Core TypeScript
An API that extends TypeScript by simplified core functions and exceptions for standardizing.
Install the library via:
npm install --save @yobuligo/core.typescript
The library provides the following functions.
Checks and returns the provided parameter value and expects it to be not null and to be not undefined.
If the value is null or undefined an IllegalStateException is thrown. To provide an alternative text to the exception, parameter message can be passed in.
function checkNotNull<T>(value?: T, message: string = "Parameter 'value' must be not null and not undefined"): T
Provides access to reflection functions for enums. The following example shows how to
- get the keys of an Enum
- get the values of an Enum
- getting the first value for comparison reasons
enum Gender {
MALE = "male",
FEMALE = "female",
const keys = Enum.keys(Gender); // result: MALE, FEMALE
const values = Enum.values(Gender); // result: male, female
if (Enum.first(Gender) === Gender.MALE) { // returns true
console.log("First entry is MALE");
Throws an error and returns never. With parameter message a text can be passed in.
The function is useful to connect throwing an exception with the nullish coalescing operator, as throw new cannot be used with ??.
function error(message?: string): never
// example:
const value = getValue() ?? error("Message");
Throws an error and returns never. With parameter error an alternative exception type can be passed in.
The function is useful to connect throwing an exception with the nullish coalescing operator, as throw new cannot be used with ??.
export function error(error: Error): never;
// example:
const value = getValue() ?? error(new IllegalStateException());
Calls the function block if the given value is not null and not undefined.
The function block may return a value or undefined.
function ifNotNull<T, R>(value: T, block: (value: NonNullable<T>) => R | undefined): R | undefined
Calls the function block if the given value is null or undefined.
The function block may return a value or undefined.
function ifNull<T, R>(value: T, block: () => R | undefined): R | undefined
Provides an instance of type ILazy, to lazy load a value of type T, which is useful especially for loading, memory or CPU intensive values, only on demand.
The value is provided via function initializer.
function lazy<T>(initializer: () => T): ILazy<T>
Executes the function block and returns the measured execution time in millis.
function measureTimeMillis(block: () => void): number
Creates a new line at the console.
function newLine(): void
Provides an instance of an object pool IObjectPool for objects of type T. It keeps objects which are expensive to create in memory to be reused.
The parameter capacity defines the maximum number of instances which are created via function creator.
function objectPool<T extends object>(capacity: number, creator: (index: number) => T): IObjectPool<T>
The following example shows how to
- initialize an object pool for a demo database connection
- acquire two database connections
- release the first database connection to be reused
class DBConnectionDemo {}
const dbConnectionPool = objectPool<DBConnectionDemo>(3, () => {
return new DBConnectionDemo();
const first = dbConnectionPool.acquire();
const second = dbConnectionPool.acquire();
// ...
Prints the given data at the console.
function println(...data: any[]): void
Creates and returns an instance of Pair, which keeps the two readonly values first and second.
function pair<A, B>(first: A, second: B): Pair<A, B>
Repeats the execution of function block for the given number times. For each call of function block the current index is passed into.
function repeat(times: number, block: (index: number) => void): void
Repeats the execution of function block from number from down to number to. For each call of function block the current index is passed into.
If from is smaller than to an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
function repeatDownTo(from: number, to: number, block: (index: number) => void): void
Repeats the execution of function block from number from up to number to. For each call of function block the current index is passed into.
If from is greater than to an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
function repeatUpTo(from: number, to: number, block: (index: number) => void): void
Throws an NotImplementedException. With parameter message a text can be passed in.
function TODO(message: string = "Not implemented exception"): never
Creates and returns an instance of Triple, which keeps the three readonly values first, second and third.
function triple<A, B, C>(first: A, second: B, third: C): Triple<A, B, C>
The library provides the following exceptions.
An exception that occurs in case of an invalid class type cast.
throw new ClassCastException();
An exception that occurs when an argument was provided, which is out of bounce.
E.g. if a value -1 is passed into a function, which only excepts value greater 0.
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
An exception that occurs when a state is or becomes inconsistent.
E.g. if a value must not be undefined but undefined is set as value.
throw new IllegalStateException();
An exception that occurs when a method is invalid for the current object state.
E.g. Fetching an object from an object pool whose capacity is already exhausted.
throw new InvalidOperationException();
An exception that occurs when an expected result is not available.
E.g. if a search for a specific value ends without result.
throw new NoSuchElementException();
An exception that occurs when the implementation of a routine was not yet completed.
throw new NotImplementedException();
An exception that occurs when a state is currently not valid.
E.g. if a switch-case statement is called for a value that is currently not handled.
throw new NotSupportedException();
An exception that occurs when a value is null or undefined, which was expected to be not null or undefined.
throw new NullPointerException();