react-native library for wechat app
React Native bridging library that integrates WeChat SDKs:
- [x] iOS SDK 1.8.2
- [x] Android SDK ++
react-native-wechat has the following tracking data in the open source world:
| NPM | Dependency | Downloads | Build |
| |
Table of Contents
Getting Started
API Documentation
react-native-wechat uses Promises, therefore you can use Promise
or async/await
to manage your dataflow.
{String} the appid you get from WeChat dashboard- returns {Boolean} explains if your application is registered done
This method should be called once globally.
import * as WeChat from 'react-native-wechat';
registerAppWithDescription(appid, description)
{String} the appid you get from WeChat dashboarddescription
{String} the description of your app- returns {Boolean} explains if your application is registered done
This method is only available on iOS.
- returns {Boolean} if WeChat is installed.
Check if the WeChat app is installed on the device.
isWXAppSupportApi() (iOS平台)
returns {Boolean} Contains the result.
Check if wechat support open url.
isWXAppSupportApi(supportSdk) (Android平台)
public static final int SDK_INT = 620824064;
public static final int MIN_SDK_INT = 553713665;
public static final int CHECK_TOKEN_SDK_INT = 620824064;
public static final int TIMELINE_SUPPORTED_SDK_INT = 553779201;
public static final int EMOJI_SUPPORTED_SDK_INT = 553844737;
public static final int MUSIC_DATA_URL_SUPPORTED_SDK_INT = 553910273;
public static final int PAY_SUPPORTED_SDK_INT = 570425345;
public static final int OPENID_SUPPORTED_SDK_INT = 570425345;
public static final int FAVORITE_SUPPPORTED_SDK_INT = 570425345;
public static final int MESSAGE_ACTION_SUPPPORTED_SDK_INT = 570490883;
public static final int SCAN_QRCODE_AUTH_SUPPORTED_SDK_INT = 587268097;
public static final int MINIPROGRAM_SUPPORTED_SDK_INT = 620756993;
public static final int VIDEO_FILE_SUPPORTED_SDK_INT = 620756996;
public static final int SUBSCRIBE_MESSAGE_SUPPORTED_SDK_INT = 620756998;
public static final int LAUNCH_MINIPROGRAM_SUPPORTED_SDK_INT = 620757000;
public static final int CHOOSE_INVOICE_TILE_SUPPORT_SDK_INT = 620822528;
public static final int INVOICE_AUTH_INSERT_SDK_INT = 620823552;
public static final int NON_TAX_PAY_SDK_INT = 620823552;
public static final int PAY_INSURANCE_SDK_INT = 620823552;
public static final int SUBSCRIBE_MINI_PROGRAM_MSG_SUPPORTED_SDK_INT = 620823808;
public static final int OFFLINE_PAY_SDK_INT = 620823808;
public static final int SEND_TO_SPECIFIED_CONTACT_SDK_INT = 620824064;
public static final int OPEN_BUSINESS_WEBVIEW_SDK_INT = 620824064;
- returns {Boolean} Contain the result.
- returns {String} Contains the result.
Get the WeChat SDK api version.
- returns {Boolean}
Open the WeChat app from your application.
sendAuthRequest([scope[, state]])
{Array|String} Scopes of auth request.state
{String} the state of OAuth2- returns {Object}
Send authentication request, and it returns an object with the following fields:
| field | type | description | |---------|--------|-------------------------------------| | errCode | Number | Error Code | | errStr | String | Error message if any error occurred | | openId | String | | | code | String | Authorization code | | url | String | The URL string | | lang | String | The user language | | country | String | The user country |
class ShareMetadata
{String} title of this message.type
{Number} type of this message. Can be {news|text|imageUrl|imageFile|imageResource|video|audio|file}thumbImage
{String} Thumb image of the message, which can be a uri or a resource id.description
{String} The description about the sharing.webpageUrl
{String} Required if type equalsnews
. The webpage link to share.imageUrl
{String} Provide a remote image if type equalsimage
{String} Provide a remote video if type equalsvideo
{String} Provide a remote music if type equalsaudio
{String} Provide a local file if type equalsfile
{String} Provide the file type if type equalsfile
{ShareMetadata} This object saves the metadata for sharing- returns {Object}
Share a ShareMetadata
message to timeline(朋友圈) and returns:
| name | type | description | |---------|--------|-------------------------------------| | errCode | Number | 0 if authorization successed | | errStr | String | Error message if any error occurred |
The following examples require the 'react-native-chat' and 'react-native-fs' packages.
