsFactory])
Simple usage
Use an existing environment, such as rdf-ext
import $rdf from 'rdf-ext'
import lazyFormats from '@zazuko/formats-lazy'
Direct usage
The formats object has a parsers
and serializers
Each of it is an instance of SinkMap
with the most common RDF media types as key.
import formats from '@zazuko/formats-lazy'
import { Readable } from 'stream'
const input = Readable.from([`
PREFIX s: <http://schema.org/>
[] a s:Person;
s:jobTitle "Professor";
s:name "Jane Doe";
s:telephone "(425) 123-4567";
s:url <http://www.janedoe.com>.
const output = formats.parsers.import('text/turtle', input)
output.on('data', quad => {
console.log(`quad: ${quad.subject.value} - ${quad.predicate.value} - ${quad.object.value}`)
output.on('prefix', (prefix, ns) => {
console.log(`prefix: ${prefix} ${ns.value}`)
Making a sink lazy
Any parser or serializer can be wrapped to be lazy loaded.
Assuming you have a @example/bin-parser
package which export a class BinaryParser
import formats from '@zazuko/formats-lazy'
import { lazySink } from '@zazuko/formats-lazy/LazySink.js'
export const LazyBinaryParser = lazySink(
async () => (await import('@example/bin-parser')).BinaryParser
formats.parsers.set('application/octet-stream+rdf', new LazyBinaryParser())
The constructed class LazyBinaryParser
can be used just like any other parser and acts as a wrapper to BinaryParser
In TypeScript, it will preserve the constructor
and import
If for any reason the real parser instance needs to be accessed, call async load()