Knack API Client Module
extremely simple node knackhq client
Note: Breaking API changes in version 1.X
If you are already using this client in your code, you should explicitly set its version to 0.1.1 in your package.json
to avoid breaking changes.
Please see example.js
for implementation example. API differences from v0.1.1 are:
- Parameters are arguments instead of an options object
- Promise-based interface instead of callbacks
- KnackHQClient instance must be initialized with an App ID, optionally including an API key for authentication
How do I use it?
Very carefully!
First install into your project with:
npm install knackhq-client --save
Next, add it into your code somewhere:
var knack = require('knackhq-client');
Now you're ready to authenticate! You can authenticate as the root user with:
knack.authenticate({ apikey: 'your api key', appid: 'your app id' }, function(error) {
if (error) {
// failed to log in!
Or as an app user with:
knack.authenticate({ email: 'user email', password: 'user password', appid: 'your app id' }, function(error) {
if (error) {
// failed to log in!
I'm logged in. Now what the heck do I do?
I'm glad you asked. The thing to do from here is to start updating, editing, creating, and searching for records. So let's try it:
create a record
To do this, you'll need the object key of the object you want to create a record in. We're calling this object_key
here, as well as whatever fields you want to fill with data. I'm referring to that as field_key
knack.create_record({ object_key: object_key, body: {
field_key: 'my data'
} }, function(error, data) {
// should have an error here if there was a problem, or the record data in the data object if the add was successful
edit a record
To do this, you'll need the object key of the object you want to create a record in. We're calling this object_key
here, as well as whatever fields you want to update the data of. I'm referring to that as field_key
again. Lastly, we'll need the ID of the record we want to update, the record_id
knack.update_record({ object_key: object_key, record_id: record_id, body: { field_key: 'my updated data' } }, function(err, record) {
// should have an error here if there was a problem, or the record data in the data object if the add was successful
delete a record
To do this, you'll need the object key of the object you want to create a record in. We're calling this object_key
here. We'll also need the ID of the record we want to delete, the record_id
knack.delete_record({ object_key: object_key, record_id: record_id }, function(err, status) {
// should have an error here if there was a problem, or a success status if the record was deleted
find a record
Finding a record optionally involves involves building a filter
array that Knack will match records to. More about filters here. Again, object_key
and field_key
are used. The rows_per_page
option will specify how many records you would like to have returned. If we're interested in getting the next page of results, we can increment the page
variable, which starts at page 0:
var filters = filters: [{ field: field_key, operator: 'is', value: 'my criteria' }] };
knack.find_record({ object_key: object_key, rows_per_page: 500, page: page, filters: filters }, function(error, data) {
if (error) {
// something bad happened!
if (!data.records || !data.records.length) {
// no records
upload an image
Note: this is actually a 2 step process that will use 2 api calls in your knack plan
is the local path and filename to the file or image you want to upload. object_key
is the object key of the where the record containing the file will be stored. field_key
is the field that the file will be attached to (of type File or Image), and body
is the body of the entry if you want to include additional information (this is also doing a create_record call!)
knack.upload_image({ filename: filename, object_key: object_key, field_key: field_key, body: {
field_key: 'some other info'
} }, function(err, status) {
// should have an error here if there was a problem, or a success status if the record was deleted
Method Signatures
knack.authenticate(options, callback)
options: { apikey: , appid: } OR { email: , password: , appid }
callback: function(error)
knack.authenticate_user(options, callback)
options: { email: , password: , appid }
callback: function(error)
knack.request(options, callback)
options: { path: , method: , body: }
callback: function(error, response_object)
callback: function(error, response_object)
knack.object_records(options, callback)
options: { object_key: }
callback: function(error, response_object)
knack.create_record(options, callback)
options: { object_key: , body: {} }
callback: function(error, response_object)
knack.delete_record(options, callback)
options: { object_key: , record_id: }
callback: function(error, response_object)
knack.find_record(options, callback)
options: { { object_key: , rows_per_page: , page: filters: [{}] } }
callback: function(error, response_object)
knack.update_record(options, callback)
options: { { object_key: , record_id: , body: {} } }
callback: function(error, response_object)
knack.upload_image(options, callback)
options: { field_key: , filename: , body: {} }
callback: function(error, response_object)