Setup for a project with typescript and jest support
Modern setup from scratch
From scratch
If you want to create modern JavaScript project with Typescript and unit testing support, please execute following commands in your terminal:
npm init -y
npm i -D typescript jest ts-jest @types/jestnpm @types/jest @jest/globals husky
npm pkg set scripts.build="tsc"
npm pkg set scripts.test="jest"
npm pkg set scripts.postinstall="npx tsc --init && npx ts-jest config:init && git init && ./node_modules/.bin/husky install && npx husky add .husky/pre-commit 'npm test' && git add . && git commit -am first"
npm run postinstall
Install the template
You can do the same work just installing this template with the command
npx @yababay67/modern-setup@latest <my-app>
Please replace <my-app>
with name of directory in which
you will develop a project. After installing you should edit
the pachage.json
file inside the selected directory.
To see how the system protect you code rejectind modules of poor quality please execute
npm run spoil
To repair things run
npm run repair