Provides commonjs externals support for Vite.
Provides commonjs externals support for Vite.
Prevent bundling of certain esm import
ed packages and instead retrieve these external dependencies at runtime by commonjs require
For example:
import commonjsExternals from 'vite-plugin-commonjs-externals';
export default {
plugins: commonjsExternals({
externals: ['path', /^electron(\/.+)?$/],
This will convert it
import fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import e1 from 'electron';
import e2, * as e3 from 'electron/main';
console.log({ fs, path, e1, e2, e3 });
import * as fs from 'fs';
const path = (() => {
const mod = require('path');
return mod?.__esModule
? mod
: Object.assign(Object.create(null), mod, {
default: mod,
[Symbol.toStringTag]: 'Module',
const { default: e1 } = (() => {
const mod = require('electron');
return mod?.__esModule
? mod
: Object.assign(Object.create(null), mod, {
default: mod,
[Symbol.toStringTag]: 'Module',
const e3 = (() => {
const mod = require('electron/main');
return mod?.__esModule
? mod
: Object.assign(Object.create(null), mod, {
default: mod,
[Symbol.toStringTag]: 'Module',
const { default: e2 } = e3;
console.log({ fs, path, e1, e2, e3 });
React + Electron renderer Config Example
// vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import { escapeRegExp } from 'lodash';
import reactRefresh from '@vitejs/plugin-react-refresh';
import builtinModules from 'builtin-modules';
// For two package.json structure
import pkg from '../the-path-to-main-process-dir/package.json';
// For single package.json structure
import pkg from './package.json';
import commonjsExternals from 'vite-plugin-commonjs-externals';
const commonjsPackages = [
name => new RegExp('^' + escapeRegExp(name) + '(\\/.+)?$')
] as const;
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [reactRefresh(), commonjsExternals({ externals: commonjsPackages })],