import * as WeChat from 'react-native-wechat';
import fs from 'react-native-fs';
let resolveAssetSource = require('resolveAssetSource');
// Code example to share text message:
try {
let result = await WeChat.shareToTimeline({
type: 'text',
description: 'hello, wechat'
console.log('share text message to time line successful:', result);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof WeChat.WechatError) {
} else {
throw e;
// Code example to share image url:
// Share raw http(s) image from web will always fail with unknown reason, please use image file or image resource instead
try {
let result = await WeChat.shareToTimeline({
type: 'imageUrl',
title: 'web image',
description: 'share web image to time line',
mediaTagName: 'email signature',
messageAction: undefined,
messageExt: undefined,
imageUrl: 'http://www.ncloud.hk/email-signature-262x100.png'
console.log('share image url to time line successful:', result);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof WeChat.WechatError) {
} else {
throw e;
// Code example to share image file:
try {
let rootPath = fs.DocumentDirectoryPath;
let savePath = rootPath + '/email-signature-262x100.png';
* savePath on iOS may be:
* /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/B1308E13-35F1-41AB-A20D-3117BE8EE8FE/Documents/email-signature-262x100.png
* savePath on Android may be:
* /data/data/com.wechatsample/files/email-signature-262x100.png
await fs.downloadFile('http://www.ncloud.hk/email-signature-262x100.png', savePath);
let result = await WeChat.shareToTimeline({
type: 'imageFile',
title: 'image file download from network',
description: 'share image file to time line',
mediaTagName: 'email signature',
messageAction: undefined,
messageExt: undefined,
imageUrl: "file://" + savePath // require the prefix on both iOS and Android platform
console.log('share image file to time line successful:', result);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof WeChat.WechatError) {
} else {
throw e;
// Code example to share image resource:
try {
let imageResource = require('./email-signature-262x100.png');
let result = await WeChat.shareToTimeline({
type: 'imageResource',
title: 'resource image',
description: 'share resource image to time line',
mediaTagName: 'email signature',
messageAction: undefined,
messageExt: undefined,
imageUrl: resolveAssetSource(imageResource).uri
console.log('share resource image to time line successful', result);
catch (e) {
if (e instanceof WeChat.WechatError) {
} else {
throw e;
// Code example to download an word file from web, then share it to WeChat session
// only support to share to session but time line
// iOS code use DocumentDirectoryPath
try {
let rootPath = fs.DocumentDirectoryPath;
let fileName = 'signature_method.doc';
* savePath on iOS may be:
* /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/B1308E13-35F1-41AB-A20D-3117BE8EE8FE/Documents/signature_method.doc
let savePath = rootPath + '/' + fileName;
await fs.downloadFile('https://open.weixin.qq.com/zh_CN/htmledition/res/assets/signature_method.doc', savePath);
let result = await WeChat.shareToSession({
type: 'file',
title: fileName, // WeChat app treat title as file name
description: 'share word file to chat session',
mediaTagName: 'word file',
messageAction: undefined,
messageExt: undefined,
filePath: savePath,
fileExtension: '.doc'
console.log('share word file to chat session successful', result);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof WeChat.WechatError) {
} else {
throw e;
//android code use ExternalDirectoryPath
try {
let rootPath = fs.ExternalDirectoryPath;
let fileName = 'signature_method.doc';
* savePath on Android may be:
* /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.wechatsample/files/signature_method.doc
let savePath = rootPath + '/' + fileName;
await fs.downloadFile('https://open.weixin.qq.com/zh_CN/htmledition/res/assets/signature_method.doc', savePath);
let result = await WeChat.shareToSession({
type: 'file',
title: fileName, // WeChat app treat title as file name
description: 'share word file to chat session',
mediaTagName: 'word file',
messageAction: undefined,
messageExt: undefined,
filePath: savePath,
fileExtension: '.doc'
console.log('share word file to chat session successful', result);
catch (e) {
if (e instanceof WeChat.WechatError) {
} else {
throw e;
{ShareMetadata} This object saves the metadata for sharing- returns {Object}
Similar to shareToTimeline
but sends the message to a friend or chat group.
{Object} 打开小程序的参数userName
{String} 拉起的小程序的usernameminiProgramType
{Integer} 拉起小程序的类型. 0-正式版 1-开发版 2-体验版path
{String} 拉起小程序页面的可带参路径,不填默认拉起小程序首页
{Object} the payment datapartnerId
{String} 商家向财付通申请的商家IDprepayId
{String} 预支付订单IDnonceStr
{String} 随机串timeStamp
{String} 时间戳package
{String} 商家根据财付通文档填写的数据和签名sign
{String} 商家根据微信开放平台文档对数据做的签名
- returns {Object}
Sends request for proceeding payment, then returns an object:
| name | type | description | |---------|--------|-------------------------------------| | errCode | Number | 0 if authorization successed | | errStr | String | Error message if any error occurred |
$ npm install react-native-wechat --save
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| GitHub | Role | Email | |---------------|------------|-----------------------| | @yorkie | Author | [email protected] | | @xing-zheng | Emeriti | | | @tdzl2003 | Emeriti | [email protected] |