Memory adapter for yaacl
YAACL - Memmory Adapter
The memory adapter can mainly used for prototyping or tests, since it does not persist any ACL information.
How to use
- Install the yaacl core and an adapter of your choice:
yarn install @yaacl/core @yaacl/memory-adapter
- Create a yaacl and use it:
import { Yaacl, Privileges, SecurityIdentity, ObjectIdentity } from '@yaacl/core';
import { MemoryAdapter } from '@yaacl/memory-adapter';
const yaacl = new Yaacl(new MemoryAdapter());
// a security identity could be a user, a role...
const securityIdentity: SecurityIdentity = {
getSecurityId: () => 'user-242',
// an object identity could be anything, like a blog post, a page...
const objectIdentity: ObjectIdentity = {
getObjectId: () => 'object-4664';
const example = async () => {
await yaacl.grant(securityIdentity, objectIdentity, Privileges.READ);
await yaacl.granted(securityIdentity, objectIdentity, Privileges.READ); // true
await yaacl.granted(securityIdentity, objectIdentity, Privileges.WRITE) // false
For a full documentation of YAACL, please visit our Wiki