Number to text - Inflector for Ukrainian numerals
Ukrainian Numbers Spellout
This library allows to convert the numbers into numerals
Supported Features
- [x] Number spellout – converting numbers into text (numerals)
- [x] Numeral inflection - modifying grammatical form of numerals to match required grammatical characteristics
- [x] Agreement - setting grammatical forms of compound numerals to produce grammatically and syntactically correct text
- [x] Stress
- [x] Cardinal numbers in range [0...1×1027)1, 2
- [x] Ordinal numbers in range [0...1×1027)1
- [x] Fractional numbers with whole, each element in range [0...1×1027)
- [x] Decimal numbers in range (0...1×1027) with precision up to 1×10-27 3
1 Numbers outside of the range will be spelled out digit-wise and inflected only last digit
2 1×1027 is 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
3 1×10-27 is 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001
Future Features
- [ ] Negative numbers
- [ ] Contracted ordinal numbers (e.g. "1-й", "1000-на")
- [ ] Scientific notation of exponential numbers (e.g. "1e5")
Supported Grammatical Attributes
- cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, locative, vocative
- gender: masculine, feminine, neuter
- number: singular, plural
- animacy: inanimate, animate